Steve Ericson Director, Advanced Design The Spaceship Company

Steve Ericson
View Official Bio Steve is responsible for leading and incubating new development programs at TSC. Steve has over 40 years’ experience in the fields of engineering, integrated product design, equipment development, and management including high altitude aircraft, lighter than air vehicles, spacecraft, missile systems and watercraft. Prior to TSC, Steve was a Senior Manager at Lockheed Martin Skunk Works where he developed the Advanced Prototyping Center and Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Prototyping Organizations within the company. He worked on various aircraft during his 23 years at Skunkworks, including SR-71 updates, U2 mods, F-117 updates, P-3, YF-22, F-22, JSF (X-35), ARTB, F-35, Dark Star, JASSM, Polecat, ACCA (X-55), P791 Hybrid airship and numerous classified efforts. Steve attended the University of Kansas in Aerospace Engineering, has been awarded the Gold and Silver Skunk awards and Kelly Johnson Inventor of the year award from Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, the Lockheed Martin Corporate NOVA Awards for both Technical Excellence and Teamwork, and holds 6 U.S. Patents.