It is essential for aerospace professionals and students to have access to the latest
standards in the industry. Standards provide many benefits including best practices, economies of scale, expanded trade possibilities, and increased resource flow.
AIAA is accredited by the
American National Standards Institute and manages a wide range of national aerospace standards publications and activities. Its dedication to managing
standards allows AIAA to support the continued enhancement of aerospace industry-wide efficiency and productivity.
In addition to its primary focus on aerospace standards, AIAA also administers two space-related subcommittees of the International Organization of Standardization.
AIAA Publishes the Following Types of Documents
Standard: A document establishing engineering and technical requirements and the inclusion of provisions necessary to verify compliance.
Recommended Practice: Authoritative engineering and technical data that
may evolve to a standard through industry application and acceptance.
Guide: Technical information that supports present or future standards or recommended practices and provides instruction for their application.
The AIAA Standards Steering Committee (SSC) is looking for volunteers to participate on its Growth Area Domains.
How to Join a Committee on Standards (CoS)
Volunteer technical experts are the heart of the AIAA standards program. Each Committee on Standards (CoS) and U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) has a defined scope of work and operates under established policies and procedures.
An AIAA CoS makes recommendations concerning the need for new standards and other technical publications within its area of competency and expertise, determines when a document needs to be revised, drafts new and revised technical documents,
and develops committee and public consensus on those drafts.
U. S. TAGs develop national consensus on International Standards and Technical Reports out for comment or vote. TAGs also make recommendations regarding other aspects of international standards participation such as U.S. positions on international
new work items, formation of US delegations to international committee meetings, and nomination of US experts to international working groups.
List of CoS
TC20 SC14 US TAG Participation Form
TC20 SC16 US TAG Participation Form
TC20 SC17 US TAG Participation Form
Author Information
Standards Program Procedures
US Technical Advisory Group Procedures
AIAA Committees on Standards
Hybrid-Electric properties attributes
See How Standards are Developed at AIAA
International Standards Activity
ARC 'How To' Videos
AIAA Standards Program-New Project Form
AIAA Standards Program - New CoS Form
AIAA is the Leading Aerospace Publisher
AIAA has earned an international reputation as the preeminent publisher of cutting-edge aerospace journals and books, and as the leading source of aerospace industry archives, dating back to the early 1900s. Over the past nine decades, AIAA and its predecessor organizations have published over 300 books and almost 200,000 technical articles. AIAA’s current publications include eight technical journals, a magazine, three book series, national and international standards documents, a growing number of eBooks and other electronic products, and a full-service, interactive website. For the most authoritative technical publications, look to AIAA.