Call for Papers
Presentations and papers can be an effective way to hone scientific and technical ideas, introduce your work to aerospace colleagues, and hone your research questions. Forum paper presentations typically consist of a written document and an oral presentation. Presenting at AIAA SciTech Forum is a great opportunity to gain valuable feedback from a community of scholars and for increasing your professional stature in aerospace engineering, research, and development.
Manage Submissions Student Paper Competitions Hypersonics 2025
Please direct questions to:
Francis Phillips, DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
Andres Arrieta, Purdue University
The Adaptive Structures Technical Committee solicits papers addressing intelligent, flexible systems that are responsive to ever-changing operational environments and/or tailored control stimuli. These sessions provide an active forum to discuss the latest breakthroughs in smart structures, the cutting edge in adaptive structure applications, and the recent advances in both new device technologies and basic engineering research exploration. Papers are invited in areas ranging broadly from basic research to applied technological design and development to integrated system and application demonstrations. Contributions from industry, government, and academia are all encouraged. Students presenting a paper are encouraged to demonstrate hardware operation. Students interested in participating in the paper competition are also reminded to select the Student Paper Competition option during abstract submission. General topic areas of interest are listed below. Please click Additional Details for more information.
- Active and Passive Adaptive Concepts/Systems
- Adaptive Spacecraft Structures and Systems (Joint AS / SCS)
- Adaptive Structures Concepts on UAVs
- Adaptive Structures in Wind Energy
- AI/ML in Structures and Materials (Joint AS / MAT / STR)
- Design, Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Adaptive Structures/Materials
- Engineered Materials with Adaptive Properties
- Morphing and/or Biomimetic Adaptive Structures/Materials
- Multifunctional Structures/Materials
- Smart Sensors/Actuators Design
- Special Session: Advancements on Structural Health Monitoring and Non-Destructive Inspection
- Special Session: In Memoriam of Frank Abdi (Joint AS / STR / SD)
- Special Session: Canadian Smart Materials and Adaptive Structures Research
- Special Session: INCAS (National Institute of Aerospace Research Elie Carafoli) Research
- Special Session: Italian Smart Materials and Adaptive Structures Research
- Structures and Materials in Extreme Environments (Joint AS / MAT / STR)
- Systems Enabled by Adaptive Structures
- Other Topics in Adaptive Structures
Please direct questions to:
Daniel R. Cuppoletti, University of Cincinnati
Ching-Wen Kuo, Jacobs Engineering
Technical papers are solicited that present original research in the areas of theoretical, computational, and experimental aeroacoustics. The program’s technical content will include topics that address the generation, propagation, and control of aerospace vehicle noise, as well as the effect of noise on structures and individuals. Studies in related areas, particularly potential interrelationship with non-aerospace industries, are also encouraged. This can include, but is not limited to, the application of aerospace noise suppression technologies in other industries, and non-aerospace research with potential application to the aerospace industry. 2024 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics and 2025 SciTech Forum papers of superb technical quality, notable originality, and scholarly accuracy will be considered for the 2025 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Best Paper Award. Topics of specific interest include, but are not limited to:
- Acoustic / Fluid Dynamics Interactions
- Advanced Air Mobility Noise (joint AA/TF/EAT)
- Advanced Testing Techniques
- Airframe / High-Lift Noise
- Community Noise, Sonic Boom and Metrics
- Computational Aeroacoustics
- Duct Acoustics
- General Acoustics
- Interior Noise / Structural Acoustics and Metamaterials
- Jet Aeroacoustics
- Propeller, Rotorcraft and V/STOL Noise
- Turbomachinery and Core Noise
- Turbulence and Vortex Induced Noise Sources (joint AA/FD)
Please direct questions to:
Mark Gragston, The University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Joseph Jewell, Purdue University
Papers are solicited on topics covering new developments and applications of aerodynamic measurement technologies for laboratory, ground-test, or flight-test conditions. Submissions are encouraged encompassing flows of all types (incompressible to hypersonic), thermodynamic conditions (non-reacting to combustion and plasma systems), spatial and temporal scales (from microns to meters and sub-Hz to MHz), and measurement approaches (from surface sensors & probes to laser-based imaging). Papers should emphasize advancements, innovations, and research challenges related to the measurement technique itself or its implementation rather than details of the fluid dynamic or structural problem of its application. A select number of 15-minute oral-only presentations will also be accepted, for which authors should simply submit a 2-page abstract indicating at the top of the first page “oral-only (no paper) submission.” Specific topic areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Advancements in Planar, Volumetric, and High-Speed Imaging Techniques
- Combustion & Propulsion System, Spray, Plasma, and Aerothermal Flow Diagnostics
- Development and Applications of Novel Diagnostics for Hypersonic Systems
- Error Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification, and Novel Data Analysis Techniques
- High Frequency Measurements of Detonation Flows (AMT/PGC)
- Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques for Challenging Environments and Test Facilities(GT/AMT)
- Measurements for Fluid-Structure Interactions, Aeroacoustics, and Wind Energy Applications
- Measurements for High-Speed Turbulent and Transitional Boundary Layers
- Measurements for Structural Characterization and the Development of Novel Materials
- Measurements Supporting Data-Driven Modeling and Model Validation
- Novel Techniques, Methodologies, and Instrumentation
- Spectroscopic Techniques such as PLIF, CARS, LIBS, Raman Scattering, and Absorption Spectroscopy
- Surface Measurement Techniques and Technologies
- Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in Aerospace Measurements and Experiment Analysis
- Velocimetry Techniques such as PIV, MTV, DGV, and FLEET
- Other Topics Related to Aerodynamic Measurement Technology
Please direct questions to:
Raymond LeBeau, Saint Louis University
Sanjay Jayaram, Saint Louis University
Robert Frederick, University of Alabama-Huntsville
Aerospace engineering is both highly specialized and highly diverse, challenging the aerospace education community to educate students that contribute to the broad needs of the profession either in industry or higher education. Papers as well as panel sessions are sought that address all aspects of aerospace education including courses, curriculum, course delivery methods, pedagogies, inter-collegiate and industry collaborations, and assessment methods. Specific topics of interest for SciTech 2025 include curriculum design; capstone design; diversity, equity, and inclusion in the aerospace workplace; and principles to guide the development aerospace ABET criteria.
- Autonomous Aerial Systems in Undergraduate Aerospace Education
- Best Practices for ABET Assessment and Curriculum Development
- Better Preparation of Graduates for a Rapidly Evolving Work Environment
- Broader Innovative Collaboration of Industry and Academia in Engineering Education
- CubeSats Before College: Expanding the STEM Pathway (Pre-college students only, joint SATS/EDU)
- Initiatives in Aerospace System Analysis and Design Education Including MBSE and Digital Engineering
- Innovative Pedagogical Initiatives
- Inspiring Sustainability, Green Engineering Practices, and Entrepreneurship in the Classroom
- Novel Outreach Activities
- Undergraduate Educational Experiences in Space Exploration and Space Systems
Please direct questions to:
Jeremiah McNatt, NASA Glenn Research Center
Greg Semrau, Moog
Papers are sought on all aspects of Aerospace Power Systems, from the component and system level to mission usage. Discussions of study findings, results of practical applications, tests, simulations, short and long term performance, and R&D efforts are encouraged. Power Generation (solar photovoltaic, nuclear, thermal), Power Storage (batteries, fuel cells, flywheels), and Power Management and Distribution are included in this area. Power systems that support lunar architectures including orbital platforms and surface systems are especially encouraged. Specific topical areas are listed below. However, authors are encouraged to submit papers on other innovative concepts related to Aerospace Power Systems.
- CubeSat Programs: Ground Testing and Flight Results, Lessons Learned, and Special Requirements
- Design, Fabrication and Performance of Aerospace Power System Components
- Energy Storage Technologies for Aerospace Applications: Batteries, Fuel Cells, Novel Concepts
- High Voltage Electrical Power System Design and Distribution Including Cabling
- Lunar Orbital and Surface Power Systems: Concepts, Components, Applications
- Nuclear and Radioisotope Power Systems for Planetary, Satellite, or Deep Space
- Photovoltaic Power Generation Advancements from Solar Cells to Arrays
- Power Control and Distribution in Aerospace Environments
- Spacecraft Power System Design, Fabrication, Testing, and Experience
- Wireless Power Transfer Systems and Components including Beamed Energy Systems
- Other Topics in Aerospace Power Systems
Please direct questions to:
Taylor Fazzini, Northrop Grumman
Imon Chakraborty, Auburn University
Papers are sought on all aspects of atmospheric flight vehicle design, including fixed and rotary wing, subsonic through hypersonic, micro air vehicles to very large aircraft, general aviation, urban/on-demand mobility, and manned or unmanned aircraft. Topics such as design methodologies and processes, design tools, design integration, technology developments, innovative designs, case studies, and design education are welcome. Review papers on recent developments and trends in aircraft design are also sought. Design considerations such as environmental issues, energy optimization, noise reduction, electric aircraft systems, reducing manufacturing, operating, and life-cycle costs, etc. are also important topics of interest. Please click Additional Details for more information.
- Aerodynamic Design: Analysis, Methodologies, and Optimization Techniques
- AI/ML Applications in Aircraft Design
- Aircraft Configurations (Sailplanes, BWB, Joint Wing, Folding Wing, Canard, Multi-Wing, etc.)
- Aircraft Design Education
- Aircraft Design Optimization (Multidisciplinary Design, Integration, Methods and Processes, etc.)
- Aircraft Electrification- Primary Power (Electric, Hybrid and/or Distributed Propulsion, etc.)
- Aircraft Electrification- Secondary Power (More Electric Aircraft, Electrified System Architectures)
- Aircraft Structural Design (Methods, Materials, Morphing Structures, Multifunctional Structures)
- Design for Performance and Operations (Braced-Wing, Boundary Layer Control, Formation Flying)
- Design Processes and Tools (Integration, Estimation Methods, Concurrent Design, Life-Cycle, etc.)
- Light Aircraft Design (General Aviation, On-Demand Mobility Aircraft, Personal Air Vehicle, etc.)
- Multifunctional Structures
- Supersonic and Hypersonic Aircraft Design
- Trends in Aircraft Design: Technology Impact, Requirements, Cost, Propulsion, Automation, etc.
- Unmanned Aircraft Design, Including Micro Air Vehicles
Please direct questions to:
Vishal Bhagwandin, U.S. Army DEVCOM – Army Research Lab
Reza Djeddi, Cadence Design Systems
Gustavo Luiz Halila, Embraer
Papers are solicited in the areas of theoretical, experimental, and computational approaches to aerodynamics applications. Relevant areas of interest include, but are not limited to, flight or ground vehicle aerodynamic design, analysis of wing/rotor/vehicle aerodynamic performance, methods for modeling aerodynamic bodies, and novel studies or technological applications related to aerodynamic applications. Specific areas of interest are listed below, but work in related areas is also encouraged. For more information on special sessions, please click Additional Details .
- Aerodynamic Design: Analysis, Methodologies, and Optimization Techniques (joint APA/ACD/MDO)
- Aerodynamic Testing: Ground, Wind-Tunnel, and Flight Testing (joint APA/GT)
- Aerodynamics of Inlets and Nozzles (joint APA/INSPI)
- Aero-Propulsive Interactions and Aerodynamics of Integrated Propeller Systems
- Aero-Structural Interactions
- Airfoil/Wing/Configuration Aerodynamics
- Applied Aeroelasticity and Aerodynamic-Structural Dynamics Interaction
- Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics
- CFD on Large-Scale Meshes for Applied Aerodynamics (joint APA/CFD2030/MVCE)
- Environmentally Friendly / Efficient Aerodynamics
- Flow Control: Methods and Applications (joint APA/FD)
- History and Evolution of Aircraft Designs and Design Methodologies (Joint APA/HIS)
- Hypersonic Aerodynamics (joint APA/FD)
- Low Speed, Low Reynolds Number & Bio-Inspired Aerodynamics
- Missile/Projectile/Munition Aerodynamics, Carriage & Store Separation
- Propeller/Rotorcraft/Wind Turbine Aerodynamics
- Reduced Order Aerodynamic Modeling & System Identification
- Special Session: 2nd AIAA Stability and Control Prediction Workshop (Invited)
- Special Session: Active Flow Control, in Honor of Avi Seifert (Invited, Joint APA/FD)
- Special Session: Applied Aerodynamics: State of the Art (Invited)
- Special Session: Applied Surrogate Modeling (Invited)
- Special Session: HPC Multi-Physics CREATE (Invited)
- Special Session: NATO AVT-350: Novel Control Effectors: Advanced Concepts (Invited)
- Special Session: Rotor-in-Hover Simulations (Invited)
- Supersonic Aerodynamics (joint APA/SPSN)
- Transonic Aerodynamics
- Turbulence and Transition Modeling for Aerodynamic Applications
- Unsteady Aerodynamics
- Visualization and Knowledge Extraction of Large Data Sets (joint APA/CFD2030/MVCE)
- Other Topics in Applied Aerodynamics
Please direct questions to:
Linda Krause, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Daoru Han, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Technical papers are being solicited on the space environment and its effects on spacecraft. All orbital environments are considered, including Low Earth Orbit (LEO), Polar Orbit (Polar), Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO), Interplanetary Space, and planetary environments. Submissions on the lunar surface, lunar orbit, and cislunar space are especially encouraged. Specific topical areas are listed below. Authors are encouraged to submit papers on other novel ideas and topics related to Space Environments.
- Atmospheric and Space Plasmas (Rarefied Plasma, Dusty Plasmas, Lightning, etc.) (joint ASE/PDL)
- Environmental Effects on Spacecraft Material Properties
- Exploitation, Modification, and Passivation of the Space Environment
- Ground Testing of Space Environment Effects
- Lunar Environments and Effects on Lunar Exploration (joint ASE/EXPL)
- On-Orbit Instrumentation and Data
- Simulation, Measurement, and Mitigation of Spacecraft Charging and Arcing
- Synergistic Effects of Combined Environmental Factors
- Other Topics in Space Environments
Please direct questions to:
Mujahid Abdulrahim, University of Missouri Kansas City
Chase Schulze, Systems Technology, Inc
Jared Grauer, NASA Langley Research Center
The Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Committee solicits papers related to atmospheric flight mechanics across all disciplines, including flight performance, flight and ground test, flying and handling qualities, and system identification. The topics can be from all flight regimes and missions including single vehicle / formation flight, gliding flight, powered flight, atmospheric reentry, and planetary aeroassist. The AFM TC encourages papers that consider all vehicle types and configurations, including conventional aircraft, rotorcraft, multirotor vehicles, urban air mobility concepts, vertical and short take-off aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, electric aircraft, biomimetic vehicles, hypersonic and aeroassist vehicles, launch vehicles, missiles, projectiles, and aerodynamic decelerators. Papers are also encouraged that discuss education in atmospheric flight mechanics, multidisciplinary efforts, and projects with international collaboration Please click Additional Details for more information.
- Aerodynamic Prediction Methods
- Aeroservoelasticity
- Aircraft Dynamics, Performance, Stability, and Control
- Handling Qualities and Flying Qualities
- Hypersonic and Spacecraft Flight Mechanics
- Launch Vehicle, Missile, and Projectile Flight Mechanics
- Special Session: Flight Testing Advanced Atmospheric Flight Mechanics (Joint AFM / Flight Test TC)
- System Identification and Flight Test
- Unique Aircraft Configurations
- Unmanned and Optionally-Manned Aircraft Systems
- Other Topics in Atmospheric Flight Mechanics & Special Sessions
Please direct questions to:
Mark Turner, NASA Glenn Research Center
Prashant Khare, University of Cincinnati
The CFD2030 Vision report laid out a bold vision for future computational capabilities and their potential impact on aerospace engineering and design, and recommended the establishment of Grand Challenges (GCs) to drive CFD technology development. Since 2021, four GCs have been developed and published in key technical areas: high-lift aerodynamics (AIAA Paper 2021-0955), full engine simulation (2021-0956), CFD-in-the-loop for space vehicle design (2021-0957), and hypersonics (2024-0683). Under the CFD2030 topic, we are soliciting papers that address current efforts to advance CFD technology, to both highlight the current state-of-the-art and to help identify where technology advancements are needed to make significant progress towards achieving the GCs. Please click Additional Details for more information.
- CFD on Large-Scale Meshes for Applied Aerodynamics (Joint APA/CFD2030/MVCE)
- CFD technology to predict aerodynamic characteristics at the edges of the flight envelope
- Development of AI/ML for CFD applications
- Development of high-resolution aerodynamic databases including Uncertainty Quantification (UQ)
- Development of propulsion-related simulations toward Full Engine Simulation
- Development of testing techniques or datasets to validate hypersonic multi-disciplinary analysis
- Development of testing techniques to validate coupled aero/structural computational analysis
- Visualization and Knowledge Extraction of Large Data Sets (Joint APA/CFD2030/MVCE)
Please direct questions to:
Khanh D. Pham, Air Force Research Laboratory
Rabindra (Rob) Singh, Axta Space Corporation
In contested environments characterized by electromagnetic, physical, and cyber attacks on space, airborne, and terrestrial infrastructure, interoperable, robust, secure, and cost-effective communications systems and services that can leverage civil, commercial, domestic, and international capabilities to ensure seamless transfers of information and responsive adjustments to market and service volatility, agile wideband user terminals and flexible interfaces enable roaming across frequency bands, networks, and service providers. New phased array technologies and manufacturing processes support switching over bands of various service providers and installation on airborne and vehicular platforms. Software defined waveforms, chipsets, and modems with standardized interfaces enable operation across proliferated providers and services. Integration of cognitive networks provides dynamic, flexible user access, increased security and resiliency. Enterprise management and control aggregates data across a large and disparate population of terminals, networks, and commercial and DoD service providers and thus, allowing quick reconfiguration and reallocation of communications resources and networks.
- 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks Standards and Technologies
- Advanced Cyber Protection for Multi-Tenant, Reprogrammable, Connected, Multi-Mission Operations
- Cognitive Radios and Networking
- Dynamic Spectrum Sharing and Coexistence
- Enterprise Management of Comm Systems with AI/ML, Data Fusion, and Decision Analytics
- Flexible Digital Processing
Please direct questions to:
James L. Paunicka, The Boeing Company
Christopher J. Coley, United States Air Force Academy
Papers are sought on theoretical and practical considerations involving cyber, computer, computation, and information processing techniques relevant to aerospace applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Computer hardware supporting AI processing for ground systems supporting aerospace vehicle operation
- Computer hardware support for vision systems and sensors with built-in intelligent algorithms
- Computer hardware supporting artificial intelligence (AI) processing on aerospace vehicles
- Cybersecurity, Information Assurance, and DoD Cybersecurity Frameworks and Maturity Models
- Embedded and Energy Efficient (Low Power) Computing Systems
- Formal Verification: Computer and Cyber-Physical Systems, Boolean Satisfiability
- High-Performance Computing (HPC)
- Processing: Hardened, Secure, and Fault Tolerant
- Processing: Parallel, GPU, and Multicore
- Other Topics in Computer Systems
Please direct questions to:
Gregory Falco, Cornell University
Wayne Chris Henry, Air Force Institute of Technology
The aerospace systems of today integrate embedded systems, communication links and control systems that are susceptible to cyberattacks. Unauthorized access to aerospace systems could have devastating impacts on critical infrastructure and undermine capabilities our society relies on, such as GPS. The dual-use nature of aerospace systems has made both commercial and government systems prime targets for adversaries seeking to wreak havoc on these cyber-physical systems. Planetary spacecraft, Earth orbiting smallsats, unmanned aerial vehicles, commercial and military aircraft, and high altitude balloons, present a diverse set of research cybersecurity challenges.
- Detection, Isolation and Containment Mechanisms
- Distributed system capabilities to enable cybersecurity
- Machine learning-based approaches to cybersecurity
- Resilience capabilities for aerospace systems
- Security-by-design aerospace architectures
Please direct questions to:
Gregory L. Roth, Air Force Research Laboratory
Ian Marks, Virgin Galactic
Papers are solicited on design engineering, design process, and design education in aerospace/related industries. Product-oriented papers should focus on innovative or distinctive concepts leading toward products that effectively satisfy requirements or demonstrate design efficiency improvement. Process-oriented papers should focus on process definition, architecture, and metrics applied to aerospace products from exploratory design through detailed design, manufacturing, and service. Education-oriented papers should emphasize design in curriculum development, class content, or student design/build activities. Emerging and mature technologies to enable collaborative design working within global digital environments, open source design aids, engineering design guides, multi-disciplinary, multi-fidelity design optimization, innovative design processes, tools, and technologies applicable to commercial and military aerospace industries are desired. Novel coverage of more traditional disciplines of structural design, mechanical design, geometric design and tolerancing, electrical/electromagnetic design, air breathing propulsion design, and aircraft/spacecraft design are welcome. Cutting-edge approaches employing computational intelligence/creativity, cloud computing, human-machine teaming, AI/ML, model-based design, VR/AR, advanced digital technologies, etc. are strongly encouraged.
- Additive Manufacturing applied to aerospace component design, prototyping, and manufacturing
- Cloud Computing, Industrial Internet of Things
- Composite Structural Analysis, Design, Testing and Manufacturing (joint STR/DE)
- Computer Aided Design including intelligent master (parametric feature-based, etc.) modeling
- Design Education – STEM in K-12, University Curriculums, Projects, and Activities
- Design Methods, Tools, and Processes in support of Aircraft Design (joint ACD/DE)
- Design Methods, Tools, and Processes in support of Spacecraft Structures (joint SCS/DE)
- Design Tools and Processes for Rapid Prototyping
- Digital Environments – Provides digital twin context through entire life cycle (joint DGE/DE)
- Early Design Approaches for increased -ilities (reliability, availability, maintainability, etc.)
- Improved Robust Designs using Multi-Disciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization (MDAO)
- Innovative & creative designs in aerospace and other areas, incl. (XR/VR/AR)
- Knowledge-Based Engineering for retention/reuse of engineering knowledge and data (joint DGE/DE)
- ML/AI Applications to Design (e.g., AI/Human Teaming, Inverse Design, Generative Design, etc.)
- Model-Based Design applied to complex systems and structures
- Model-Based Engineering – Product and environment digital twin simulations (joint DGE/DE/MST)
- Optimization and Product Improvement in Design (joint MDO/DE)
- Role of Virtual and Global Platforms in Design (e.g., Omniverse)
Please direct questions to:
Evan Dill, NASA
Maarten Uijt de Haag, Technical University of Berlin
Papers are sought on all aspects of digital avionics required for safe, secure and efficient operation of civilian and military aircraft in the national airspace system either manned or unmanned (e.g. aircraft, UAS and air taxis). These aerial vehicles will require onboard (integrated) avionics systems and air traffic management systems to support their operation in the various airspaces. Areas of interest include avionics technologies to support:
- Autonomous systems, Autonomy and Human-Machine Interfaces
- Avionics technologies for safe and efficient vehicle operation in national airspace
- Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) systems for manned and unmanned aircraft systems
- Ensuring compliance of military aircraft in civilian airspace
- Flight critical systems
- In-time aviation safety management systems (IASMS)
- Operations of UAS and manned aircraft in the same airspace
- Performance-based operations in NextGen and SESAR including PBN
- Security and safety aspects of avionics systems
- Separation assurance systems: geofencing, detect and avoid, and collision avoidance
- Traffic management for manned (ATM) and unmanend aircraft systems (UTM, U-Space)
- Urban air mobility (UAM) and operation of aerial vehicles in challenging environments
Please direct questions to:
John F. Matlik, Rolls-Royce Corporation
Mat French, Norhtrop Grumman
Olivia Pinon-Fischer, Georgia Tech
Philomena Zimmerman, Stevens Institute
The concepts of the Digital Ecosystem, Digital System Model, Digital Thread, Digital Twin, Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning, High Performance Computing and DevSecOps, are merging as a means to organize and control the data, models and other information in the model-based engineering enterprise. Together, these provide a means to digitally define, model, simulate, and manage a physical system and all its associated engineering models and data. The Digital Engineering Integration Committee (DEIC) exists to help accelerate the integration of both new/emerging and existing digital capabilities for improving National competitiveness, security and operational readiness. The DEIC serves as a the ‘home’ for better integration of currently disparate digital activities (e.g. Digital Twin, Digital Thread, ICME, HPC, AI, VVUQ, etc.). The DEIC supports constituent groups in AIAA for topics related to Digital Engineering. Through DEIC topics, AIAA members can employ in their home organizations methods to simplify maintenance and sustainment activities to reduce product costs, and help create environments to encourage the development of a digital culture.
- Computational Engineering (including CAE, AI, and ML, with HPC)
- DevSecOps – Agile Software Development
- Digital Ecosystem – Digital Engineering in context with Ecosystem, Architecture and Infrastructure
- Digital System Model – A digital representation of a system which define all aspects of the system
- Digital Thread – Framework of authoritative data, information, and knowledge to inform decisions
- Digital Twin – Virtual representation of a connected physical asset
- Digitally Enabled Operating Models – Realizing new agile ways of working enabled by Digital/DevOps
- Dynamic Mission Requirements – Frameworks and Taxonomies with applications across the lifecycle
- Knowledge-Based Engineering applied to retention and reuse of engineering knowledge and data
- VVUQ (Validation, Verification, and Uncertainty Quantification) of Models
Please direct questions to:
Rafael Palacios, Imperial College London
Scotti Alessandro, Pilatus Aircraft Switzerland
The Dynamics Specialist’s Conference, held every 3 years since 1973, brings together dynamics experts, to describe, solve, or review progress on national and international problems of current and pressing importance related to the structural dynamics of aerospace systems. Because it is every 3 years it gives industry an opportunity to publish work already cleared for research. Historically a part of SDM, in 2025 the 18th AIAA Dynamics Specialists Conference (DSC) will be held in conjunction with SciTech. The conference is organized by the Structural Dynamics Technical Committee (SDTC) and each DSC is built around a central theme with various thrust areas. The DSC has its own keynote and is held separately from SD Sessions so there is no conflict in sessions. The 18th DSC seeks papers around the central theme of “Dynamics Challenges in the Quest for Net-Zero Aviation”. Submissions are sought, but not limited to, around the challenges and opportunities brought into the broad remit of structural dynamics, aeromechanics and aeroelasticity by a new generation of air vehicles, from hybrid-electric to hydrogen-powered and beyond.
- Dynamics challenges in low-boom supersonic transport
- Dynamics challenges in the integration of battery technologies
- Dynamics challenges in the integration of hydrogen-based technologies
- Dynamics challenges of electric-vertical take-off and landing aircraft
- Next-generation gust load alleviation systems
- Progress in digital design and certification (virtual flight testing)
- Towards certifiable active flutter suppression
- Unique challenges of variable and transient rotor speeds
- Unique loads and dynamics problems of electrically driven rotors and propellers
- Other dynamic problems
Please direct questions to:
Wensheng Huang, NASA Glenn Research Center
John W. Dankanich, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Papers are solicited on spacecraft electric propulsion (or related) technologies, systems, components, and support equipment, including both hardware and software. Topics of interest include missions/concepts, analysis, testing, modeling, applications, and fundamental physics that relate to spacecraft electric propulsion. Technologies of interest include, but is not limited to: flight systems, Hall thrusters, ion thrusters, power processing units, propellant management systems, gimbals, micropropulsion concepts, electrostatic thrusters, magnetoplasmadynamic thrusters, pulsed-plasma thrusters, pulse-inductive thrusters, electrothermal thrusters, electromagnetic thrusters, breakthrough/advanced electric propulsion, supporting diagnostics, and supporting analysis/simulation tools. In particular, papers are sought for dual-mode propulsion systems (systems with both electric and chemical modes), methods for reducing the size and mass of spacecraft electric propulsion systems, and application of machine learning and generative AI to the field of spacecraft electric propulsion.
- Advanced Materials for Electric Propulsion
- Air Breathing Electric Propulsion
- Applications of Machine Learning and generative AI to Electric Propulsion
- Cathodes
- CubeSat, SmallSat, and Micropropulsion Systems
- Diagnostics
- Dual mode propulsion (joint EPTC/LPTC)
- Electric Propulsion Diagnostics
- Electric Propulsion Flight Programs and Missions
- Electric Propulsion Modeling
- Electric Propulsion Thruster Plume and Spacecraft Interactions
- Electromagnetic Thrusters (Magnetoplasmadynamic, Radio Frequency)
- Electrostatic Thrusters (Field Emission, Electrospray, Colloid)
- Facility Effects
- Hall Thrusters
- Ion Thrusters
- On-Orbit Health Monitoring of Electric Propulsion Systems
- Power Processing Units for Electric Propulsion Applications
- Propellant Management for Electric Propulsion Applications
- Other Topics in Electric Propulsion
Please direct questions to:
Shengyi Liu, The Boeing Company
Soumya Patnaik, US Air force Research Laboratory
Papers relevant to the continued development, design, evaluation, and integration of electrified aircraft components and systems are solicited by the Electrified Aircraft Technology discipline committee. Submission topics are sought across various discipline fields such as emerging, enabling, and core component and subsystem technologies; novel aircraft concepts and systems; reliability analysis and life cycle assessment; engineering design and modeling methods and tools; digital engineering; integrated system testing and validation; and qualification/certification processes and standards. Specific topics include, but are not limited, to:
- Advanced Air Mobility Noise (Joint AA/TF/EAT)
- Aircraft High Voltage Power Distribution Systems and Energy Management
- EAT System and Component Health Management, Failure / Fault Mode Analysis and Protection
- Electrical Energy Conversion and Storage (Battery, Fuel Cell, Solar, Regeneration, etc.)
- Electrified Aircraft Design (Fixed & Rotary Wing) & Mission Operation (Joint TF/EAT)
- Model-Based Electrified Aircraft Engineering, Digital System Model and Digital Twin, joint DEIC
- Power Electronics, Electric Machines & Drives
- Propulsion, Power & Thermal System Architecture & Integration (Joint EAT/TF)
- Superconducting & Cryogenic Components & Systems
- System Dynamics, Modelling & Control
- Testing, Validation, Safety & Certification
- Thermal Management
Please direct questions to:
Jose Guadarrama, Lockheed Martin
Papers are solicited related to the development, demonstration, qualification and production of energetic formulations, propellant- or explosive-actuated mechanisms and gas generators used in aerospace, military aircraft, and commercial applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Energetic Manufacturing, Explosive Theory and Initiation, Cartridge Actuated Devices; Propellant Actuated Devices; Thrusters; Propellant and Explosive Compositions; Ballistic Analysis; Non-Pyrotechnic Mechanisms; Systems Integration; and Studies on Acceptance Criteria and Manufacture.
- Advanced Research of New Propellant and Explosive Formulations and Their Application
- Design, Testing and Acceptance of Space Mechanisms and Systems
- Detonation Theory and Initiation
- Energetic (Explosives, Propellants and Combustible) Component Heritage
- Energetic Components Used in Military or Commercial Aircraft, and Safety Systems
- Explosive and Propellant Compositions and Manufacturing Methods
- Explosive- or Propellant- Actuated Mechanisms and Systems
- Innovation in Failure Investigation and Analysis, and Environment Testing
- Physics of Interior Ballistics in Explosive, Propellant, Combustible Devices
Please direct questions to:
Joseph Nichols, Raytheon Technologies
Cody Hydrick, Lockheed Martin
Andrew Freeborn, USAF Test Pilot School
The Flight Test Technical Committee invites papers focused on the advances in the art and science of testing aerospace vehicles. Successful abstracts shall cover the testing of aerospace vehicles or their associated equipment in their natural environment with regard to research, development, acceptance, or operational testing. Papers will cover one or more of the following topics: application of new flight test techniques or novel approaches of classical techniques; advances in instrumentation and data handling; approaches to test education and training; flight test techniques for guidance, navigation and control; flight testing electrically powered air vehicles; testing aircraft incorporating machine learning or intelligent systems; and the use of modeling and simulation in testing aerospace vehicles. Papers should provide interpretations on the broader impacts of their work upon the field of flight testing and any lessons learned from the planning or execution of testing.
- Flight Test Techniques, Measurement Technologies, and Other Novel Approaches
- Flight Testing in the Educational Environment
- Flight Testing Systems with Intelligent Flight Controls
- Special Session: Flight Testing Advanced Atmospheric Flight Mechanics (joint AFM/FT)
- Special Session: Flight Testing Guidance, Navigation, and Control Systems (joint FT/GNC)
- Special Session: Ground and Flight Test of Advanced Air Mobility Vehicles/Concepts (joint FT/TF)
- Special Session: Lessons Learned from the History of Flight Testing (joint FT/HIS)
- Testing Aerospace Systems that Transit the Earth’s Atmosphere
- Testing Ground and Air-launched Missiles and Rockets
- Other Topics
Please direct questions to:
Iman Borazjani, Texas A&M
Travis Kocian, Lockheed Martin
Technical papers are solicited in the areas of experimental, theoretical, and computational fluid dynamics relevant to aerospace applications, with an emphasis on basic research and development. Applied research and advanced technology development topics will also be considered. Papers that present new insights into the flow physics, address emerging technologies, introduce innovative ideas and techniques, promote interdisciplinary and synergistic research activities, or integrate experimental, computational, and/or theoretical approaches are strongly encouraged. Authors should submit an extended abstract to the most appropriate topic below. Extended abstracts should consist of a comprehensive introduction, a description of the methodology, and preliminary results. Please click Additional Details for more information.
- Bio-Inspired and Low-Reynolds Number Flows
- CFD Methods and Applications
- Control-Oriented Modeling of Fluid Flows
- Flow Control: Methods and Applications (Joint FD/APA)
- Fluid Structure Interaction (Joint FD/SD)
- Hypersonic Flows (Joint FD/APA)
- Instability and Transition
- Mesh Adaptation and Error Estimation for Large Eddy Simulation (Joint FD/MVCE)
- Modal Analysis and Deep Learning for Fluid Flows
- Multiphase Flows
- RANS/LES/Hybrid Turbulence Modeling and Applications
- Shock / Boundary Layer Interactions
- Special Session: Active Flow Control, in Honor of Avi Seifert (Invited, Joint APA/FD)
- Special Session: Memorial session honoring Mike Holden
- Special Session: Memorial session honoring Roger Kimmel
- Surrogate Modeling and Mesh Adaptation for Shock-Dominated Flows (Joint FD/MVCE/NDA)
- Turbulence and Vortex Induced Noise Sources (Joint Topic: AA/FD)
- Turbulent Flows
- Vortex Dynamics
- Wall-Bounded and Free Shear Flows
- Wing-Gust Interactions
- Other Topics in Fluid Dynamics
Please direct questions to:
Keun Ryu, Hanyang University
Shreyas Hegde, Pratt and Whitney
Papers are solicited relating to the advances in science, engineering, and technology of gas turbine engines for applications in propulsion, energy, and power. Papers concerning the efforts to develop sustainable gas turbine engine technology with advances in the areas of fuel technology, increased operational flexibility, reduced operating costs, reduced emissions and improved reliability are highly encouraged.Innovative methods and tool capability development utilizing the theoretical, analytical, experimental, computational and data-driven modeling using machine learning for fundamental understanding, engine design, analysis, and development will also be considered. Technical disciplines include aerodynamics, aeromechanics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, combustion, heat transfer, materials, structures and dynamics, manufacturing, data science, optimization, and controls. Primary areas of interest include but not limited to:
- Advanced Gas Turbine Engines and Cycles, and Gas Turbine Hybrids (Electric, Fuel Cell Systems etc.)
- Advanced Manufacturing Concepts for Gas Turbine Engines
- Advances in Exhaust Technologies (Ducts, Diffusers, Nozzles, and related systems)
- Combustors, Fuel Injectors, Alternative Fuels, Emissions, Fuel Flexible Combustion Systems
- Engine Controls, Instrumentation, Operability, and Propulsion Health Management/Diagnostics
- High-Fidelity Simulations and Validation Experiments
- High-Speed Low Pressure Turbines
- Multidisciplinary Design, Analysis/Optimization of Engine Systems and Components (joint GTE/MDAO)
- Secondary Air System & Sealing
- Structures and Dynamics, Stress and Vibration, Fatigue/Fracture, Rotordynamics, Bearing/Seal Dynamics
- Thermal Management, Heat Transfer and Cooling, Materials, and Coatings
- Turbomachinery: Aeromechanics, CFD, Data Driven Methods, Compressors, Fans/Blowers, Turbines, Pumps
- Other Topics in Gas Turbine Engines
Please direct questions to:
Keiitchi Okai, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Tarek Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University
The Green Engineering Integration Committee promotes a holistic, systems approach to improved energy efficiency, sustainability, renewable energy and ‘cradle-to-cradle’ design. Papers are sought from all areas that explore advances in the creation of sustainable energy sources and their usage in the aerospace sector. Topics can include research and in-production technology used to produce renewable energy sources and materials.
- Airborne Wind Turbines
- Airport Electric infrastructures
- Energy Harvesting
- Geoengineering including aerosol injection at high altitude
- Green Energy Grids
- Hybrid and Green Propulsion
- Hydrogen Economy
- Space Solar Power
- Zero Emission Power Sources
Please direct questions to:
Damiano Baccarella, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
GTTC supports collaboration between practitioners and researchers across the ground test research sector. GTTC welcomes submissions on all research and facility topics concerning wind tunnels, engine test cells, arc jet heaters, water channels, environmental chambers, and other ground-based testing for all speed ranges and scales. Please click Additional Details for more information.
- Aerodynamic Testing: Ground, Wind-Tunnel, and Flight Testing (APA/GT)
- Data Review and Assessment
- Facility Commissioning, Improvement, or Expansion
- Ground Test Special Sessions
- Improvements or Advancements in Model Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing
- Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques for Challenging Environments and Test Facilities (AMT/ GT)
- Novel and Emerging Applications in Ground Testing
- Test Operation and Administration
- Test Techniques and Measurements
Please direct questions to:
Eric Johnson, Pennsylvania State University
Puneet Singla, Pennsylvania State University
The Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technical Committee invites papers covering all aspects of guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) of aerospace systems. Papers should describe novel analytical techniques, applications, and technological developments in areas such as: the GNC of aircraft, spacecraft, launch vehicles, missiles, air and space robots, unmanned/autonomous systems, and other aerospace systems; in-flight system architecture and components; navigation, position and timing; sensors and data fusion; multidisciplinary control; uncertainty quantification for GNC performance analysis; and validation and verification. Paper selection for GNC will be based on a full draft manuscript of the proposed technical paper; abstracts will not be accepted. No exceptions will be made. Draft manuscripts and final papers must not exceed a total length of 25 pages, formatted in accordance with the AIAA SciTech manuscript template. If you are a graduate student and would like your paper to be considered for the GNC Graduate Student Paper Competition, then please see the eligibility and submission information within the supplemental information document. If you are interested in proposing an Invited Session for GNC, then please see the proposal submission criteria and timeline within the supplemental information document. Please click Additional Details for more information.
- Aircraft Guidance, Navigation, and Control
- Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence for Aerospace Vehicle Guidance, Navigation, and Control
- Command and Control (C2) of Complex Autonomous GNC Systems (joint GNC/IC2S)
- Control Theory for Aerospace Applications
- Distributed, Cooperative, and Multi-Vehicle Guidance, Navigation, and Control
- GNC Graduate Student Paper Competition
- GNC Invited Sessions
- Guidance, Navigation and Control in Intelligent Systems (joint GNC/IS)
- Missile and Trans-Atmospheric Vehicle Guidance, Navigation, and Control
- Modeling and Simulation for Autonomous Guidance, Navigation and Control (joint GNC/MST)
- Motion Planning, Sensing, and Operations for Aerospace Robotic Systems
- Navigation, Estimation, Sensing, and Tracking
- Spacecraft and Launch Guidance, Navigation, and Control
- Special Session: Flight Testing Guidance, Navigation, and Control (joint FT/GNC)
- Special Session: Small Satellite Guidance, Navigation, and Control (joint GNC/SATS)
Please direct questions to:
Friedolin T. Strauss, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Suo Yang, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities
High-speed air-breathing propulsion technical committee solicits papers which address the design, analysis, optimization, testing, and evaluation of technologies and systems that enable supersonic and hypersonic air vehicle propulsion. The key technology areas include but are not limited to ramjet, scramjet and combined cycle engines, inlets, isolators, combustion chambers, nozzles and other enabler components, the design methods and optimization, thermodynamic analysis, the measurement techniques and numerical methods facilitating the interpretation of the physics observed within High-Speed propulsion systems as well as materials, structures and manufacturing methods aiming at construction of the engines.
- Engine Component Materials, Structures and Manufacturing
- Ground or Flight Tests on High-Speed Propulsion Systems
- High Fidelity Combustion Modeling for High-Speed Propulsion
- High-Speed Inlets, Isolators and Nozzles
- Instrumentation & Diagnostic Techniques for High-Speed Air-Breathing Propulsion (joint HSABP/AMT)
- Instrumentation, Diagnostics Techniques, and Test Methods
- Numerical Analysis of Scramjet Engines
- Scramjet and Alternative High-Speed Engine Design, Thermodynamics and Optimization
- Topics in High-Speed Air-Breathing Propulsion
Please direct questions to:
Louis M. Edelman, NASA Langley Research Center
Kevin Rusnak, USAF AFLCMC/HO
Papers are solicited that explore historical aspects of aerospace engineering and how they relate to current and future challenges in the field. Papers should address the technical, ethical, political, or societal dimensions of aerospace history. Partnerships are encouraged between authors from technical and humanities backgrounds. Submissions are encouraged from at all levels of study and practice. For help finding collaborators or mentors, please contact to the topic chairs.
- Applications of Historical Data in Contemporary Research and Programs
- Case Studies in Aerospace Policy and Program Management
- Contributions of Historically Marginalized Groups to Aerospace
- Evolution of Aircraft Certification Processes Internationally and their Impact on Modern Programs
- Historical Interplay of Science Fiction, Aerospace, and the Public Imagination
- Historical Perspectives on the Space Economy and Sustainability
- History and Evolution of Aircraft Designs and Design Methodologies
- History of the AIAA and Predecessor Organizations (IAS, ARS, etc)
- International Perspectives and Contributions to Aerospace History
- Lab to Flight: History of Fundamental Research in Aerospace
- Other Topics in History
Please direct questions to:
B. Danette Allen, NASA
Terry Morris, NASA
Submissions are sought that address theoretical, analytical, simulated, experimental, or implementation results related to aerospace applications for advances in human machine teaming where the paper can focus on one of three general elements: the human, the machine, and interactions and interdependencies between them. Concepts regarding human physiology, psychology, human factors, cognitive models, and human performance that support aspects of human machine teaming are of interest. Additionally, concepts regarding artificial intelligence, explainable AI (xAI), machine learning, modeling, feature engineering (e.g., biosignal processing), and human-machine interfaces, which support the mapping of the human to the machine, the interaction with the machine, elucidates trust, and other facets of the human machine system are all topic areas of focus. Concepts and systems of interest include civilian, military, and commercial aerospace systems.
- Biosensor Design
- Biosensor Fusion
- Biosignal Processing
- Cognitive Modeling
- Decision Support Analytics and Tools
- Human Autonomy Function Allocation
- Human Factors
- Human Machine Interaction (HMI)
- Human Performance
- Human Physiology and Medicine within Aerospace Applications
- Human Psycho-Physiology in Aerospace Applications
- Machine Learning and AI/xAI for HMT
- Non-traditional and innovative HMI interfaces
- Trust and Trustworthiness in Cyber Physical (Human) Systems
Please direct questions to:
Trevor S. Elliott, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Joseph Majdalani, Auburn University
This topic involves experimental, theoretical, and numerical work in all areas related to design, novel fuel chemistry, enhancement of fuel and oxidizer performance and internal geometry requirements for liquid, solid, and gaseous fueled Hybrid and Bi-Propellant Rocket Systems for stable operation.
- Advanced Manufacturing Techniques and Contemporary Materials
- Combustion Stability, Combustion Dynamics, Mixing, Motor Performance, and Related Issues
- Descriptions of Current Programs – their Objectives and Progress to Date
- Design and Development of Novel Hybrid Rocket Motor Concepts
- Development and Evaluation of Novel Oxidizer and Fuel Formulations and Combinations
- Educational STEM Initiatives for Hybrid Propulsion Systems
- Fuel Characterization, Visualization, and Controls for Hybrid Propulsion Systems
- Green Propulsion Systems: Design and Application
- Injector Designs and Effect on Engine Performance and Stability
- Internal Ballistics Modeling including Predictive Capability
- Oxidizer Vaporization, Heat Transfer, Species Evolution, and Mixing of Oxidizer and Fuel Species
Please direct questions to:
Peter Montgomery, JACOBS
The 26th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, co-located in 2025 with the AIAA SciTech Forum, will provide a forum for discussion and exchange of information for attendees from across the globe about leading-edge research and development activities associated with space planes and hypersonic atmospheric flight vehicles and the technologies underpinning these capabilities. Presentations will be provided on national programs from North America, South America, Australia, Europe, and Asia and multiple opportunities for international collaboration will be discussed. Technical paper topics include planned and ongoing space plane and hypersonic vehicle programs, advanced launch vehicle and hypersonic atmospheric flight vehicle concepts, commercial space tourism concepts, ground and flight testing techniques, results, and lessons learned, reentry vehicle systems and technologies, aerodynamics and aerothermodynamics of space planes and hypersonic vehicles, guidance and control systems, rocket, ramjet, scramjet, and other advanced propulsion systems, including component technologies, high-temperature materials, hot structures and thermal protection systems, health monitoring and management technologies, and more. Special panel sessions will be organized around relevant topics of strong global interest. Please click Additional Details for more information.
- Computational Methods
- Guidance and Control Systems
- Hypersonic Fundamentals and History
- Materials and Structures for Vehicles and all Subsystems
- Missions and Vehicles
- Operational Systems Aspects
- Propulsion Components
- Propulsion Systems
- Test and Evaluation
- Thermal Management Systems for Vehicles and all Subsystems
Please direct questions to:
Jimmie McEver, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Ali Raz, George Mason University
Mike Sotak, Kratos Defense
Information and Command and Control Systems (IC2S) provide end-to-end and System of Systems solutions for decision making via integration of distributed and heterogeneous sets of systems, resources, processes, and policies. IC2S applications are seen in a variety of domains, including both military and commercial applications. For example, in a military context, IC2S may provide operations personnel, warfighters, and decision makers with a common operating picture (COP) of the battlefield, decision aids and synchronization mechanisms. Similarly, in a commercial context, IC2S enables management of air transportation systems or establish space situational awareness by tracking satellites and debris.
Papers are sought that explore new insights, approaches and capabilities across system of systems, situational awareness, AI/ML integration, human-machine teaming, command and control systems, with particular interest in papers examining the future of command and control. Additional areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Applications of AI/ML for Decision Making in Complexity
- C2 for Extreme Time Pressure Environments (e.g., Hypersonics, Cyber Attack/Defense)
- C2 for Operating Complex Satellite Constellations
- C2 Perspectives on Autonomy and Human-Machine Teaming
- C2 Resilience/C2 in Degraded or Disadvantaged Environments
- Modeling and Simulation of C2 and C2 Systems
- Multi-Domain Operations: Integrating Air, Space, Ground, Sea and Cyber Operations
- Situational Awareness and Visualization to Inform C2
- The Future of C2: Drivers and Considerations
- Other Topics in Information and Command and Control Systems
Please direct questions to:
Stuart Benton, U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory
Michael Atkinson, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Integration of advanced and innovative propulsion systems, especially inlets, nozzles and thrust reverser systems, has received renewed interest in recent years owing to increased integration requirements from airframe concepts, engine technologies, and system level demands. More efficient propulsion system designs and technology are being investigated that allow for gains in air-breathing aircraft performance and operability. In addition to inlets and exhausts, there is interest in secondary systems and thermal systems that enable new propulsive capabilities and increased integrated performance.
- Aerodynamics of Inlets and Nozzles (joint with APA)
- Boundary Layer Ingesting Inlet Design, Integration, and Performance
- Electrified Aircraft and Systems
- Fan Intake Interactions (joint with GTE)
- Inlet/Exhaust System Design, Integration, Performance, and/or Operability
- Inlets and Nozzles for High-Speed Systems (joint with HSABP)
- Integration of Hydrogen Propulsion and Cryogenic Systems
- Integration of Secondary Power Systems and Impact on Performance
- Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul Technologies, Health Monitoring and Prognostics
- Optimization of Propulsion System Design and Integration
- Power/Thermal Management Systems Integration
- Propulsion System Integration for High-Speed Propulsion Applications (joint with HSABP)
- S-Duct Inlet Design and Fan Distortion Effects
- Supersonic Inlet Design, Integration, and Performance
- System Integration for Hybrid Electric Propulsion
- Technologies and Integration for Sustainable Aviation
- Unducted Fan and Propeller Design, Performance, and Analysis
- Other Topics in Inlets, Nozzles, and Propulsion Systems Integration
Please direct questions to:
Isaac Weintraub, Air Force Research Laboratory
David Casbeer, Air Force Research Laboratory
Yan Wan, University of Texas at Arlington
Submissions are sought in all areas of application of Intelligent System (IS) technologies and methods to aerospace systems, the verification and validation of these systems, and the education of AIAA membership in the use of IS technologies in aerospace and other technical disciplines. Systems of interest include both military and commercial aerospace systems and those ground systems that are part of test, development, or operations of aerospace systems. Technologies that enable autonomy (i.e. safe and reliable operation with minimal or no human intervention) as well as collaborative human-machine teaming in complex aerospace systems/subsystems are of interest. These include, but are not limited to: autonomous and expert systems; discrete planning/scheduling algorithms; intelligent data/image processing, learning, and adaptation techniques; data fusion and reasoning; and knowledge engineering. The application of such technologies to problems that highlight advanced air mobility, certification, carbon emissions/sustainability, space traffic management, and cislunar operations are of particular interest. Please click Additional Details for more information. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Adaptive and Intelligent Control Systems
- Autonomy
- Formal Methods in Aerospace Engineering
- Guidance, Navigation and Control in Intelligent Systems [joint with GNC]
- Human – Automation Interaction
- Learning, Reasoning, and Data Driven Systems
- Probabilistic and Rule-Based Systems
- Sensor Fusion and Systems Health Management (SHM)
- Space Trusted Autonomy
Please direct questions to:
Naveen Vetcha, Jacobs Space Exploration Group
Jason Hartwig, NASA
Nathan Andrews, Southwest Research Institute
Papers are sought from all areas related to liquid rocket propulsion, including component and system level technologies, new concepts and applications, novel or enabling manufacturing technologies, storable and cryogenic propellant applications, related research and development programs, associated test facilities, modeling approaches, and sustainability and economic impacts. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Advanced Manufacturing and Materials for Application to Liquid Propulsion Systems
- Advanced System Engineering Tools & Techniques for Liquid Propulsion Systems
- Carbon Sustainability and Economics of Launch Vehicles in a Competitive and Burgeoning Space Economy
- Certification Considerations for Launch Vehicles, Landers, and Satellite Propulsion Systems
- Combustor Design, Analysis and Testing
- Cryogenic Propellant Application for Vehicles, Ground Use, Space Transfer and In-Situ Utilization
- Current and Historical Lessons Learned in Liquid Propulsion Development and Operation
- Dual Mode Propulsion (joint EPTC/LPTC)
- Green and Non-Toxic Propellant Studies, Development, and Applications
- In-Space Liquid Propulsion System Design, Analysis, Testing and Operation, Including Cube/Nanosats
- Liquid fueled RDEs (joint LPTC/PGCTC)
- Liquid Propulsion System and component Design, Analysis, Testing, and Operation
- Modeling and Simulation of Liquid Propulsion Systems, Components, and Processes
- Nozzles Design, Analysis and Testing, Including Thrust Vectoring Methods
- Propellant Management, Storage, and Feed System Design, Analysis, Testing, and In-Orbit Refueling
- Test Facilities and Advanced Diagnostic Techniques for Liquid Propulsion Systems
- Other Topics in Liquid Propulsion
Please direct questions to:
Richard Li, Aurora Flight Sciences, A Boeing Company
Marianna Maiaru, Columbia University
The TC seeks papers related to cutting-edge research and development of aerospace materials. Submissions are encouraged in topic areas such as modeling, synthesis, processing, testing, and characterization. Applications may include, but are not limited to, structural and nonstructural, adaptive, smart, and renewable materials, coatings, and thin films. Special focus areas include multifunctional materials, manufacturing process models, material property models, novel experimental methods, coatings and protective materials, lifecycle studies, affordability, inspection, repair, maintenance, and environmental impact. Papers on experimental and analytical methods that lead to understanding of mechanical performance, environmental sensitivity, fatigue and fracture, time- and rate-dependent behavior, durability, damage tolerance, aging, and in-service performance are included. Special emphasis will be given to emerging technologies, such as nanomaterials, materials for extreme environments and hypersonics, multidimensional composites, cryogenic materials, advanced fiber forms, lightweight materials, multifunctional materials and integration of material models into the product development process. Joint sessions will be held on topics such as Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME). Please click on the Additional Details for more information on session topics.
- 3D Woven Composites for Materials and Structures (with STR)
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Materials and Structures (with STR)
- Design and Analysis of Structures and Materials in Extreme Environments (with STR)
- Fatigue and Fracture
- High Performance Materials for Extreme Environments
- High Strain Composite Materials and Structures (with SCS)
- ICME (with STR and MDO)
- Materials for Additive Manufacturing
- Microstructure Characterization and Modeling
- Multifunctional Materials for Aerospace
- Multiscale Modeling
- Nanostructured Materials
- Process Modeling of Composites
- Structural Joints and Repairs (with STR)
- Survivable Materials and Structures (with SUR)
- Testing and Characterization of Materials
- Thermoplastics (STR)
- Uncertainty Quantification and Model Validation for ICME (with NDA)
Please direct questions to:
Devina P. Sanjaya, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Yves-Marie Lefebvre, Tecplot, Inc.
Technical papers and panels are solicited in all aspects of Geometry Modeling, Meshing, Visualization, and Computational Environments (i.e., workflows, data storage and formats, pre-processing, post-processing, etc.). Papers and panels that present innovative ideas and techniques, describe matured technologies, identify rooms for improvement, address current challenges, and/or promote interdisciplinary and collaborative activities are strongly encouraged. For technical papers, all authors must submit extended abstracts that include a thorough literature review, detailed methodology, preliminary results, and for ongoing work, clear goals for the final manuscripts. For panels, please email a one-paragraph abstract and a list of panel participants to our Technical Discipline Chair and her Deputy before submission. Technical presentations are by invitation only and agreed upon before submissions. Students are encouraged to submit to the MVCE Student Paper Competition. Specific topics of interest are listed below, but other related topics are also welcomed.
- Adaptive Meshing, Error Estimation, and Grid Quality Metrics
- Automated Workflows and Frameworks for Engineering Design and Analysis
- CFD on Large-Scale Meshes for Applied Aerodynamics (Joint APA/CFD2030/MVCE)
- Geometry Modeling and Meshing for MDO (Joint MDO/MVCE)
- Geometry Modeling, Visualization Technologies, Feature Detection, and Knowledge Extraction
- High-Order Mesh Adaptation
- High-Performance Computing
- Mesh Adaptation and Error Estimation for Large Eddy Simulation (Joint FD/MVCE)
- Mesh Generation Methods for Structured, Unstructured, and Overset Meshes
- Moving and Deforming Meshes
- Surrogate Modeling and Mesh Adaptation for Shock-Dominated Flows (Joint FD/MVCE/NDA)
- Visualization and Knowledge Extraction of Large Data Sets (Joint APA/CFD2030/MVCE)
- Other Topics in Meshing, Visualization, and Computational Environments
Please direct questions to:
Nishanth Goli, Supernal
Darshan Sarojini, Virginia Tech
The scope of the Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Technologies discipline encompasses M&S of aerospace vehicles in a system or system of systems context (e.g., flight simulators, airspace simulations, space operations simulations, systems analysis). A paper that solely covers M&S methods for a single engineering discipline like structures or applied aerodynamics should be submitted to that discipline. If a paper with a single-discipline M&S topic is submitted to this call, then it will be moved to the appropriate discipline or rejected if the discipline is not represented at SciTech.
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the Modeling and Simulation Technical Committee. Authors submitting extended abstracts are encouraged to include as many details about their work as possible to help reviewers make informed evaluations.
At each conference, members of the Modeling and Simulation Technical Committee sit in the audience and judge all presentations as the first step of their selection of a best paper at the conference. The papers associated with the best presentations in each session will be evaluated further. The best overall paper will be awarded at the conference the following year and winners receive a cash award.
Please click Additional Details for more information.
- Adapting New Technology to Modeling and Simulation Infrastructure for Aerospace
- Design, Development, Testing, and Validation of X-in-the-Loop Simulation and LVC
- Human Factors, Perception, and Cueing
- Model and Simulation Integration
- Modeling and Simulation for Aerospace Cybersecurity
- Modeling and Simulation for Autonomous Guidance, Navigation and Control (joint GNC/MST)
- Modeling and Simulation for Certification and Qualification
- Modeling and Simulation of Air Vehicle Dynamics, Systems, and Environments
- Modeling and Simulation of Space Vehicle Dynamics, Systems, and Environments
- Simulation of Air Traffic Management (ATM)
- Simulation-Based Software Development and Verification
- Simulator Hardware and Facilities
- Other Modeling and Simulation Topics
Please direct questions to:
Kai James, Georgia Institute of Technology
Giuseppe Cataldo, NASA
The Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) Technical Committee has brought together industry practitioners, government employees, and academics to present and discuss the latest developments in multidisciplinary design, analysis, and optimization for decades.
Multidisciplinary optimization has been successfully carried out for problems ranging from the design of individual components to complex systems. Additionally, theoretical advances, from new optimization algorithms to approaches for robust and reliability-based design are playing an ever-growing role in this rapidly evolving field. With the emergence of digital transformation and engineering, MDO is becoming ever more pertinent in generating innovative designs to achieve unprecedented levels of performance.
Technical papers are sought in areas related to the development and application of numerical optimization, design with uncertainties, multi-fidelity analysis methods, machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches to single and multidisciplinary design optimization. Please click Additional Details for more information.
- Aerodynamic Design Optimization
- Application of MDO for Vehicle Design
- Codesign of software and hardware
- Design optimization in digital transformation
- Design Under Uncertainty (joint MDO/NDA)
- Emerging Methods, Algorithms, and Software Development in MDO
- Geometry Modeling and Meshing for MDO (joint MVCE/MDO)
- Machine Learning and Optimization
- MDO with Model-Based Design Engineering
- MDO/Sensitivity Analysis with Aeroelasticity/Fluid-Structure Interaction
- Metamodeling, Reduced Order Models, and Approximation Methods
- Optimization with Digital Thread and Digital Twin
- Physics-Informed Machine Learning (joint MDO/NDA)
- Probabilistic Machine Learning for Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Systems (joint MDO/NDA)
- Sailplane Aerodynamics and Design (joint MDO/AA)
- Shape/Topology Optimization and generative AI
- Special Session: High-Fidelity Aeroelastic Design Optimization Applications and Benchmarks
- Special Session: Integrated Computational Material Engineering (ICME)
- Special Session: Structural Optimization Application for Air and Space
Please direct questions to:
Ashwin Renganathan, Penn State University
Non-Deterministic Approaches are technologies aimed at understanding and managing the variations and uncertainties inherent in the design, production, and operation of physical systems. These technologies include computational and experimental methods to quantify uncertainty, propagate uncertainty in complex physical systems, design systems under uncertainty, and estimate the reliability and performance of these systems for confident decision making. The NDA conference is a forum to discuss both the development of new methods for solving these problems and the application of non-deterministic approaches to problems of interest to the aerospace community. Student submissions are welcome and encouraged for competition for the The Southwest Research Institute Student Paper Award in Non-Deterministic Approaches.
- Design Under Uncertainty (joint NDA/MDO)
- Mesh Quality, Adaptive Meshing, Error Estimation, and Uncertainty Quantification (joint MVCE/NDA)
- Model Order Reduction & Surrogate Modeling
- Physics-informed Machine Learning (joint NDA/MDO)
- Probabilistic Machine Learning for Uncertainty Quantification in Complex Systems (Joint NDA/MDO)
- Reliability and Risk Analysis Methods and Applications
- Surrogate Modeling and Mesh Adaptation for Shock-Dominated Flows (Joint FD/MVCE/NDA)
- Uncertainty Analysis Advancements for Wind Energy Applications (joint NDA/WE)
- Uncertainty Quantification and Model Validation for ICME (joint MAT/NDA)
- Uncertainty Quantification for Acoustics and Structural Dynamics (Joint NDA/SD)
Please direct questions to:
Jim Cavera, Xplore, Inc
Papers should address approaches for nuclear-powered rocketry and alternative, physics-based propulsion systems. Relevant topics include all aspects of nuclear thermal rocket (NTR) design, testing, and utilization as well as innovative or emerging concepts for fusion-based, antimatter or hybrid space systems. “Future Flight” topics include concepts for both near- and far-term propulsion architectures that require significant advancements in physics and propulsion science. Applications of space-time manipulation, gravity modification, electromagnetic coupling, particle/quantum physics, relativistic assessments or fluidic continua are valid for this area. Future Flight papers should be well-founded in theory and clearly identify a propulsion application. Any performance comparisons must include uncertainty bands. Session categories include
- Advanced Physics, Quantum Mechanics, and Gravitational Models
- Analysis of Missions Enabled by Nuclear or Future Propulsion
- Fusion, Alternative Nuclear, and Antimatter Concepts
- Nuclear Electric and Bimodal Concepts
- Nuclear Thermal Propulsion: Engine Modeling
- Nuclear Thermal Propulsion: Fuels and Materials
- Nuclear Thermal Propulsion: Testing and Programmatics
Please direct questions to:
Stanislav Gordeyev, University of Notre Dame
Sally Bane, Purdue University
Alexey Shashurin, Purdue University
Papers are solicited describing experimental, computational, theoretical, or applied research and development in the areas of plasmadynamics and lasers with application to aeronautics, astronautics and energy. Works on fundamentals of plasma dynamics and kinetics, as well as femtosecond and short-pulsed laser physics are especially encouraged. Efforts combining contemporary theoretical/computational analyses with experimental verification/validation and which represent notable advancements in the aerospace sciences are especially encouraged. Special consideration will be given to works reporting milestone R&D and/or engineering achievements related to aerospace system application of plasma and laser technologies. Survey papers on the current state of the art and historical perspectives are also desired. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Aero-optics and atmospheric optical turbulence
- Atmospheric and space plasmas
- Computational methods for plasmas and lasers
- Hypersonics and entry flow plasmas
- Plasma and laser diagnostics
- Plasma and laser physics (dynamics and kinetics)
- Plasma and laser-based propulsion
- Plasma-assisted aerodynamics
- Plasma-assisted ignition and combustion
- Other topics in plasmas and lasers
Please direct questions to:
John Bennewitz, University of Alabama, Huntsville
Jason Burr, Air Force Research Laboratory
Papers are sought that are focused on the development and application of Pressure Gain Combustion (PGC) for propulsion and power generation systems. PGC includes both primary combustion types including deflagration and detonation combustion, and is broadly defined as a fundamentally unsteady process whereby gas expansion by heat release is constrained, causing a rise in stagnation pressure and allowing work extraction by expansion to the initial pressure. Examples of PGC include (but are not limited to) resonant pulse combustion (PC), pulse detonation combustion / engine (PDC / PDE), rotating detonation combustion / engine (RDC / RDE), internal wave rotor combustion (WRC), and constant volume combustion (CVC). Relevant research topics range from fundamental research to applied technologies, with the following subtopics:
- Applications, System Integration and Thermal Management
- Combustor Operability, Optimization and Performance with Liquid and Gaseous Fuels
- Component and Subsystem Design and Evaluation
- Computational Modeling, Simulation and Validation
- Fundamental Investigation of Pressure Gain Combustion Concepts
- Liquid Fueled RDEs (joint LPTC/PGCTC)
- Measurement and Diagnostics including Experimental Design, Uncertainty Analysis and Machine Learning
Please direct questions to:
Hong G. Im, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
Kareem Ahmed, University of Central Florida
Papers are sought that describe experimental, numerical, theoretical, and/or applied results in all areas of combustion relevant to propulsion and energy generation in aerospace systems. Submissions are encouraged from academia, government, and industry. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Additive Manufacturing in Combustion Applications
- Advanced Combustion, Propellants, and Combustor Concepts
- Combustion and the Environment
- Combustion Chemistry
- Combustion Diagnostics
- Combustion Dynamics and Instabilities
- Combustion Modeling and Simulation
- Detonations, Explosions, and Supersonic Combustion
- Fuels, Propellants, and Energetic Materials
- Laminar and Turbulent Flames
- Machine Learning for Combustion
- Micro-Scale Combustion
- Rocket and Air-Breathing Combustion
- Spray and Droplet Combustion
- Other Topics in Propellants and Combustion
Please direct questions to:
George Papadopoulos, Innoveering, LLC
Melissa Choi, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Papers are sought that address theoretical, analytical, simulated, experimental, or implementation results related to aerospace applications for sensor systems, information and sensor fusion, and autonomous resource management. Advances in the fusion of sensor networks, cooperative sensing, autonomy, and multi-system collaboration are of particular interest. Concepts regarding Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and Joint All Domain Operations (JADO) are of interest as well. Additionally, advanced sensors (neuromorphic, quantum, etc.), sensors for situational awareness, and new sensor designs and/or sensor hardware are encouraged topic focus areas.
- Advanced Sensor Data Processing Techniques
- Applications of Sensor and Information Fusion
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
- Autonomy and/or Collaboration
- Cyber Fusion
- Developing Trust in Autonomous Systems
- Fusion or Integration of Networked Sensors or Systems
- Human Interface with Complex or Autonomous Systems
- Identification, Situation Awareness, and Sensemaking
- Joint All Domain Operations (JADO)
- Multi-Sensor Field/Flight Experiment Planning, Implementation, and Analyses
- Neuromorphic and Quantum Sensors
- New Sensor Designs and Hardware
- Novel Sensors for Aerospace Applications
- Sensor/Resource Management
- Sensors for Harsh Environments
- Sensors for Situational Awareness
Please direct questions to:
Jonathan Sauder, NASA Joint Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech
James Cutler, University of Michigan
Scott Palo, University of Colorado Boulder
Papers are sought in all areas of small satellite systems (SATS) and subsystem design, construction and operation in addition to education and workforce development. Paper selection for SATS will be based on a full draft manuscript or detailed extended abstract of the proposed technical paper in the AIAA format. The maturity of the work including relevant technical details will be used as a key metric when making an acceptance decision (only exception is for submissions to the CubeSats Before College session, for pre-collegiate students, and does not require a paper submission… in this case be sure to select oral only presentation). Submissions are encouraged from academia, government, and industry. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Communications
- CubeSats Before College: Expanding the STEM Pathway (Pre-college students only, joint SATS/EDU)
- Cybersecurity
- Education, Workforce Development and Public Outreach
- Multi Satellite Constellations
- Novel Technologies
- Propulsion
- Results from Prior Missions
- Small Satellite Deployable Structures (joint SATS/SCS)
- Small Satellite Guidance, Navigation and Control (joint GNC/SATS)
- Software and Autonomy
- Upcoming Missions
Please direct questions to:
Amir S. Gohardani, Deloitte
The Society and Aerospace Technology Outreach Committee (SAT OC) promotes activities linked to AIAA’s mission to inspire and advance the future of aerospace for the benefit of humanity. The SAT IOC is soliciting papers that examine the societal benefits of aerospace technologies/products, as well as the relationship between aerospace and society, culture, and the arts. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Astrosociology
- Group Dynamics & Societal Institutions in Isolated Communities (Space Settlements, Antarctica)
- Influences of Aerospace Technology on Popular Culture (Art, Literature, Movies/TV, & Music)
- Influences of Popular Culture on Aerospace Technology (i.e. Science Fiction as Inspiration for R&D)
- Psychology, Social Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Science Aspects of Aerospace
- Societal Consequences of United States and/or International Aerospace Policy
- Societal Impacts of Aerospace Technology and their Spin-Offs
- Societal Issues Involving the Use of Aerospace Technologies (UAS, Satellite Imagery, etc.)
- Sociology and Social Psychology of Aerospace Teams
Please direct questions to:
Jason Kelly, Lockheed Martin Corporation
Jacob Cassady, NASA
Advances in automation and autonomy, emerging target architectures, and trending engineering approaches are pushing the community for innovation to continuously improve the economy, safety, intelligence, and security of aerospace software. We will bring together academic, industry, and government experts at the intersection of aerospace and computer science to foster synergy across the divide between the two communities to present emerging topics in software development methodologies, architecture considerations, model-based approaches, domain-specific languages such as Rust, formal methods, run-time monitoring, and safe/certifiable software development for advanced computing hardware such as multicore or system on chip processors and firmware devices.
A particular focus for 2025 SciTech will be on advances in software engineering practices for artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) and autonomy systems to include requirements engineering, operational design domain and scenarios, simulation, synthetic data engineering, data management, learning assurance, architecural patterns, redundancy, runtime monitoring, verification, validation, certification, and assurance.
Additional leading edge topics of interest to aerospace software research and practice communities are also encouraged.
- AI/ML and Autonomy Software Engineering Practices
- Architectural Patterns for AI, Safety and Security, Redundancy and Monitoring
- Argument Based Certification
- Commercial and Open Source Software Tool Support for AI/ML and Autonomy
- Data Management and Learning Assurance for AI/ML and Autonomy
- Model-Based Software Safety Analysis, Design and Assessment
- Operational Design Domain and Scenarios for AI-Based Systems
- Resilient and Fault-tolerant Software
- Runtime Monitoring and Assurance for AI/System Safety and Operational Safety
- Safe / Certifiable Software Parallelization, Use of Multicore Processors and System on Chip Features
- Safety-Oriented Programming Languages, such as Rust
- Simulation, Simulators and Synthetic Data Engineering for AI/ML and Autonomy
- Software Processes, including Agile Approaches, DevOps and DevSecOps
- Verification, Validation and Certification aspects of AI/ML and Autonomy
- Other Topics in Software
Please direct questions to:
Wes Ryan, NASA
Papers are solicited that relate to all aspects of solid rocket propulsion systems, including component and system-level design, material development/selection, manufacturing, testing, ballistic prediction methodologies, performance evaluation, and state-of-the art technology advancements. Additional areas of interest include overviews of historical solid propulsion systems, lessons learned from development, testing and flight experience, and current status of upcoming solid rocket motor systems/programs. Discussions focused on STEM initiatives, university capabilities, and shifting or emerging trends in government and industry are also welcome.
- Acoustic Characterization and Combustion Stability
- Analytical Uncertainty Quantification and Risk Assessment
- Case, Nozzle, and Ignition System Design Innovations
- Controllable Solid Propulsion/Thrust Management Techniques
- Current Solid Propulsion System Development Efforts and Program Status
- Future Solid Propulsion Technologies
- Historic Solid Propulsion Systems and Lessons Learned
- Modeling and Simulation Advancements
- Motor Design and System Optimization
- Propellant Chemistry, Synthesis, and Characterization
- Propellant Geometry and Motor Ballistics
- University-Based Solid Rocket Motor Programs
Please direct questions to:
Cesare Guariniello, Purdue University
Kimberly Wilcher, Amentum
The Space Automation and Robotics Technical Committee (SARTC) is soliciting papers on automation and robotics for in-space program applications. These sessions provide a forum for researchers in the field to come together to discuss the latest advancements in space robotics. Academia, industry, and government are all highly encouraged to contribute. Papers on a wide range of space automation and robotics (SAR) areas are welcomed, including but not limited to, design, development, fabrication, application, and operation of SAR systems and components, and consideration of SAR technology development needs and human-machine interface. Previously SAR papers have been split amongst other sessions and this year we aim to carve out this special session to allow for them to converge in one space for more fruitful discussions.
- Current and Upcoming Space Robotics Missions
- Ground-based Verification and Validation (V&V) of Space Robotic Systems
- Human-Automated Systems Interaction and Collaboration
- In-Space and On-Orbit Assembly Robotics
- In-Space and On-Orbit Manufacturing Robotics
- In-Space and On-Orbit Servicing Robotics
- Machine Learning and AI for Space Robotics and Automation
- New Initiatives for Commercialization of In-Space and On-Orbit Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing
- Novel Technologies for Transforming Space Robotics and Automation Applications
- Teleoperation technologies of Space Robotic Systems
- Other Topics in Space Automation and Robotics
Please direct questions to:
Surendra P. Sharma, NASA Ames Research Center
Narayanan R Ramachandran, Jacobs Space Exploration Group
The Space Exploration track serves as the focal point for promoting awareness and advancement of space exploration, and to disseminate relevant information on leading-edge, current, new, emerging space exploration programs, general knowledge and awareness of exploration systems, technological needs and gaps, applications identification and activities, inter-disciplinary and inter-agency interactions, and national & international space policy matters and challenges. Papers are solicited describing the following activities: 1) ongoing experimental, computational and theoretical, or applied research, 2) activities related to the current and future technological needs, 3) planning, policy matters and Implementation ideas, in the technical disciplines relevant to Space exploration and sustaining the human presence in Cis-Lunar space and beyond. Please follow this link for Additional Details . Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Accelerating the Space Economy-Building InSpace Infrastructure, and related opportunities
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Space Exploration
- Commercial Space
- Enabling Technologies
- Flight Systems
- Humans in Space Logistics, Medical issues, Bio-Research
- In-Space Infrastructure
- Impact of Space Activities on Climate and Atmosphere
- International Partnerships
- Lessons Learned from Previous Human Exploration History as Applied to Modern Spaceflight
- Life Sciences and Human Systems: Medical issues, Bio-Research, Radiation, Artificial Gravity
- Longer Duration Space Missions (50+ years)
- Lunar Environments and Effects on Lunar Exploration (Joint session with ASE)
- Lunar Exploration
- Mission Architectures
- National Science Priorities
- Planetary Defense
- Space Logistics: Joint session with Space Logistics TC
- Space Policy
- Using ISS and Terrestrial Analogs for Exploration
- Other Topics in Space Exploration
Please direct questions to:
Michael Ferguson, Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Lab
Space Operations and Support includes all aspects of space operations from low-earth and geosynchronous orbit, to lunar and planetary environments as well as supporting ground systems. It also provides an opportunity to discuss recent research findings, newly proposed concepts, and applied demonstrations emerging from space operations. Papers in this technical discipline will explore the unique technology and challenges in operating orbital and interplanetary missions.
- Automation, Autonomy, and Artificial Intelligence
- Commercial and International Standardization
- Legal Obstacles to Expanded Orbital Operations
- On-Orbit Servicing
- Operations Innovations
- Orbital Collision and Debris Mitigation of Risk
- Reducing Spacecraft Total Cost of Ownership including Small and Nano-Satellites
- Reusable Launch or On-Orbit Vehicles
- Simplified Mission Communications
Please direct questions to:
Eleonora Botta, University at Buffalo
Riccardo Bevilacqua, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Space Tethers covers the development and applications of space tethers, including electrodynamic tether propulsion, cable-based active debris removal technology, tether-based momentum transfer systems, remote sensing tether-based systems, tether-based space structures, and related supporting systems and technologies. Technical papers are solicited on modeling, identification, estimation, guidance, navigation and control of space systems that use tethers and of space systems entirely based on tethers. Hardware solutions, spacecraft designs, and mission designs are also relevant to this topic. Results from missions are welcome.
- Actuators for Tether Control
- Cable-Based Robots for Active Debris Removal and On-Orbit Servicing
- Electrodynamic Tethers and E-sails
- Estimation and Control for Tethered Systems
- Nonlinear Dynamics, Flexible Multibody Dynamics, and Contact Modeling for Tethers
- Novel Continuous Theory for Tether Modeling
- Numerical Methods for Tether Modeling in Simulation
- Sensor Placement for Tether Monitoring
- Space Elevators
- Other Topics on Space Tethers
Please direct questions to:
Francisco Lopez Jimenez, University of Colorado Boulder
Andrew Lee, North Carolina State University
Spacecraft Structures provides an opportunity to discuss recent research findings, newly proposed concepts, and applied demonstrations emerging from spacecraft technology. The Spacecraft Structures Technical Committee is focused on the unique challenges associated with structural systems that operate in a space environment. This discipline is specifically focused on the challenges of design, analysis, fabrication, and testing of those lightweight structural systems that must be ground tested in a simulated zero-gravity condition, Spacecraft Structures provides an opportunity to discuss recent research findings, newly proposed concepts, and applied demonstrations emerging from spacecraft technology. The Spacecraft Structures Technical Committee is focused on the unique challenges associated with structural systems that operate in a space environment. This discipline is specifically focused on the challenges of design, analysis, fabrication, and testing of those lightweight structural systems that must be ground tested in a simulated zero-gravity condition, and are subjected to launch loads, deployment loads, and the space environment. Papers are invited in a broad range of areas from academia, government, and industry.and are subjected to launch loads, deployment loads, and the space environment. Papers are invited in a broad range of areas from academia, government, and industry.
- Adaptive Spacecraft Structures and Systems (joint SCS/AS)
- Design Methods, Tools and Processes in support of Spacecraft Structures
- High Strain Composite Materials and Structures (joint SCS/MAT)
- In-Space Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM) (joint SCS/STR)
- Lightweight and Inflatable Space Structures
- Small Satellite Deployable Structures (joint SCS/SATS)
- Solar Sails, Solar Shields, and Other Membrane Structures
- Spacecraft Antennas, Reflectors, and Other Optical Apertures
- Spacecraft Booms and Trusses
- Spacecraft Structures Test, Analysis, and Correlation
- Other Spacecraft Structures Topics
Please direct questions to:
Kaitlin Spak, Exponent
Cristina Riso, Georgia Tech
The field of structural dynamics covers the study of response, stability, control, and adaptation of aerospace structures exposed to a wide variety of external/internal dynamic excitations. Such excitations can arise from the coupling of multiple disciplines such as aerodynamics, thermodynamics, acoustics, control and flight mechanics; interactions among multiple components such as wings, rotors, pylons, airframe, engines and drive systems; and high intensity external disturbances such as gusts, acoustics, shocks, impact, or thermally-induced loads in the vehicle operational environments. Papers are invited which report on fundamental understandings of such phenomena, development of new analytical, computational, and experimental methods for their prediction and analysis, and innovative methodologies for the design, development and deployment of advanced technology of structures and components that exploit or mitigate them. The following list identifies the broad topics of interest but is not intended to be all-inclusive. Please submit abstracts to the topic that best covers your research or to “Other Topics in Structural Dynamics” if your research is outside the scope of the list. Several special sessions are offered this year, please see the list below. Please click Additional Details for more information.
- Aero-, Servo-, Thermo-elastic Phenomena
- Aeroelastic Problems of Hypersonic Air Vehicles
- Aeroelastic Problems of Small UAVs
- Aeroelastic Response and Vibratory Loads of Vertical Lift Vehicles
- Computer Methods, High Performance Computing and Reduced Order Modeling
- Dynamic Loads, Response, Vibration and Stability of Aerospace Vehicles
- Finite Element Modeling, Meshing, and Substructuring
- Flexible Multibody Dynamics, Nonlinear Dynamics of Contact and Constraints
- Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) (Joint SD/FD)
- Flutter and Limit Cycle Oscillations
- Launch Vehicle Loads and Environments
- Machine Learning in Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity
- Special Session: Crashworthiness of Unconventional Aircraft
- Special Session: Fatigue Loads and Spectrum Generation (Joint SD/STR)
- Special Session: International Collaborations Advancing Materials and Combustion
- Special Session: Lessons Learned in Human Spaceflight: Day-of-Launch Loads – Mercury to Artemis
- Special Session: Mechanical Shocks, Fracture and Fatigue
- Special Session: Operator-Theoretic Methods for Reduced-Order Modeling
- Special Session: Quantum Computing in Structural Dynamics
- Structural Dynamics of Engines and Drives
- Structural Dynamics of Spacecraft
- Structural Health Monitoring, HUMS & Fatigue Damage Prognosis
- Testing Methodologies & Techniques of Structural Dynamics
- Uncertainty Quantification for Acoustics and Structural Dynamics (Joint NDA/SD)
- Vibration & Vibroacoustic Control, Energy Harvesting & Damping
- Whirl Flutter Testing and Prediction
- Other Topics in Structural Dynamics
Please direct questions to:
Philip Knoth, AFRL
Jason Action, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
The Structures Technical Discipline covers any aircraft and/or spacecraft (e.g., launch vehicles) related science and technology in design, analysis, computer modeling, optimization, manufacturing, and testing. Its topics include the latest development in both traditional structures and innovative concepts, ranging from coupons and components to vehicles and comprising metallic, composite, and/or hybrid materials. It also covers refinement, improvement and development of current approaches, and exploration in structural repair, damage, fatigue, fracture, stability, and manufacturing. Papers on advancements in durability, damage tolerance, aging, fail-safe and/or safe life are also encouraged. We welcome papers on best practices, historical lessons learned, and advances in structural applications. Papers on other topics in structures not explicitly mentioned above are also strongly encouraged. Please see Additional Details for more information.
- 3D Woven Composite Materials and Structures
- Additive Structures
- AI/ML in Structures and Materials
- Air and Space Structural Design, Analysis, Test
- Buckling and Stability of Air and Space Structures
- Composite Structural Analysis, Design, Testing, and Manufacturing
- Crashworthiness of eVTOL/UAM Vehicles
- Fatigue Loads and Spectrum Generation
- Fatigue, Fracture, and Impact Damage of Structures
- In-Space Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM)
- Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME)
- Multifunctional Air and Space Structures
- Special Session in Honor of Dr. Frank Abdi
- Stitched Composite Structures
- Structural Health Monitoring & Non-Destructive Evaluation
- Structural Joints and Repairs
- Structural Optimization Application for Air and Space
- Structures and Materials in Extreme Environments
- Themoplastic Composites
- Topics in Air and Space Structures
Please direct questions to:
Darcy Allison, Raytheon
Lori Ozoroski, NASA
Kontis Konstantinos, University of Glasgow
Sahil Patel, Boom
The Supersonics session is sponsored by the Supersonics Integration and Outreach Committee and co-hosted with the Applied Aerodynamics Technical Committee. Innovative research contributions related to the application of civil supersonic flight vehicles with cruise Mach up to 2.5 are solicited (hypersonic applications are not solicited). A focused set of special sessions will be dedicated to the environmental impact of supersonic transport and hosted in a workshop-like format. Both papers and oral-presentations (without paper) are solicited in thThe Supersonics session is sponsored by the Supersonics Integration and Outreach Committee with some sessions co-hosted with the Applied Aerodynamics Technical Committee. Innovative research contributions related to the application of civil supersonic flight vehicles with cruise Mach up to 2.5 are solicited (hypersonic applications are not solicited). Papers are solicited for a special session on the Quesst Mission (X-59) development topics and another on takeoff and landing noise prediction. Papers are also solicited that cover broader topics in civil supersonics including, but not limited to, innovative technologies (especially those related to overcoming environmental impacts), environmental impacts (including high altitude emissions), noise, low-speed operations, air traffic management/integration of supersonic vehicles, sonic boom and low-boom prediction/design, policy, market analysis, modeling and simulation, vehicle design, engine design and integration for civil supersonic aircraft, structures, ground/flight testing, manufacturing, economics, operational forecasting, materials, and topic area. Papers are also solicited that cover broader topics in civil supersonics including, but not limited to, takeoff and community noise, low-speed operations, air traffic management/ integration of supersonic vehicles, sonic boom and low-boom design, environmental impact (including high altitude emissions), policy, market analysis, modeling and simulation, vehicle design, engine design and integration for civil supersonic aircraft, structures, ground/flight testing, manufacturing, economics, operational forecasting, materials, and aeroelasticity.
- Aerodynamic Performance
- Aeroelasticity
- Air-Traffic Management/Integration of Supersonic Vehicles
- Application of MDAO to Supersonic Vehicle Design
- Community Noise
- Conceptual Design Methods
- Economics
- Engine Design and Integration for Civil Supersonic Aircraft
- Environmental Impact, Including High Altitude Emissions
- Ground/Flight Testing
- Innovative technologies
- Low-Boom Design
- Low-Speed Operations
- Manufacturing
- Market study
- Materials
- Modeling and Simulation
- Operational Forecasting
- Policy
- Structures
- Uncertainty Quantification for Supersonics Vehicles
- Other Topics in Supersonics
Please direct questions to:
Beldon Lin, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Jobin Kokkat, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
The survivability discipline covers the capability of an aircraft or spacecraft system to avoid or withstand a hostile environment, man-made or otherwise. As part of the systems engineering process, survivability is affected by many other engineering disciplines, including materials (e.g., space debris protection, additive manufacturing for faster repairs), structures (e.g., damage tolerance, crashworthiness), flight controls (e.g., self-repairing flight controls), aerodynamics (maneuverability/agility), and propulsion (e.g., stealth). The Survivability Technical Committee (SURTC) is seeking papers that highlight current and state-of-the-art research and development of technologies and concepts to improve design, analysis, modeling, optimization, health monitoring, and/or testing for survivability. The SURTC is also looking for game changers that revolutionize the discipline in areas such as digital technologies to enable survivability testing and assessment of systems against kinetic and non-kinetic threats. Digital technologies include models, simulations, and digital twin capabilities. Special and joint sessions will be held on Survivable Structures and Materials for Survivability.
- Aircraft Survivability
- Digital Technologies for Survivability Testing and Evaluation
- Materials for Survivability (joint SUR/MAT)
- Space Survivability (e.g., orbital debris protection, extreme thermal environments)
- Survivability against Non-kinetic Threats (e.g., directed energy, cyber)
- Survivability Assessment Methodologies and Testing
- System Design/Optimization for Survivability
Please direct questions to:
William Deininger, Ball Aerospace
Papers in all areas of systems engineering (SE) are encouraged. All types of papers will be considered, including case studies, developmental work, modelling efforts and technical analyses. Topics include but are not limited to digitalization of systems engineering (MBSE, DE), systems engineering processes, systems engineering applications, systems engineering education and research, systems thinking, value of systems engineering for the development of space systems and atmospheric flight systems, systems engineering methods, foundations of systems engineering, and future trends in systems engineering. Applications of SE to the development of resilient and assured systems, model-based systems engineering applications and systems in the competitive and burgeoning space economy are especially sought. All abstracts will be evaluated by qualified individuals from industry, academia, or government.
- Atmospheric Flight Systems Engineering Theory and Applications
- Digital Engineering and Model-Based Systems Engineering
- Digital Twins Theory and Utility
- General Systems Engineering
- Machine Learning For Aerospace Applications
- Manufacturing, Assembly, Integration and Test in Systems Engineering
- Risk Management’s Leverage in Systems Engineering
- Sociotechnical Applications of Systems Engineering
- Space Systems, Systems Engineering Theory and Applications
- System Design Attributes, Architectures and Assessments
- Systems Architecture, Systems Engineering and System of Systems
- Systems Engineering Applications, Including New Space applications
- Systems Engineering Approaches to Complex Systems
- Systems Engineering Challenges and Approaches for Remote Sensing Systems
- Systems Engineering Education, Research and Theory
- Systems Engineering in Cislunar Space
- Systems Engineering Lessons-Learned
- Systems Engineering Processes and Methods
- Systems Engineering Research
- Systems Modeling and Simulation
- Systems Requirements, Verification and Validation
- Other Topics In and Related To Systems Engineering
Please direct questions to:
Lulin Jiang, Baylor University
Tarek Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University
Technical papers are sought that address research, technology development, and the implementation of fuels and fuel power and propulsion systems for both aerospace and terrestrial applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Advances in Renewable Energy
- Alternative Fuels, Novel Pathways, and Novel Combustion Concepts
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in Energy Systems
- Carbon Capture, sequestration, Storage, Utilization and Sustianability
- Certification of Fuels
- Clean Fuels, Energy, and Value Added Products from Multi-Sources (Biomass, Waste, Solar, Wind etc.)
- Combined Heat and Power with Ultra-Low Emissions of Pollutants
- Combustors, Micro-Combustors, Turbines, Advanced Cycles & Designs
- Energy Management and Green Infrastructure
- Fire, Super-Critical Combustion
- Hybrid Power/Propulsion Concepts, Modeling and Systems
- Hydrogen, Ammonia, and other Hydrogen Carrier Fuels and the Powered Systems
- Policy, Environmental, and Historical Perspectives of Fossil/Renewable-Fuel Power Technologies
- Pollution and Chemical Kinetics, CO2 Use for Fuels and Value Added Products
- Other Topics in Terrestrial Energy
Please direct questions to:
Andrew Brune, NASA Langley Research Center
Kyle Hanquist, University of Arizona
Mandana Saravani, Ford Motor Company
The Thermophysics Technical Committee solicits extended abstracts of proposed papers on topics in thermophysics and heat transfer. The abstract must be an extended abstract or draft manuscript with a minimum of 1,000 words. Papers are solicited on topics related to all aspects of thermal energy, heat transfer, and their related aerospace applications. Contributions based on analytical, numerical, and/or experimental studies are welcomed as well as timely survey and review articles. Scientific and technical contributions are emphasized, rather than status reports on work in progress. Student submissions are strongly encouraged. Special sessions are also welcome–please contact Technical Discipline Chairs. Areas of specific interest include, but are not limited to:
- Ablation
- Aero-Optics
- Aerothermodynamics
- Heat Pipes, Loop Heat Pipes, and Two-Phase Devices and Processes
- Micro- and Nano-Scale Heat Transfer
- Microgravity based Heat Transfer, Multidisciplinary Modeling and Simulation
- Non-Equilibrium Flows and Radiation
- Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Heat Transfer
- Thermal Materials including Shape-Stable High-Temperature, Thermal Insulation, & Thermal Interface
- Thermal Protection Systems and Thermal Management in Aircraft and Spacecraft
- Thermal Systems for Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion
- Transport and Thermophysical Properties
- Variable Emissivity Materials and Concepts
- Other Topics in Thermophysics
Please direct questions to:
Nicholas Borer, NASA Langley Research Center
Virginia Stouffer, Transformational Technologies
Technical papers are requested relating to advanced manned or unmanned concepts, regional air mobility, urban air mobility, on-demand mobility and other emergent aviation market studies, hybrid or electric propulsion integration and component technologies, piloted/autonomous/self-flying aircraft, simplified aircraft/vehicle operation, distributed propulsion.
- Aeroacoustics of Advanced Air Mobility Aircraft/Operations (joint AA)
- Air Traffic Management for Advanced /Transformational Aircraft Concepts (joint UAS)
- Autonomous Vehicle Operations, and Simplified Vehicle Operations (joint DA/UAS)
- Design and Analysis of Advanced Air Mobility Vehicles (joint ACD/EAT)
- Electric Propulsion Integration and Component Technologies for Flight (joint EAT)
- Ground and Flight Test of Advanced Air Mobility Vehicles/Concepts (joint FT)
- Integration of renewable energy systems, ground infrastructure, and sustainability considerations
- Urban, Regional, and On-Demand Air Mobility, Emergent Aviation Market Studies
Please direct questions to:
Omar Kassim Ariff, University of Salford, UK
Sricharan Ayyalasomayajula, BlueHalo
Integration of technical and operational areas enabling unmanned and uncrewed systems domain. Areas include autonomous, automated, and intelligent systems, and remote operations. Composing domains include design (SW/HW/Data), machine intelligence, CONOPs(e.g. UAM), operational aspects, certification, and regulation. The focus of the submissions must be on the underlying principles, models, algorithms, and governing equations.
- Air Traffic Management for Advanced Aircraft Concepts ( with Transformational Flight)
- Autonomous Mission Management Concepts & Technologies
- Autonomous Systems and Capabilities for Unmanned, Deep Space Missions
- Autonomous Task and System Integration
- Autonomy for Advanced Air Mobility Systems
- Certification Concepts for Increasingly Autonomous Systems
- Machine Intelligence and SW defined HW
- Systems Design and Optimization for Unmanned/Autonomous Systems
- Unmanned Air Systems – Optimizing the Human Crew-Machine Relationship
Please direct questions to:
Taeseong Kim, Technical University of Denmark
Todd Griffith, University of Texas at Dallas
Papers are solicited for the 44th Wind Energy Symposium covering a broad range of topics related to onshore and offshore wind turbine and wind farm technology. Technical areas of interest include aerodynamics, acoustics, aeroelasticity, structural dynamics, fatigue and extreme loads, design, performance optimization and control, uncertainty quantification, atmospheric inflow, innovative concepts, materials, manufacturing, testing, sensors, health monitoring, reliability, floating wind turbines, transition to turbulence modeling and experiments, wind farm design, and wind farm control. There will also be joint sessions with Applied Aerodynamics, Non-Deterministic Approaches (e.g., for uncertainty quantification), Structural Dynamics and Aerodynamic Measurement Technology. Individuals with expertise in these areas are encouraged to submit to these sessions. The Wind Energy Technical Committee will be considering all submissions for the Best Paper Award.
- Active Flow Control, Active Load Control
- Aeroelasticity, Structural Dynamics, and Loads Prediction
- Atmospheric Physics and Inflow
- Blade Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics
- Blade Structural Mechanics, Materials, Manufacturing, and Structural Testing
- Field Testing of Wind Energy Systems
- Innovations and Novel Concepts
- Machine Learning in Wind Energy Applications
- Offshore Wind Technology (shallow water and floating)
- Optimization and Control at Turbine and Plant Level
- Uncertainty Analysis Advancements for Wind Energy Applications (joint WE/NDA)
- Wake Physics, Modeling, and Experimentation
- Wind Turbine/Rotorcraft/Propeller Multi-Physics Modeling Approaches
Dates to Remember
Abstract Submission Begins:
26 March 2024
Abstract Submission Deadline:
23 May 2024, 8:00 p.m. ET
Author Notifications:
26 August 2024
Manuscript Deadline:
2 December 2024, 8:00 p.m. ET
*Dates are subject to change.