Aerospace Policy Connection (APC)


The AIAA Public Policy Committee (PPC) announced the Aerospace Policy Connection (APC) at 2024 AIAA SciTech Forum. APC replaces the previous Congressional Visits Day program. Rather than a one-day program on Capitol Hill, APC is a yearlong advocacy campaign that focuses on each of the three domains throughout the year – Aeronautics, Aerospace R&D, and Space. Programs will include a federal component with a discussion in Washington, DC, and virtually. We will publish the APC event dates as they are scheduled.

Next APC Event: Aerospace Policy Connection (APC) Space Series Aerospace 101 Lunch: Commercial Space Mission Authorization and Economic Growth

Our next APC event will be a lunch on Thursday, 17 October, 2075 Rayburn House Office Building.

Commercial space companies are looking for consistency in mission authorization and regulation as their activities from low Earth orbit out to the moon grow. Who are the potential regulatory agencies that these companies need to interact with, and what are the challenges with the current approach? How might these challenges increase as the commercial space industry grows? In partnership with the House Aerospace Caucus, this APC Aerospace 101 lunch briefing will cover the who, what, and why of commercial space mission authorization and its near-term relevance to public policy.

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