Co-Sponsorship Opportunities
In This Section
AIAA is the world’s leading professional society in the field of aerospace science, engineering, and operations. We are a service organization focused on creating tangible value for our individual and corporate members. AIAA will consider nominations for co-sponsorship for events hosted by like-minded organizations where such events enhance our strategic objectives and are framed in terms of a long-term partnership.
If your organization is interested in requesting AIAA co-sponsorship of an event, please complete the Request Form for AIAA Co-sponsorship and return it to:
Rodger WilliamsVice President, Governance and Policy
12700 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 200
Reston, Virginia, USA 20191-4344
[email protected]
Forms should be submitted at least 6 months prior to the event to be considered to ensure adequate promotion and visibility for the event. Late requests can be evaluated for approval on a case by case basis.