Registration for the 2025 forum is open. The registration rates can be viewed below. Be sure to take advantage of early-bird rates to save on your registration. The deadline to take advantage of these rates is 27 March 2025.
Registration Rates
Early Member: $699 | Includes access to all forum activities Tuesday–Friday.
Standard Member: $1,049 | Includes access to all forum activities Tuesday–Friday.
Standard Nonmember: $1,199 | Includes access to all forum activities Tuesday–Friday.
One-Day (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday): $375 | Includes access to all forum activities for the day(s) selected.
Friday: $190 | Includes access to all forum activities on Friday.
Additional Information:
Submit Your Security Clearance Form: Forum attendance requires U.S. citizenship and a final SECRET security clearance or higher.
If you are unable to attend the 2025 AIAA DEFENSE Forum, you are entitled to receive a full refund of your registration fee. Cancellations must be in writing and received no later than 25 March 2025. Registrants who cancel beyond this date or fail to attend will forfeit the entire fee.