Key Issues

Each year the PPC establishes key issues that become the focal points of the Institute’s engagement with congressional decision makers, the administration, and state and local officials. The key issues provide the supporting pillars of our policy-related activities and products. They are driven by and support the Institute’s three domains, which are Aeronautics, R&D, and Space.

2025 Key Issues

  • Advanced Air Mobility & Autonomous Flight
  • Air Traffic & Infrastructure Modernization
  • Trusted and Certifiable AI & Autonomy
  • Aviation Carbon Emissions and Sustainability
  • Expanding Into Cislunar Space
  • Enabling Novel Commercial Space Activities
  • Revitalization of High-Speed Commercial Flight
  • FAA Certification Reform
  • Advancing Hypersonic Vehicle Technologies
  • R&D Leadership and Investments in Critical Infrastructure
  • Cybersecurity Protections for A&D Systems
  • Space Traffic Management & Space Situation Awareness
  • STEM Education and Workforce Sustainment
  • Robust and Sustainable Supply Chains
Meeting Resources
    • 2025 AIAA Public Policy One Pager: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is the world’s largest aerospace technical society. With nearly 30,000 individual members from 91 countries, and 92 corporate members, AIAA brings together industry, academia, and government to advance engineering and science in aviation, space, and national security. For more information, visit
    • Space Platform Paper: The importance of U.S. space activities to the modern economy, the American way of life, and our global stature cannot be overstated. U.S. space preeminence – a singular source of national pride and leadership – was established and must be preserved through bold, fast-paced, exciting missions; international partnerships in civil space exploration; an efficient and sustainable commercial industry; essential military capabilities for navigation, surveillance, and communications; and setting and embodying the norms of behavior and operations in space. However, there is still much to be done from a policy and regulatory perspective to address remaining issues that hinder this vision for U.S. space preeminence.