Recognizing Top Achievements an AIAA Tradition
AIAA is committed to ensuring that aerospace professionals are recognized and celebrated for their achievements, innovations, and discoveries that make the world safer, more connected, more accessible, and more prosperous. From the major missions that reimagine how our nation utilizes air and space to the inventive new applications that enhance everyday living, aerospace professionals leverage their knowledge for the benefit of society. AIAA continues to celebrate that pioneering spirit showcasing the very best in the aerospace industry.
2024 AIAA Aircraft Design Award
Paul L. Fontenrose
Vice President Engineering, Northrop Grumman Aeronautics Systems
This award is presented to an individual or team for an original concept or career contributions leading to a significant advancement in aircraft design or design technology.
Citation: “For the design of the next evolution of the U.S. Air Force strategic bomber fleet and the world’s first sixth-generation aircraft to reach the skies.”
Award Presentation: Wednesday, 31 July 2024, 8:00 a.m at the Academy Ballroom 421.
2024 AIAA Fluid Dynamics Award
Mark Glauser
Emeritus and Research Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University
This award is presented for outstanding contributions to the understanding of the behavior of liquids and gases in motion as related to need in aeronautics and astronautics.
Citation: “For seminal contributions on the innovative use of multi-point low dimensional methods for understanding and control of turbulent flows.”
Award Presentation: Monday, 29 July 2024, 8:00 a.m. at the Academy Ballroom 421.
2024 AIAA Ground Testing Award
Marvin Sellers
Subject Matter Expert, 716th TS, Axient, Inc.
This award is presented for outstanding achievement in the development or effective utilization of technology, procedures, facilities, or modeling techniques for flight simulation, space simulation, propulsion testing, aerodynamic testing, or other ground testing associated with aeronautics and astronautics.
Citation: “In recognition of decades of tremendous contributions to the national ground test and evaluation community, most particularly in the advancement of pressure-sensitive paint techniques.”
Award Presentation: Monday, 29 July 2024, plenary session, 8:00 a.m. at the Academy Ballroom 421.
2024 AIAA Losey Atmospheric Sciences Award
Duane Waliser
Chief Scientist, Earth Science and Technology Directorate, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
This award is presented in recognition of outstanding contributions to the atmospheric sciences as applied to the advancement of aeronautics and astronautics.
Citation: “For highly impactful science and leadership contributions to atmospheric and Earth system science that have progressively advanced and leveraged space-based Earth observations.”
Award Presentation: Tuesday, 30 July 2024, plenary session, 8:00 a.m. at the Academy Ballroom 421.
2024 AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Award
Kumar Bhatia
Boeing Senior Technical Fellow, The Boeing Company (Retired)
This award is presented to an individual for outstanding contributions to the development and/or application of techniques of multidisciplinary design optimization in the context of aerospace engineering.
Citation: “For pioneering the use of multidisciplinary design optimization in transport aircraft and developing a rapid approach for aircraft MDO employing appropriate fidelity analyses.”
Award Presentation: Wednesday, 31 July 2024, plenary session, 8:00 a.m. at the Academy Ballroom 421.
2024 AIAA Piper General Aviation Award
Noel Duerksen
This award is presented for outstanding contributions leading to the advancement of general aviation by an individual or group.
Citation: “For contributions to general aviation safety and ease of use including the first certified envelope protection system and the first certified autonomous emergency landing system in general aviation.”
Award Presentation: Wednesday, 31 July 2024, plenary session, 8:00 a.m. at the Academy Ballroom 421.
2024 AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Award
Kurt A. Polzin
Chief Engineer, Space Nuclear Propulsion, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
This award is presented to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the understanding of the physical properties and dynamical behavior of matter in the plasma state and lasers as related to aeronautics and astronautics.
Citation: “For seminal modeling of pulsed inductive plasma accelerators providing both a fundamental understanding of underlying physics and practical approaches to optimization of energy deposition.”
Award Presentation: Tuesday, 30 July 2024, plenary session, 8:00 a.m. at the Academy Ballroom 421.
2024 AIAA Thermophysics Award
Greg F. Naterer
Vice President, Academic and Research, University of Prince Edward Island
This award is presented for an outstanding singular or sustained technical or scientific contribution by an individual in thermophysics, specifically as related to the study and application of the properties and mechanisms involved in thermal energy transfer and the study of environmental effects on such properties and mechanisms.
Citation: “For significant contributions to heat transfer in multiphase flows, thermochemical processes, and thermal design using entropy and the second law of thermodynamics.”
Award Presentation: Tuesday, 30 July 2024, plenary session, 8:00 a.m. at the Academy Ballroom 421.
2023 AIAA Aircraft Design Best Paper Award
“Design and Assessment of Long Range Aircraft Concepts with focus on Fossil Kerosene, Sustainable Aviation Fuel and Liquid Hydrogen as Energy Carriers” (AIAA 2023-3229)
Authors: Sebastian Wöhler, Tim Burschyk, Jannik Häßy, and Michael Iwanizki, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
2023 AIAA Aircraft Operations Best Paper Award
“Trajectory-related measures to mitigate the climate impact of aviation: A comparative study” (AIAA 2023-4220)
Authors: Zarah Lea Zengerling, Florian Linke, Benjamin Lührs, and Christian Martin Weder, German Aerospace Center (DLR); and Volker Gollnick, Hamburg University of Technology
2023 AIAA Fluid Dynamics Best Paper Award
“Studies of transonic aircraft flows and prediction of initial buffet onset using large-eddy simulations” (AIAA 2023-4338)
Authors: Konrad A. Goc and Rahul Agrawal, Stanford University; Sanjeeb T. Bose, Cadence Design Systems; and Parviz Moin, Stanford University
2023 AIAA Ground Testing Best Paper Award
“Optical aerodynamic measurements of hypersonic free-flight using Bayesian state estimation” (AIAA 2023-3713)
Authors: Andrew Lock, Gerard Armstrong, Flynn Hack, Byrenn Birch, David Buttsworth, and Ingo Jahn, University of Southern Queensland
2023 AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Best Paper Award
“Burst-mode Nitric Oxide PLIF for Visualization and Mode Spectral Analysis of Hypersonic Shear Layers” (AIAA 2023-4382)
Authors: Boris S. Leonov, Tyler S. Dean, Donovan E. McGruder, Rodney D. Bowersox, and Richard B Miles, Texas A&M University; and Christopher M. Limbach, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2024 AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Best Paper Award
“Dynamic fk Estimates for Partially-Averaged Navier-Stokes Around a Circular Cylinder” (AIAA 2024-2514)
Authors: Andrea Petrocchi and George N. Barakos, University of Glasgow
2024 AIAA Modeling and Simulation Best Paper Award
“Command and Control Concepts for a Lift Plus Cruise Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Vehicle” (AIAA 2023-3910)
Authors: John Kaneshige, Thomas Lombaerts, Kimberlee Shish, and Mike Feary, NASA Ames Research Center
2024 AIAA Thermophysics Best Paper Award
“Development of an Optical Model for the MEDLI2 Radiometer” (AIAA 2023-4037)
Authors: James B. Scoggins, Alireza Mazaheri, and Christopher O. Johnston, NASA Langley Research Center
2024 AIAA David Weaver Thermophysics Best Student Paper Award
“Uncertainty Analysis of Slug Calorimeters in the HyMETS Arc-Jet Facility” (AIAA 2023-4038)
Authors: Chelsey C. Morrow and Andrew J. Brune, NASA Langley Research Center
2023 AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Best Student Paper Award
“Radio frequency signal propagation through a stagnant flow in a plasma facility for analysis of the communication blackout phenomenon” (AIAA 2024-1421)
Authors: Diana Luís, Alan Viladegut, and Olivier Chazot, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, and Adriano Camps, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya