Aerospace America

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Knowledge inspires. Knowledge empowers. In that spirit, AIAA’s membership magazine informs you about the critical technology and policy issues through intelligent and highly visual journalism. Stay on top of the latest developments with our free online news stories. Then go deeper by receiving our visually stunning, print edition magazine with its in-depth articles, graphics and photos — all of which is available to members online as wellAerospace America provides you with the knowledge, ideas and inspiration that can help you shape your career and the future of aerospace.

 Current Issue

Cover Aerospace America Feb 2026

The combined February/March issue of Aerospace America is now live. Make sure to check out the cover story, “Two Launches. Two Companies. Two Billionaires” by Cat Hofacker. The debut of Jeff Bezos’ New Glenn rocket design vividly illustrated the contrast between Blue Origin’s “step by step, ferociously” approach and the “break it till you make it” philosophy that Elon Musk and SpaceX have embraced for the Starship-Super Heavy vehicles. Cat Hofacker analyzes the competing approaches, their origins and what’s at stake.  Full Story

Don’t miss the Editor’s Notebook, “Turning Science into Action Against Wildfires and Climate Change,” by Aerospace America Editor-in-Chief Ben Iannotta, who writes:  “We know we have many readers in the Los Angeles area, and our thoughts are with each of you. The following will not be much solace, but your pain has given us fresh determination to apply our reporting and writing skills to find and explore technologies and policy initiatives that could generate better results against wildfires.” Full Story

In Flight Path, AIAA CEO Clay Mowry highlights why 2025 will be “A Transformative Year in Aerospace,” and touches on the top trends from the the 2025 AIAA SciTech Forum. Full Story
The combined February/March issue also features two Op-Eds: “How the United States Can Keep Leading In Space,” by Courtney Stadd, and “The Talent Solution That’s Right In Front of You,” by Young-Young Shen, Antoine Paletta and Robert C. Winn.

Also, see if you can solve this month’s AeroPuzzler, “Drip, Drop.” Send a response of up to 250 words that someone in any field could understand to [email protected] by 12 p.m. Eastern March 5 for a chance to have it published in the next issue. Full Story

To read these stories and all other exclusive content, log in to the Aerospace America website.


Meet the Aerospace America editorial staff .

 Media Kit

Cover 2025 Aiaa Media Kit
Media Kit 2025 

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 Aerospace America Archives & Flipbook

Archived issues and the flip book version of the latest issue are available to AIAA members/subscribers. Current members, make sure you are logged in to view the links below.