Supplemental Materials for Journals
Authors are encouraged to provide supplemental material files to enhance the content of their articles submitted to AIAA journals. These supplemental files will be available to online subscribers of each journal. Multiple files can accompany an article, to include data sets; extensive tables; multimedia such as animation, sound, or video files; and other additional supporting material. Although the supplemental files must be relevant to the journal article, they are intended only to support the primary content presented in the article, which must be self-contained and stand on its own. Acceptance for publication will be based solely on the content of the article.
Authors are expected to supply supplemental material files in their final format in terms of editing, proofreading, and style and organization of content. AIAA is not responsible for the content of the supplemental files and cannot verify their integrity and usability. Nor does AIAA accept responsibility for possible contamination by viruses. Online subscribers are advised to use appropriate measures to minimize risk before accessing or downloading any materials.
Preparation Guidelines for Authors
- Use accessible file formats and extensions or those for which plug-ins are available for free.
- With the exception of some executable files such as those with exe or vbs filename extensions, most standard formats are permitted. Consult with AIAA staff if you have questions about the suitability of a file.
- Submit the files in download-ready format when offline use is intended.
- Each supplemental file should be self-contained without internal links to other files or sites.
- Files should be accessible across platforms (e.g., PC and MAC).
- Be conscious of download speeds and keep file sizes to a minimum where it is practical to do so.
- Files may be compressed using a standard compression program such as WinZip.
- If multiple supplemental material files accompany an article, consider including an ASCII README file to describe the number and type of files and their contents, and to include any special instructions or author contact information.
- All text must be in English.
File Submission Guidelines for Authors
- Supplemental material files should be submitted concurrently with the article text and figures. Although acceptance for publication will be determined solely by the content of the article, reviewers will have the opportunity to review all related materials, if they wish.
- The total size of all files uploaded for an article (to include manuscript, art, and supplemental files) cannot exceed 400 MB.
- Copyright clearance and release statements signed by the authors pertain to all supplemental materials as well as to the article. Where permission has been received to reuse material or where credit should be given as a matter of courtesy, appropriate acknowledgment must be so stated within the relevant materials, to include the original source, copyright owner, and year.
- Supplemental material files may be referenced in the article.
- Number related elements consecutively: Supplemental Fig. S1, S2; Supplemental Video S1, S2; Supplemental Table S1, S2; Supplemental Data S1, S2.
- Match file names to the supplemental materials citation in the text: Table_S1.xls; Supp_Data_S1.pdf.
- Text citations will link to the supplemental material file: “… and additional data are shown in Supplemental Data S1; or go to the Supplemental Materials link that accompanies the electronic version of this article at”
- Ensure that updated versions of your supplemental material files are submitted and maintain copies of the final files. AIAA will not revise or update files after publication.
- No additional fees are charged for including supplemental materials with an article.