Recognizing that there was no one venue that brought the aviation industry together to address challenges and future direction with a broad, integrating view of the aviation marketplace, AIAA and The Boeing Company started partnering in 2010 to develop a new event. The objective was to develop the premier forum for presentation of both recent progress on aircraft design, air traffic management and operations, and aviation technologies as well as policy, planning, and market issues affecting the future direction of the global aviation industry. The goal was to offer a unique venue for interaction between researchers, system developers, product support personnel, managers, and business developers from throughout industry, government, and academia.

The AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition (AIAA AVIATION Forum) has continued to grow in each succeeding year, drawing participants from around the globe. Plenary and Forum 360 participants tackled the most pressing issues impacting the future of aviation, while the technical program presented innovative research and technologies that offer solutions.

Highlights from previous AIAA AVIATION Forums can be found in the Archives.

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