Submission of AIAA Conference Papers to Journals
General Instructions
AIAA conference authors are encouraged to submit their conference papers to an appropriate AIAA journal assuming the paper meets the standards of refereed journal publication. Because conference papers are not reviewed, it is incumbent on authors to ensure
that conference papers submitted to the journals meet the high standards expected of AIAA journal articles.
Conference papers submitted to the journals should be as brief and concise as proper presentation of the ideas will allow. Papers
can be submitted to the journal before the meeting presentation if you want to minimize processing time. Some general guidelines are presented below. Following these guidelines will improve the readability of your paper and make the task easier for reviewers.
Note that the journal editor determines whether your paper will be reviewed, and ultimately whether it will be published.
The paper should be of lasting interest and should contain original, quantitative, detailed technical material, set into perspective relative to prior work and supported by literature references and specific technical accomplishments. Depending on the
nature of the paper it should contain some or all of the following elements.
- It should contain an overview of the state-of-the-art (with references to past work, including your own), a problem statement, the concept of a solution, a discussion of the theoretical background, experimental set-up and sound measurement data or theoretical/numerical details as appropriate, an evaluation of the results, discussion and conclusions.
- It should emphasize the technical nature of the work, avoiding mention of organizational names and/or the accomplishments of a particular organization.
- If it deals with facilities for testing and evaluating systems, it must relate technical details to an advance in the state of the art.
- It should avoid the presentation of program information (schedules, future plans).
Manuscript Submission and Format Instructions
Submitting your paper to a journal of AIAA is simple: Access ScholarOne Manuscripts at, and choose a journal. Follow the system prompts so that all required information is entered. Be sure to provide complete contact information for yourself and
any coauthors and indicate that the paper is not classified and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. All coauthors must verify this information by completing the Author Verification Form before a submission is considered complete and
ready for review.
Supply the names and contact information for suggested reviewers, as requested. Upload your double-spaced manuscript to the AIAA ScholarOne Manuscripts site. You may prepare your manuscript using the optional Journals templates (Microsoft
Word and LaTeX); the AIAA template for Conference Papers also may be used so long as the text is double-spaced.
For detailed instructions on manuscript preparation, please refer to the resources available on the
Journal Author page and in
ScholarOne Manuscripts. Specific instructions on article type, reference format, abstract preparation, and other requirements for journal manuscripts are available.
Although it is preferred that AIAA conference papers are first considered for publication in our own journals, it is recognized that the scope of an outside journal may be a better fit for your paper. AIAA liberally grants permission for
authors to republish their own work elsewhere, even when AIAA is the copyright owner for the conference paper. No fees are charged. See Rights and Permissions for how and when you
should seek permission to reprint your own work.
Ethical Standards
Authors MUST provide the full history of any paper submitted, including all relevant conference information (name of conference, location, dates, and, if available, your assigned paper number) and other relevant information such as copyright status. Failure to provide this information violates AIAA’s Ethical Standards for Authors. For guidelines on author obligations, descriptions of specific types of publication ethics violations, and resulting author sanctions, please refer to the AIAA Ethical Standards for Publications.