Greg Addington Chief Strategist, Air Vehicles Division AFRL


Dr. Gregory Addington currently serves as the Senior Strategist of the Aerospace Vehicles Division, Aerospace Systems Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. As the Senior Strategist, Dr. Addington compiles and assesses the capability requirements of the future Air Force and determines the aerospace vehicle technology needs for enabling new capabilities. Dr. Addington then leads the long-term planning process of the division, guided by his 31 years of experience in flight sciences and air vehicle integration across all levels of technology maturity. Additionally, Dr. Addington leads the Fixed Wing Vehicle Sub Area of the Air Platforms Community of Interest, a forum which promotes cooperation and collaboration in the discovery, development, and integration of innovative and affordable technologies between the DoD services, NASA and industry.

Dr. Addington joined the Air Force Research Laboratory in 1991 as a Palace Knight Intern, completing his master’s degree at the University of Colorado at Boulder then returning to school in 1994 to complete his doctorate at the University of Notre Dame in 1998. In 2018 Dr. Addington left AFRL and joined the NASA Intelligent Flight Systems office at the Langley Research Center, then returned to AFRL in 2020 to serve as the Aerospace Vehicles Division Senior Planner and acting Chief Engineer until becoming the division’s Senior Strategist in 2022. Dr. Addington was named an Associate Fellow of the AIAA in 2003, and has served on the Ground Test Technical Committee and Membership Committee.
