Associate Member, Member, and Senior Member: $140.00

Spouse: $70

Young Professional (50% of Member dues): $70.00

Retired / Return to Full-Time Study / Spouse / Unemployed (50% of Member dues): $70.00

Students: $33

Associate Fellow: $140.00
Retired / Return to Full-Time Study / Spouse / Unemployed (50% of Associate Fellow dues): $70.00

Fellow: $158.00
Retired / Return to Full-Time Study / Spouse / Unemployed (50% of Fellow dues): $79.00

High School Student: $0

Educator Associate: $0


Young Professional Membership – Open to any individual who is 35 years of age or younger and new to AIAA, as well as graduating AIAA student members who are becoming professionals. The Young Professional Membership rate is $70.00 a year until you reach 36 years of age or upgrade to Senior Membership. At age 36 or if you upgrade to Senior Membership before age 36, members can renew annually at the member dues rate of $140.

Fully Retired (not employed or consulting) –Any existing member in good standing who has fully retired may take advantage of 50% of their current member type dues rate. To receive this discount, you can update your membership status and package through the  online renewal.

Return to Full-Time Study – Available to any Professional, Senior, Associate Fellow, and Fellow Member of AIAA who is returning to school as a FULL-TIME student is eligible for reduced member dues of one-half the current dues rate at their next renewal date. Member must be an active AIAA member and taking 12 credits or more. A transcript will need to be provided. The member will not be recategorized as a student member, and will retain professional member status. Not Applicable for existing discounted dues rates. To submit a request, please contact AIAA Customer Service.

Spouse or Domestic Partner – When two members are in a partnership, one of the persons may pay full Member dues and the other person may pay Member dues at half the current dues rate. Both members will receive full privileges, but only one copy of the Aerospace America Magazine will be mailed.
To take advantage of the spouse or partner dues rate, a spouse or partner must join as an Associate Member or Member using their spouse’s AIAA member ID when joining online.

Unemployed – Any member who informs the AIAA Headquarters that they have become involuntarily unemployed and is seeking reemployment. The unemployment dues fee shall not exceed four years. The reduced payment may not be made in installments. To renew as an Unemployed member, please contact AIAA Customer Service.

Lifetime Membership – You’ll enjoy uninterrupted AIAA membership benefits, know that your dues are paid for life, protect yourself against future dues increases, and gain the prestige of becoming a Lifetime Member of AIAA. The cost is the equivalent of 15 years (15 times the applicable full dues rate) and can be paid in one dues payment, or convenient installment payments of two, four, or eight payments. To join contact AIAA Customer Service.

Emeritus Membership – Open to all members who have paid their dues continuously for 50 years. You never have to pay dues again. To receive this benefit, contact  AIAA Customer Service.
Have questions? Review our Membership FAQ’s page.


AIAA Membership Types

  • Educator Associate –Educator Associates are K–12 teachers of the “STEM” subjects of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. Educator Associate Members may not vote in Board of Director elections. This membership remains valid as long as the member’s email address is valid
  • High School Student Membership – High SchoolStudent Members are those who are interested in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, while having a passion for aerospace. Those under 13 years of age and younger will be required to provide a parent or guardian email address to confirm AIAA’s compliance will with federal COPPA Rules. High School Student Members may not vote in Board of Director elections.
  • University Student Member – University Student Members are those who are interested in aeronautics and astronautics and whose primary activity is study at recognized colleges, universities, or secondary schools offering curricula and studies acceptable to the Institute. Student Members may not vote in Board of Director elections. The total cumulative period a student may remain at the Student Member grade is limited to ten (10) years not including High School Student Membership.
  • Associate Member – Associate Members are individuals who do not have a degree in science or engineering but who are interested in the development or application of aeronautics and astronautics. Associate Members may not vote in Board of Director elections.
  • Professional Member – Members are individuals who have acquired a professional standing in the practice of the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics and astronautics. Member applicants shall have achieved a bachelor’s degree in science or engineering, or equivalent qualifications through professional practice. Members may vote in Board of Director elections.


  • Senior Member – Senior Members are individuals who have demonstrated successful professional practice in the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics or astronautics for the equivalent of at least eight years. A candidate must be a Professional Member in good standing.
  • Associate Fellow – Associate Fellows are individuals who have accomplished or been in charge of important engineering or scientific work, who have done original work of outstanding merit, or who have otherwise made outstanding contributions to the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics or astronautics. A candidate for this honor must have at least 12 years of professional experience and must be a Senior Member in good standing of the Institute. Self-nominations are not permitted.
  • Fellow – Fellows are individuals of distinction in aeronautics or astronautics who have made notable and valuable contributions to the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics or astronautics. A candidate for this honor must have been an Associate Fellow in good standing.
  • Honorary Fellow – Honorary Fellows are individuals of eminence in aeronautics or astronautics recognized by a long and highly contributive career in the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics or astronautics. A candidate for this honor must have been a Fellow in good standing.
  • Honorary Member – Honorary Members are be persons of distinction associated with aeronautics or astronautics, who are nominated by the Honors and Awards Committee and elected by the Board.