Unclassified Government Resources
Strategies, Policies and Reports
- Interim National Security Strategic Guidance, March 2021
- DoD Directive 5100.01, Functions of the Department of Defense and Its Major Components, updated September 2020
- The National Security Strategy, December 2017
- The 2018 National Defense Strategy, January 2018
- Future of Defense Task Force Report, September 2020
- Providing for the Common Defense: The Assessments and Recommendations of the National Defense Strategy Commission, November 2018
Acquisition and Sustainment
Air Force Science and Technology Strategy
- Accelerate Change or Lose: CSAF Strategic Approach, August 2020
- Air Force Science and Technology Strategy, April 2019
Artificial Intelligence
- National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence Final Report, March 2021
- National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence Draft Final Report, January 2021
- National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence First Quarter Recommendations, March 2020
- Summary of the 2018 Department of Defense Artificial Intelligence Strategy, February 2019
- Fact Sheet: 2018 DoD Artificial Intelligence Strategy, February 2019
- Air Force Artificial Intelligence Annex, September 2019
- Defense Innovation Board “AI Principles: Recommendations on the Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence by the Department of Defense”, October 2019
- National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence Interim Report, November 2019
Critical and Emerging Technologies
- National Cyber Strategy, September 2018
- Department of Defense Cyber Strategy, September 2018
- Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity Strategy, May 2018
Digital Engineering
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Industrial Base
- FY 20 Industrial Capabilities Report to Congress, January 2021
- State of the Space Industrial Base: Threats, Challenges and Actions (AFRL/DIU), May 2019
- 2021 Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, April 2021
- National Intelligence Strategy, January 2019
- Challenges to Security in Space from the Defense Intelligence Agency, February 2019
Irregular Warfare
Missile Defense
- 2019 Missile Defense Review, January 2019
- Missile Defense Agency Director’s Vision and Intent, August 2019
- CNO NAVPLAN, January 2021
- Advantage at Sea: Prevailing with Integrated All-Domain Naval Power, December 2020
Nuclear Posture Review
Personnel and Readiness
- USSPACECOM Commander’s Strategic Vision, January 2021
- Energy for Space: Department of Energy’s Strategy to Advance American Space Leadership, January 2021
- National Space Policy, December 2020
- Defense Space Strategy, June 2020
Space Force