AIAA DEFENSE Forum will be held at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. Please see a list of frequently asked questions below to help you navigate the event.

A listing of local hotels can be found on the website.

Security Information

Who can attend the forum?

Attendance at this forum is restricted to U.S. citizens who possess a final SECRET security clearance verified by the Security Office Coordinator.

What forms of identification are needed to enter the forum?

A security conference badge AND a photo ID are required for admittance to forum sessions and functions. Each attendee will be required to produce a driver’s license, military I.D., or a company photo I.D. prior to receiving a forum badge and prior to entering forum sessions. Badges must be worn at all times and upon entering any restricted areas of the forum.

What is prohibited in session rooms?

Electronic devices and electronic equipment of any kind are not permitted in the session rooms. This includes smartwatches, Fitbits, or other fitness trackers, laptops, cameras, PEDs (personal digital assistants), cellular telephones, two-way pagers, and recording devices. One-way pagers must be placed on vibrate and hearing aids must be placed in airplane mode during the sessions.

Books, magazines, fliers, brochures, and other paper products will not be allowed in the session rooms. Luggage, briefcases, and other large cases will not be allowed in the forum area. Please leave these items in your car or at your hotel as storage is not available at the Kossiakoff Center. Small handbags, purses, and personal possessions will be inspected upon entry into the forum area.

What if I need to bring my electronic device into the facility?

If you must bring your electronic device, you will need to leave it outside the session rooms. Plastic bags will be available to package them with your business card on tables outside. AIAA and RTX are not responsible for items left outside the session rooms.

Is note taking allowed in session rooms?

Note taking is not permitted in the forum sessions.


How much is registration for the event?

Please visit the registration webpage.

Do I need to register to present?

Yes, an author from the submitted technical briefing will be expected to register and participate during their scheduled  session.

Contact Information


Attendees having trouble registering online should contact Sandra Turner, Manager, Registration Product Operations, AIAA.

AIAA Membership

Contact Customer Service.

Helpful Information for Session Organizers

Visit AIAA Organizer Resources.


Contact Paul doCarmo, Operations Manager, Revenue and Brand Management, AIAA.

Other questions: contact AIAA Customer Service.

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