Aeronautics Domain


The aeronautics industry is building on the advances made since the early 20th century taking us further, faster, safer, and cleaner. In the next 5–10 years, many new capabilities will be introduced, and the next generation will experience flight in ways we are just imagining. AIAA advances these opportunities for novel aircraft design, operations, and impact through its focus on the Aeronautics Domain.

AIAA Domain Lead for Aeronautics
Russell Boyce - Aeronautics Domain LeadRussell R. Boyce

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Key Topics

  • Advanced Air Mobility Advanced Air Mobility

    Advanced air mobility could grow into a $115 billion industry that gives all of us new transportation options. With clear operational guidelines, regulations, and standards for accommodating and incorporating autonomy, we see a thriving integrated urban and regional airspace in the next decade. The benefits of autonomy will enhance safety for everyone and enable capabilities we are only just imagining.

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  • emisions1 Carbon Emissions and Sustainability

    The global community is focused on achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from the aviation sector by 2050. The AIAA community plays an integral role in this effort that will make a substantial difference to benefit our planet.

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  • certification1 Certification

    The widespread use of UAVs and drones—both commercial and recreational—prompted the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to adapt its certification processes. Similarly, the FAA must facilitate safe use of AAM systems for passenger and cargo transport. As the FAA refreshes its certification strategy, we expect to see clear specifications, regulations, and standards emerge that will strike an appropriate balance between safety and innovation. 

    Space launches are close to a daily occurrence and launch sites are infringing on urban environments and large metropolitan areas. The integration of commercial air traffic, AAM, and space launch traffic must receive government attention to help drive global regulatory and certification strategies that ensure safety and continued smooth sustainable economic growth for all stakeholders.

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  • Hypersonics1 High-Speed Flight

    High-speed “transportation” – both military and civilian – is fast becoming a reality. Integrating hypersonic and supersonic flight into the national and global airspace will require attention to operational efficiency, safety through certification, and environmental and societal impacts including noise and emissions. AIAA will address questions around:

    • Is sustainable civil high-speed endo-atmospheric flight achievable?
    • What role does the government have in promoting hypersonic and/or supersonic flight?
    • What technologies are needed to develop and mature efficient and low environmental impact hypersonic and supersonic flight?

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HyTASP Webinar Series: Detonation-Based Combustion for High-Speed Propulsion Systems | 18 October 2024, 12:00 PM–1:00 PM EDT

Detonation-Based Combustion for High-Speed Propulsion Systems

Detonation-based engines have recently gained substantial interest as an alternative to traditional deflagration-based propulsion systems, with the theoretical potential to achieve overall engine performance gains in a more compact volume. Specifically, rotating detonation rocket engines (RDRE’s) can exhibit an increase in chamber pressure, temperature and exhaust gas velocity for a substantially lower injection pressure through a near constant-volume combustion process, compared to constant-pressure devices. If these benefits are successfully realized, this can result in overall engine performance gains (i.e., increased thrust and specific impulse) up to ~10% or a 5X reduction in required injection feed pressures.

During RDRE operation, one or more detonation wave(s) travel around the annulus supersonically by continuously consuming the incoming reactants while producing combustion products that exit the open end of the engine. Experimental work performed at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) in collaboration with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is focused on characterizing engine behavior of a small-scale RDRE for versatile in-space propulsion

Specifically, this work aims to measure engine performance (i.e., thrust and specific impulse), determine the operability range for various flow conditions, and characterize the corresponding operating detonation modes for a 100 N, 25 mm outer diameter detonation-based thruster. Current emphasis is placed on investigating various chamber geometries including both annular and cylindrical configurations, as well as different fuels (i.e., methane, hydrogen); this aims to demonstrate engine behavior sensitives towards the development of engine scaling approaches for determination of the minimum engine size supporting robust detonation. Additionally, to greater understand how to create and sustain high-strength detonations in compact RDREs, fundamental studies into characteristic timescales and coupling mechanisms for detonation-based engine processes including chemical kinetics, injection, flow and acoustic are required. Using various first principle analyses, these timescales are quantified for a variety of fuels, along with different non-idealities being present (e.g., pre-burning). In total, results from these studies advance the understanding of RDREs for future designs that may lead to performance gains above those achievable from traditional designs.

Dr. John Bennewitz, assistant professor in the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Alabama in Huntsville
John Bennewitz
University of Alabama in Huntsville

Dr. John Bennewitz is an assistant professor in the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He is the principal investigator of the Advanced Propulsion, Energy and Combustion Science Laboratory (APECSLab), managing a group of students to pursue research into advanced propulsion systems for liquid and solid propellants and power generation. Prior to joining UAH, he was the principal investigator for the rotating detonation rocket engine (RDRE) program at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). During his five years at AFRL, he performed over 2000 successful hot-fire tests of developmental RDRE hardware that demonstrated robust detonation and operability for a wide range of injection designs. He received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 2008, before completing his M.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology in 2010 and his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 2015. Upon graduation, he worked as a postdoctoral research scholar at UCLA's Energy and Propulsion Research Laboratory studying acoustically-coupled fuel droplet combustion. His present research focuses on investigating fundamental detonation physics and engine scaling mythologies of small-scale detonation-based engines for in-space applications.