AIAA DEFENSE Forum is a Secret/NOFORN event covering the strategic, programmatic, and technical topics and policy issues pertaining to the aerospace and defense community. The 2025 forum theme, Developing and Delivering Decisive Capability at Speed and Scale, will delve into how the science and technology community, systems developers, and operators address operational needs through rapid innovation and deployment. By enhancing capacity, efficiency, and readiness, this approach enables warfighters to adapt to dynamic conditions and sustain a tactical advantage.

Featured Speakers Include

Dave Denhard

Dave Denhard

Chief Scientist and Technical Advisor, U.S. Space Command

Bryan Clark

Bryan Clark

Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Defense Concepts and Technology , Hudson Institute

Keith Kosan

Keith Kosan

Director of Advanced Technology Test, Missile Defense Agency

Lt. Col. Charles LeDeatte, USAF

Lt. Col. Charles LeDeatte, USAF

Director, AFCENT Battle Lab, Chief Technology and Data Officer, Ninth Air Force (Air Forces Central),

Martin Lindsey

Martin Lindsey

Science and Technology Division Chief (J85) , U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

Christine Michienzi

Christine Michienzi

Senior Associate (Non-resident), Defense-Industrial Initiatives Group, CSIS

Thomas Powers

Thomas Powers

UAV Threat Analyst, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory

Meggan Schoenberg

Meggan Schoenberg

Principal Director for Integrated Network System of Systems (INSS), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Critical Technologies, OUSD R&E

James W. Weber

James W. Weber

Principal Director for Hypersonics, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering

Eric Wollerman

Eric Wollerman

President, Honeywell Federal Manufacturing & Technologies (FM&T), LLC

Founding and Executive Sponsor