AIAA Committees on Standards

The AIAA Committees on Standards oversee the development of new standards, update current standards, and set the direction for the Institute’s standardization work.

From conception to publication, AIAA standards are the result of volunteer effort—individuals who are directly and materially affected, and technically qualified. Each document originates from an AIAA Technical Committee or developed with the support of a Committee on Standards approved by AIAA Process Subcommittee on Standards. If you are interested in lending your expertise to any of the current projects listed here or wish to develop a new project, please contact the AIAA Standards Director at [email protected].

See How Standards are Developed at AIAA

Aerospace Design and Structures

Aerospace Pressure Vessels
Scope: Establish baseline requirements for the design, fabrication, test, inspection, operation, and maintenance of pressure vessels used for pressurized, hazardous, or non-hazardous liquid or gas storage in space systems including spacecraft and launch vehicles.
Chair: Dr. Michael Kezirian, University of Southern California
Email: [email protected]

Certification/Qualification by Analysis
Scope: Standardization to advance the use and acceptance of flight modeling approaches for airplane certification by ensuring the publication of the AIAA Community of Interest-developed document entitled “Recommended Practices When Flight Modelling is Used to Reduce Flight Testing Supporting Aircraft Certification”.
Chair: Robert Gregg, Boeing Commercial Airplanes
Email: [email protected]

Commercial Space
Scope: Human engineering design practices to assist the designer  in determining expected international load conditions on commercial space vehicle controls and mobility elements.
Chair: Audrey Powers, Blue Origin
Email: [email protected]

Computational Fluid Dynamics
Scope: Standardization in the field of computational fluid dynamics for the purpose of promoting improvement in efficiency and productivity.
Chair: Dr. Urmila Ghia, University of Cincinnati

Electromagnetic Compatibility
Scope: Establish performance and verification requirements for the purpose of ensuring space systems EMC.
Chair: Jim Lukash, Lockheed Martin Space Systems
Email: [email protected]

Geometry Modeling for Computational Simulation
Scope: To provide for improved and more widespread understanding of the principles underpinning contemporary computational geometric modelling techniques by developing succinct and accessible resources and documents to improve communication throughout the aerospace community.
Chair: Dr. Nigel Taylor, MBDA
Email: [email protected]

Ground Test
Scope: Standardization for the test and evaluation of aerospace equipment in ground-based facilities.
Chair: Mr. Chris Jorgens, The Boeing Company
Email: [email protected]

Li-ion Space Cell Commoditization
Scope: Qualification and acceptance tests for commoditization space battery cells.
Chair: Brad Reed, AIAA Fellow
Email: [email protected]

Mass Properties
Scope: Provide effective and uniform processes for space system mass properties control, analysis, verification, data management, and documentation.
Chair: Mr. Geoff Beech, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Email: [email protected]

Scope: Standardized process for mitigation of multipactor breakdown within spacecraft components.
Chair: Aimee Hubble, The Aerospace Corporation
Email: [email protected]

Mission Assurance
Scope: Standardization of methods for the systematic development of reliable systems, including acquisition management issues.
Chair: Mr. Tyrone Jackson, Simanima
Email: [email protected]

Modeling and Simulation
Scope: Standardization in the simulation of atmospheric and space flight conditions in ground-based simulators and special-purpose aircraft for the purpose of aircrew training, or for design, development, and evaluation of aerospace vehicles, systems, and subsystems.
Chair: Mr. Steven Beard, NASA Ames Research Center
Email: [email protected]

On-Orbit Servicing and Assembly
Scope: Standardization in the field of On-Orbit Servicing and Assembly. This includes rendezvous and proximity operations by a Servicer Spacecraft. It also includes servicing (refueling, parts replacement and spacecraft repair, etc.) by means of docking or berthing with a client spacecraft. Assembly is included as an extension of long-term or permanent “docking”. Scope includes all levels of space systems, from spacecraft to subsystems to assemblies and parts.
Chair: Fred Slane
Email: [email protected]

Scope: Established criteria for design, manufacture, and performance certification of explosive systems and explosive devices commonly used on launch, upper stage, and space vehicle systems.
Chair: Donald Jackson, Orbital ATK
Email: [email protected]

Power Systems
Scope: Specifies general design practices and sets minimum verification and validation requirements for power systems of unmanned spacecraft.
Chair: Brian Lenertz, The Aerospace Corporation
Email: [email protected]

Space System Battery Safety
Scope: Standardization in the safe use of batteries in all space applications in human-rated as well as non-human-rated environments.
Chair: Dr. Judith Jeevarajan, NASA Johnson Space Center
Email: [email protected]

Spacecraft Plug and Play Architecture
Scope: Space Plug and Play Architecture (SPA) standards describes the means for rapid connection of spacecraft systems, subsystems, and component hardware (plug compatibility) and application software (play). The SPA standards are only part of spacecraft design and are written to compliment good systems engineering practices.
Chair: Mr. Fred Slane, Space Infrastructure Foundation
Email: [email protected]

Scope: Standardization to support design of aerospace structures, including future requirements for loads, materials, processes, configurations, life cycles, and tests.
Chair: Mr. Jim Chang, Analytical Mechanics Associates
Email: [email protected]

Wind Tunnel Measurement Uncertainty
Scope: Standardization to provide a methodology for the assessment of experimental uncertainty and a technique for evaluating wind tunnel error sources.
Chair: Erin Hubbard, NASA Glenn Research Center
Email: [email protected]


Aerospace Sciences

Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems
Scope: Standardization for the development and application of all types of aerodynamic decelerators.
Chair: Mr. John Watkins, Zodiac Parachute & Protection America
Email: [email protected]

Scope: Standardization in the branch of space science and engineering dealing with the motion of artificial bodies in space.
Chair: Mr. David Vallado, Center for Space Standards & Innovation
Email: [email protected]

Atmospheric & Space Environments
Scope: Standardization of the descriptions of the properties of atmospheric and space environments with emphasis on scientific models.

Aircraft and Atmospheric Systems
Chair: Mr. Dale Johnson, NASA Retired
Email: [email protected]
Chair: Dr. Kent Tobiska, Space Environment Technologies
Email: [email protected]


Engineering and Technology Management

Systems Engineering
Scope: Standardization of space systems verification and program management process.
Chair: Dr. Satoshi Nagano, The World of the United Humanity of the Universe Society
Email: [email protected]


Information Systems

Software Systems
Scope: Standardization of application specific characteristics of computer software originating in aerospace.
Chair: Mr. Ron Kohl, R.J. Kohl and Associates
Email: [email protected]



ISO Technical Committee 20
Scope: The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) TC20, Aircraft and Space Vehicles, is devoted to the standardization of materials, components, and equipment for construction and operation of aircraft and space vehicles, as well as equipment used in the servicing and maintenance of these vehicles.

Subcommittee 14—Space Systems and Operations
Scope: Standardization for manned and unmanned space vehicles, their design, production, maintenance, operation, and disposal, and the environment in which they operate.
Chair: Paul Gill, NASA
Chair: U.S. TAG: Dan Oltrogge, AGI
Email: [email protected]

Subcommittee 16—Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Scope: Standardization in the field of unmanned aircraft systems, with the regard to their design and development, manufacturing, delivery, maintenance; classification and characteristics of unmanned aircraft systems; materials, components and equipment used during their manufacturing, as well as in the field of safety in joint usage of airspace by unmanned and piloted aviation.
Chair: John Walker, The Padina Group
Chair U.S. TAG: Lance King, Northrop Grumman
Email: [email protected]

Subcommittee 17—Airport Infrastructures
Scope: Standardization in the field of Airport Infrastructure, to include Grooving of landing and take-off lanes; Asphaltic-ecologic-paving; Vertical-signaling with painting and electric-electronic boards; Constant-current-regulators. Scope excludes Spaceports, which will be handled under ISO/TC 20/SC 17.
Chair: Wilson Felder, Stevens Institute of Technology
Email: [email protected]


Propulsion and Energy

Scope: Standardization of handling, storage, and use of hydrogen in gaseous liquid and slush form.
Chair: Mr. Stephen H. McDougle, NASA White Sands Test Facility
Email: [email protected]

Solar Cell and Solar Panel
Scope: Establish qualification and quality requirements for discrete solar cells and solar panels intended for space application.
Chair: Dr. Edward Gaddy, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Email: [email protected]


How to Join a Committee on Standards (CoS)

Volunteer technical experts are the heart of the AIAA standards program. Each Committee on Standards (CoS) and U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) has a defined scope of work and operates under established policies and procedures.

An AIAA CoS makes recommendations concerning the need for new standards and other technical publications within its area of competency and expertise, determines when a document needs to be revised, drafts new and revised technical documents, and develops committee and public consensus on those drafts.

U. S. TAGs develop national consensus on International Standards and Technical Reports out for comment or vote. TAGs also make recommendations regarding other aspects of international standards participation such as U.S. positions on international new work items, formation of US delegations to international committee meetings, and nomination of US experts to international working groups

AIAA Draft Standards for Public Review

AIAA S-155, Rendezvous and Proximity Operations (RPO) and On Orbit Servicing (OOS) – Spacecraft Fiducial Markers, has been issued for public review. This document outlines functional, physical, and operational requirements for fiducial markers used in proximity operations, capture and servicing, including manipulation of in-space assets. It is intended to apply to a broad array of RPO/OOS industry participants from spacecraft equipment manufacturers, spacecraft operators, service providers, developers of RPO/OOS simulation, planning and safety tools, and insurers.

AIAA S-158, Prepared Free-Flyer Capture and Release, has also been issued for public review. This document describes best practices, functional requirements, operational requirements, and norms for the design, testing, and operations of prepared Free-Flyer Capture between Servicing Spacecraft and a Client Space Object. The intent is to ensure safe and reliable operations for prepared in-space capture, and to lay the foundation for future standards for prepared capture interfaces. Public review deadline for both drafts is 14 April 2025. For a copy of the drafts, submission of public review comments, or questions, please contact Nick Tongson  .

CoS or TAG Application