
AIAA’s journals are the best resource for students and professionals who want to stay current on the latest aerospace research and development. Reporting on the most important aerospace advances, AIAA‘s eight active technical journals feature original research papers spanning the spectrum of aerospace science and technology.

Peer Reviewed

AIAA journals provide a panoramic journey from yesterday’s challenges through today’s most important aerospace advances in research and development. Available online, AIAA’s original research papers present concepts, methods of analysis, technical knowledge, exploratory developments, and new applications. Each submission is peer-reviewed by experts in the field using a single-blind process to ensure content is accurate and of high quality.

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 50+ Years of AIAA Journal Archives Online

Current and back issues of AIAA journals are available online in Aerospace Research Central (ARC).

  • AIAA Journal (1963–current): This online-only journal was launched along with AIAA in 1963, covering pioneering theoretical developments and experimental results across a far-reaching range of disciplines.
  • Journal of Air Transportation (2016–current): AIAA’s newest online-only journal was originally published as Air Traffic Control Quarterly and is devoted to new developments in air traffic management and aviation operations of all flight vehicles, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and space vehicles, operating in the global airspace system. The scope of the journal includes theory, applications, technologies, operations, economics, and policy.
  • Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (2004-current): This online-only journal (formerly known as the Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication)describes new theoretical developments, novel applications, and case studies of advances in aerospace computing, information, and communication systems.
  • Journal of Aircraft (1964–current): Focusing on major advances in aircraft technology, this journal covers major development in general aviation, military and civilian aircraft, STOL and V/STOL aircraft, subsonic, supersonic, transonic, and hypersonic aircraft as well as applications on aircraft technology to related fields.
  • Journal of Energy (1977–1983): You can now retrieve papers from this archived journal that was devoted to advancing the knowledge of terrestrial and space applications of all forms of energy, including its production, transformation, and conservation.
  • Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (1978–current): Keep pace with recent research and practical engineering applications that are guiding new generations of high-performance air and space vehicles — both manned and. This journal was originally published as the Journal of Guidance and Control.
  • Journal of Hydronautics (1967–1980): Access archived articles from this retired journal to explore theoretical and experimental knowledge of hydrodynamics, including propulsion systems and the design of underwater vehicles, highlighting the intersection between ocean and aerospace science and engineering.
  • Journal of Propulsion and Power (1985–current): Discover advances in air-breathing, electric, and advanced propulsion, plus power generation and conversion, and terrestrial energy systems in the Journal of Propulsion and Power.
  • Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets (1964–current): This journal features the best new work in spacecraft and missile systems (tactical and strategic), including subsystems, applications, missions, environmental interactions, and space sciences.
Out of the Past: AIAA’s Predecessor Society Journal Archives

Archive copies from AIAA’s predecessor society publications also are available online in ARC.

  • Bulletin of the American Interplanetary Society (1930–1932): This bimonthly newsletter of the American Interplanetary Society (later known as the American Rocket Society) shared the wonders of space travel with the fledgling society’s members.
  • Astronautics (1932–1944): Published monthly by the American Interplanetary Society, this formal newsletter replaced the Bulletin of the American Interplanetary Society.
  • Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences(1934–1957) and Journal of the Aerospace Sciences (1958-1962): The monthly journal of the Institute of the Aeronautical Science (later the Institute of the Aerospace Sciences) published scientific and technical articles along with member news.
  • Journal of the American Rocket Society (1945-1953): This journal published technical articles on experiments in rocketry and scientific research and engineering development of jet propulsion devices and their application to problems of transportation and communication.
  • Journal of Jet Propulsion (1954–1958): This journal published by the American Rocket Society was devoted to the advancement of the field of jet propulsion through the publication of original scientific papers and also shared society news.
  • ARS Journal (1959–1962): Originally published under the title Journal of Jet Propulsion the name change of this journal reflected the ever-broadening field of interest of the American Rocket Society. Papers were chosen for publication based on their pertinence to the general field of astronautics, the future significance of the research, and importance to the members of the society and the profession at large.