Journal Scopes and Content

Journal Scopes

AIAA Journal
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems
Journal of Air Transportation
Journal of Aircraft
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
Journal of Propulsion and Power
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer

This Journal is devoted to advancing aerospace sciences and engineering through the dissemination of original archival research papers disclosing new theoretical developments, advances in computational and experimental methods for design and analysis, and new understanding of fundamentals in all areas of aeronautics and astronautics. Papers are also sought that review in depth results of research on any topic in aeronautics and astronautics.

This Journal is devoted to the dissemination of original archival research papers describing new theoretical developments, novel applications, and case studies regarding advances in aerospace computing, information, and networks and communication systems that address aerospace-specific issues. Topics include aerospace systems and software engineering, verification and validation of embedded systems, uncertainty quantification, the field known as ‘big data,’ data analytics, machine learning, knowledge management for aerospace systems, human-automation interaction, and systems health management for aerospace systems. Applications of autonomous systems, systems engineering principles, and safety and mission assurance are of particular interest. The Journal also features Technical Notes regarding recent innovations or applications. Papers are also sought that rigorously review the results of recent research developments. In addition to original research papers and reviews, the journal publishes articles that review books, conferences, social media, and new educational modes applicable to the scope of the Journal. Issues related to signal processing, electromagnetics, antenna theory, and the basic networking hardware transmission technologies of a network are not within the scope of this journal.

This Journal is devoted to the dissemination of original archival papers describing new developments in air traffic management and aviation operations of all flight vehicles, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and space vehicles, operating in the global airspace system. The scope of the Journal includes theory, applications, technologies, operations, economics, and policy.  Among the subjects addressed are: collision avoidance, separation assurance, traffic flow management, en route and terminal airspace operations, airport surface operations, air-ground collaboration for traffic management, trajectory-based operations, avionics, aviation weather, flight operations, standards, procedures, training, and certification, aviation policy, airline economics, and cost/benefit analyses of aviation systems.  Also included are aviation-specific aspects of some broader subjects: communications, navigation, and surveillance (CNS), operations research, systems engineering and complexity, system safety and resilience, human factors, decision support tools, human-machine interaction, and automation/ autonomy.  Papers are sought which report on quantitative studies, results of original research, and innovative applications.

This Journal is devoted to the advancement of the applied science and technology of airborne flight through the dissemination of original archival papers describing significant advances in aircraft, the operation of aircraft, and applications of aircraft technology to other fields. The Journal publishes qualified papers on aircraft systems, multidisciplinary design optimization of aircraft, structural design/dynamics, active structural control, flight mechanics, flight control effectors, flight and ground testing, measurement techniques, aircraft system identification, applied computational fluid dynamics, aircraft aerodynamics (including unsteady aerodynamics), aeroelasticity, aeroacoustics and aircraft noise, integration of propulsion and control systems, flight hazard prediction and mitigation (including icing, wind shear, lightning), economic effects on aircraft, regulatory effects on aircraft, reliability, maintainability, and production methods. It publishes papers on general aviation, military and civilian aircraft, UAV, STOL and V/STOL, subsonic, supersonic, transonic, and hypersonic aircraft, and lighter-than-air systems. Papers are sought which comprehensively survey results of recent technical work with emphasis on aircraft technology application.

This Journal is devoted to the advancement of the science and technology of guidance, navigation, control (GN&C), flight dynamics of (crewed and uncrewed) air and space vehicles through the dissemination of original archival papers disclosing significant technical knowledge, exploratory developments, design criteria, and applications in aeronautics, astronautics, and related fields. The Journal publishes high-quality papers on flight dynamics and stability, astrodynamics, guidance, control, navigation, estimation, optimization, design and implementation of GN&C algorithms. Papers are sought which contribute to foundational development and practice in verification and validation of GN&C systems, and GN&C-based autonomy. Papers that describe aspects of the GN&C and dynamics of significant recent developments, such as a new or different aircraft or spacecraft, also are desired. The Journal seeks to publish papers that develop new theories, methodologies, and tools for aerospace applications, or demonstrate the application of recent research to practical aerospace problems with strong theoretical foundations.

This Journal is devoted to the advancement of the science and technology of aerospace propulsion and power through the dissemination of original archival papers contributing to advancements in air-breathing, aircraft electric, spacecraft electric, and advanced propulsion; solid and liquid rockets; fuels and propellants; power generation and conversion for aerospace vehicles; and the application of aerospace science and technology to terrestrial energy devices and systems. It provides readers of the Journal with interest in propulsion and power access to papers spanning the range from fundamental research through development to applications.

This Journal is devoted to reporting advancements in the science and technology associated with spacecraft and tactical and strategic missile systems, including subsystems, applications, missions, environmental interactions, and space sciences. The Journal publishes original archival papers disclosing significant developments in spacecraft and missile configurations, reentry devices, transatmospheric vehicles, systems and subsystem design and application, mission design and analysis, applied computational fluid dynamics, applied aerothermodynamics, development of materials and structures for spacecraft and missile applications, space instrumentation, developments in space sciences, space processing and manufacturing, space operations, interactions with spacecraft and sensors, design of sensors and experiments for space, and applications of space technologies to other fields. The context of the Journal also includes ground-support systems, manufacturing, integration and testing, launch control, recovery and repair, space communications, scientific data processing, and human and environmental factors in spacecraft and mission design. Papers also are sought which describe the effects of propulsion, guidance and control, thermal management, and structural systems on spacecraft and missile design and performance.

This Journal is devoted to the advancement of the science and technology of thermophysics and heat transfer through the dissemination of original research papers disclosing new technical knowledge and exploratory developments and applications based on new knowledge. The Journal publishes qualified papers that deal with the properties and mechanisms involved in thermal energy transfer and storage in gases, liquids, and solids or combinations thereof. These studies include aerothermodynamics; conductive, convective, radiative and multiphase modes of heat transfer; micro- and nano-scale heat transfer; non-intrusive diagnostics; numerical and experimental techniques; plasma excitation and flow interactions; thermal systems; and thermophysical properties. Papers which review recent research developments in any of the prior topics are also solicited.

Types of Journal Content

Full-Length Papers and Regular Articles

Full-Length Papers and Regular Articles (in AIAA Journal) contain original, quantitative, detailed technical material, set into perspective relative to prior work and supported by literature references and specific technical accomplishments. A typical double-spaced Full-Length Paper or Regular Article will be approximately 10,000–12,000 words (including equations and equivalent space required for figures and tables). All manuscripts are expected to be as concise as possible.

Survey Papers

Survey Papers are comprehensive reviews of the literature on a particular subject, typically 18,000–20,000 words in length. They do not contain abstracts but do contain biographies and photographs of all authors.


Lectures are papers (usually invited) that received “distinguished lecture” status at an AIAA conference, such as the Dryden Lecture and the von Kármán Lecture. They do not contain abstracts but do contain biographies and photographs of all authors.

Histories of Key Technologies

Papers covering the history of a particular aspect of aerospace technology (within the scope of each journal) may be published in this category. They do not contain abstracts but do contain biographies and photographs of all authors. History Papers must be invited for publication in AIAA Journal.

Technical Notes and Technical Comments

Short manuscripts may qualify for publication in one of these categories. Notes, approximately 2,500-3,500 words, are intended for prompt disclosures of new, significant data or developments of limited scope; they do not have abstracts but do contain introductions and descriptions of results. Comments should relate to papers previously published by AIAA; they must not exceed 1,200 words. Manuscripts submitted in these categories often are reviewed only by an editor and may be published sooner than longer manuscripts.

Design Forum (Journal of Aircraft only)

Design Forum papers range from design case studies of actual or notional air vehicles, to presentation of new design methodologies, to analysis of emerging trends in the design world. They should be approximately 10,000–12,000 words and should include a 100–200-word abstract. Unlike regular manuscripts, Design Forum papers do not undergo routine peer review, thus reducing the time from submission to publication

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