While the AIAA AVIATION Forum offers countless benefits, we’d like to emphasize four key highlights.

  1. Papers, Papers, and More Papers

The extensive technical program features over 1,200 technical presentations on the latest innovations spanning 20+ aviation and aeronautics research topics. Topics include aviation priorities:

  • Advanced Air Mobility
  • Carbon Emissions and Sustainability
  • Certification
  • High-Speed Flight
  • Autonomy and AI
  1. Hear from Experts

The speakers and panelists leading the plenary and Forum 360 sessions are accomplished business leaders and innovators, recognized as thought leaders steering the aviation industry into the future.

  1. Make Connections & Expand Your Perspective

The forum brings together nearly 3,000 participants from across the globe representing hundreds of government, academic, and private institutions. You’ll have networking opportunities including a happy hour, luncheons, coffee breaks, and other special events.

  1. Experience THE Aviation Technical Event of the Year

AIAA AVIATION Forum is the only aviation event that covers the entire integrated spectrum of aviation business, research, development, and technology. You’ll be able to engage with industry leadership, be part of the dialog for emerging aircraft, systems, and power sources, and discuss the latest developments coming out of the forum.

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