Call for Papers
Presentations and papers can be an effective way to hone scientific and technical ideas, introduce your work to aerospace colleagues, and hone your research questions. Forum paper presentations typically consist of a written document and an oral presentation. Presenting at AIAA AVIATION Forum is a great opportunity for gaining valuable feedback from a community of scholars and for increasing your professional stature in aerospace engineering, research and development.
Manage Submissions Student Paper Competitions Flow Visualization Showcase
Please direct questions to:
Nathan Alexander, Virginia Tech
Meng Wang, Univ. of Notre Dame
The AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference has established itself as the premier international forum for the field of aeroacoustics. It offers scientists and engineers from industry, government and universities an exceptional opportunity to exchange knowledge and results of current studies and to discuss directions for future research. Papers that address all aspects of the generation, propagation, and control of vehicle noise, as well as the effect of noise on structures and individuals are solicited.
The program’s technical content will include theoretical, experimental, and numerical contributions that describe original research results and/or innovative design concepts including those related to recent advances in low-carbon aircraft architectures and urban air mobility vehicles. In addition, in-depth reviews and timely surveys will be considered. Topics identified for the conference are listed below. Papers in other related areas, including the application of aerospace noise suppression technologies in other industries, and non-aerospace research with potential application to the aerospace industry are encouraged.
Conference papers of superb technical quality, notable originality, and scholarly accuracy will be considered, alongside the best 2025 SciTech Forum aeroacoustics papers, for the 2025 AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Best Paper Award.
Students are encouraged to submit to the Aeroacoustics Student Paper Competition.
- Acoustic/Fluid Dynamics Interactions
- Advanced Air Mobility Noise (joint AA/TF)
- Advanced Testing Techniques
- Airframe/High-Lift Noise
- Computational Aeroacoustics
- Duct Acoustics
- Flight Vehicle Community Noise
- General Acoustics
- Interior Noise/Structural Acoustics and Metamaterials
- Jet Aeroacoustics
- Propeller, Rotorcraft, and Wind Turbine Noise
- Reduced-order modeling and machine learning for fluid dynamics and aeroacoustics (joint AA/FD)
- Sonic Boom (joint AA/FD)
- Turbomachinery and Core Noise
Please direct questions to:
Vincent Schultz, NASA
Joseph Post, University of South Florida
Papers are sought relating to policies and strategies that will advance the modernization of Aerospace Transportation Systems, to include space and air traffic management (STM/ATM), airspace/space operations integration, capacity improvements, UAS/UTM integration, autonomous operations integration, space operations integration, and related safety enhancements/issues.
- Advanced Air Mobility Operations and Airspace Management (Joint w/TF)
- Collaboration Approaches to Address the ATM Operational Challenges of UAP (Joint with UAP)
- Economic and Cost/Benefit Analyses to Support Modernization
- Enabling Growth of Space Operations
- Enabling Improved Separation Assurance and Self-Separation
- Innovative Systems Approaches to Aerospace Traffic Management
- Innovative Systems Approaches to Improve Space Traffic Management
- International Approaches to Traffic Management and New Vehicle Integration
- Novel Business Models and Policies for Traffic Management
- Operations and Airspace Management for Existing and New Concepts (Joint GA/TF)
- Overcoming Integration Barriers for New Vehicle Types into the National Airspace System (Joint w/TF)
- Performance-Based Regulations
- Policy Trade-Offs between Airspace User Segments
- Simplified Operations and Autonomy for Transformational Mobility (Joint w/TF)
- Societal Impacts/Lessons Learned of UAS/UTM Integrated Operations
- Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena impact on Aerospace Traffic Management (Joint with UAP)
Please direct questions to:
Min Xue, NASA Ames Research Center
Marc Brittain, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Priyank Pradeep, NASA Ames Research Center
The Air Transportation Systems Technical Committee (ATS-TC) invites technical papers that describe the advancements of air transportation systems and operations, including concepts, technologies, procedures, algorithms, functions, analyses that can help improve safety, efficiency, scalability, sustainability of existing airspace, airline and airport management systems; concept, development, algorithms, testing, operations of new traffic systems for improved access to the NAS for new vehicle operations, such as Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), UAS Traffic Management (UTM), Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), extensible Traffic Management System (xTM) and their integration into the National Airspace System (NAS); Applications of new technologies and methods such as data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in related topics; modeling and simulation techniques that help advance conventional and non-conventional air transportation systems. For more information, please see Additional Details .
Students are encouraged to submit to the Air Transportation Systems Student Paper Competition.
- Advanced Operational Concepts for ATC/ATM
- Air Transportation Safety and Reliability
- Air Transportation System Economics, Policy, Social Impacts and Operational Implications
- Airline and Flight Operator Planning, Operations and Decision Making
- Airport and Metroplex Operations and Technologies
- Applications of Advanced Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance Technologies
- Autonomy and Electrification in Aviation and the NAS
- Development of AAM/UAM Operational Concepts
- Extensible Traffic Management for Non-Conventional Air Traffic (Commercial Space and Upper Class E)
- Flight Path Management and Trajectory-Based Operations
- Human Factors in Air Transportation Systems and Operations
- Info-Centric ATM Services and Operations
- Integration and Operation of AAM/UAM/UAS in the NAS
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to Air Transportation Systems and Operations
- Simulation, Modeling, and Analysis of ATC/ATM Technologies and Procedures
- Sustainable Aviation
- Weather Impacts on Air Transportation Systems and Operations
Please direct questions to:
Timothy Takahashi, Arizona State University (retired)
Nathaniel Blaesser, NASA Langley Research Center
We seek technical papers in all of areas of atmospheric flight vehicle design from subsonic through hypersonic, at all scales from micro air vehicles to very large aircraft. The Aircraft Design TC collaborates with the Transformational Flight, General Aviation TC and the Multi-Disciplinary-Optimization TCs as well as the History IOC. We seek papers on system level design studies of complete aircraft (both traditional and unconventional). We also seek papers covering the requirements development process as well as discipline-level studies most applicable to the conceptual and preliminary design process including aircraft performance, aerodynamics, propulsion, flight mechanics, structures, manufacturing, overall aircraft sizing as well as subsystem component sizing.
- Aircraft Design Case Studies incl. History, Market and Systems Engineering Analysis
- Aircraft Design Methods supporting Regulatory Compliance (incl. AAM, Supersonics & Hypersonics)
- Aircraft Design to Minimize Environmental Impact (Carbon Emissions & Sustainability)
- Aircraft Design Tools & Processes (Aero, Perf, Prop, S&C, Flt Mech, Structures, Weight, Sizing…)
- Aircraft Subsystems Design, Tools & Processes (i.e. Size, Weight, Power, Thermal, Redundancy)
- Aircraft System Design Requirements Studies (incl. AAM, Airline Ops, Supersonics & Hypersonics)
- Assessment of Aircraft Level Propulsion Concepts (Powered Lift, Electric, Hydrogen, Supersonic…)
- Assessment of Integrated New Technologies at Aircraft Level (Performance, Production, Cost)
- Complete Aircraft Design (Transport, Military, UAV, UAM, Subsonic, Supersonic, Hypersonic…)
- Undergraduate Student Design Projects not affiliated with other AIAA competitions
Please direct questions to:
Brent W. Pomeroy, NASA Langley Research Center
Anthony S. Ashley, Lockheed Martin
Andrew Voegele, The Aerospace Corporation
Papers are solicited in the areas of theoretical, experimental, and computational approaches to aerodynamics applications. Relevant areas of interest include, but are not limited to, flight or ground vehicle aerodynamic design, analysis of wing/rotor/vehicle aerodynamic performance, methods for modeling aerodynamic bodies, and novel studies or technological applications related to aerodynamic applications. Specific areas of interest are listed below, but work in related areas is also encouraged.
Students are encouraged to submit to the Applied Aerodynamics Student Paper Competition.
All persons submitting an abstract to this technical discipline are also invited to participate in the Flow Visualization Showcase.
- Aerodynamic Design: Application
- Aerodynamic Design: Methods and Techniques (joint session APA/MDO)
- Aerodynamic Flow Control: Analytical, Computational, and Experimental
- Aerodynamic Testing: Ground, Wind-Tunnel, and Flight Testing (joint session APA/GT)
- Aerodynamics of Inlets and Nozzles (joint session APA/HSABP/INPSI)
- Aero-Propulsive Interactions and Aerodynamics of Integrated Propeller Systems
- Airfoil/Wing/Configuration Aerodynamics (joint session APA/ACD)
- Applied Aeroelasticity and Fluid-Structure Interaction
- Applied CFD: External Aerodynamics
- Boundary-Layer Transition for Aerodynamic Applications
- CFD Methods for Aerodynamic Applications (joint session APA/FD)
- High- and Low-Speed Flows: Optical Diagnostics and Experimental Techniques (joint session APA/PDL)
- Hypersonic Aerodynamics (joint session APA/FD)
- Low Speed, Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics
- Meshing, Geometry Modeling, and Visualization for Applied Aerodynamics (joint APA/MVCE)
- Missile/Projectile/Munition Aerodynamics, Carriage & Store Separation
- Propeller/Rotorcraft/Wind Turbine Aerodynamics
- Reduced Order Aerodynamics Modeling & System Identification
- Small/Medium Uncrewed, Bio-Inspired, and Solar Powered Aircraft Systems (joint session APA/TF)
- Special Session: Cavity Flow Effects on Stores and Store Separation
- Special Session: CRM-HL Ecosystem (joint session APA/GT)
- Unsteady Aerodynamics and Massively Separated Flows (joint session APA/FD)
- Other Topics in Applied Aerodynamics
Please direct questions to:
William Wright, HX5, LLC
Nash’at Ahmad, Leidos, Inc.
Papers are sought that provide the aerospace community with scientific and technical information concerning interactions between aerospace systems and the terrestrial, atmospheric, and space environment. In addition, new or refined information improving the basic understanding of the atmosphere or their applications to aviation and aerospace vehicle design and operations issues is solicited. For more information, please see Additional Details .
Students are encouraged to submit to the Atmospheric and Space Environments Student Paper Competition.
- Aircraft Icing/Deicing
- Contrails
- Environmental Impacts to the National Airspace System
- Observations and Modeling of the Atmospheric Environment
- Wake Turbulence, and other Atmospheric Hazards to Aviation Operations
Please direct questions to:
Mark Turner, University of Cincinnati
Dimitri Mavriplis, Scientific Simulations LLC
Prashant Khare, University of Cincinnati
The CFD2030 Vision report laid out a bold vision for future computational capabilities and their potential impact on aerospace engineering and design, and recommended the establishment of Grand Challenges (GCs) in four areas: Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of a powered aircraft configuration across the full flight envelope, off-design turbofan engine transient simulation, Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and Optimization (MDAO) of a highly-flexible advanced aircraft configuration, and probabilistic analysis of a powered space access configuration. Since 2021, four GCs have been developed and published in key technical areas: high-lift aerodynamics (AIAA Paper 2021-0955), full engine simulation (2021-0956), CFD-in-the-loop for space vehicle design (2021-0957), and hypersonics (2024-0683). Under the CFD2030 topic, we are soliciting papers that address current efforts to advance CFD technology, to both highlight the current state-of-the-art and to help identify where technology advancements are needed to make significant progress towards achieving the GCs, in the following areas.For more information, please see Additional Details .
- Advances in Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) with applications in Certification by Analysis
- AI and Machine Learning applications for improved predictive CFD and multidisciplinary simulations
- CFD algorithms and techniques for Quantum Computers
- CFD technology to predict aerodynamic characteristics at the edges of the flight envelope
- Integrating High Fidelity CFD Simulations and Data into the Digital Thread
- Propulsion related simulations toward Full Engine Simulation and Propulsion-Airframe Interaction
Please direct questions to:
Krishna Sampigethaya, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Terrence Lewis, NASA Ames Research Center
This track seeks papers that describe advances and challenges in protecting the safety, security, and continuity of the complex aviation and aerospace ecosystems. Relevant areas of interest include the security and privacy of, but are not limited to, the following: aircraft, UAS/UAM/AAM, and commercial space vehicles; avionics and control systems of aircraft; flight-critical software and data distribution; crew devices; CNS-ATM technologies; UTM; integrated vehicle health management; aeronautical and space networks; airport and airline networks and information technology; emerging applications of cloud computing, machine learning/artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems, and Internet-of-Things in the aviation and aerospace ecosystems.
Students are encouraged to submit to the Cybersecurity Student Paper Competition.
- Crew human factors and cybersecurity
- Cyber resilience and high assurance
- Cyber-related strategies, case studies, trends, and best practices
- Cybersecurity incident response and management
- Cybersecurity regulations and standards
- Emerging cyber threats and mitigations
- Flight and passenger privacy
- Machine learning and cybersecurity
- Safety, security, and cybersecurity
- Vulnerability assessments, penetration tests, and risk management
Please direct questions to:
Gregory Roth, Air Force Research Laboratory
Ian Marks, Northrop Grumman
Papers are solicited on design engineering, design process, and design education in aerospace/related industries. Product-oriented papers should focus on innovative or distinctive concepts leading toward products that effectively satisfy requirements or demonstrate design efficiency improvement. Process-oriented papers should focus on process definition, architecture, and metrics applied to engineered products from exploratory design through detailed design, manufacturing, and service. Education-oriented papers should emphasize design in curriculum development, class content, or student design/build activities. Emerging technologies to enable collaborative design working within global digital environments, open-source design aids, engineering design guides, multi-disciplinary, multi-fidelity design optimization, innovative design processes, tools, and technologies applicable to any aerospace activity are desired. Novel coverage of more traditional disciplines of structural design, mechanical design, geometric design, aerodynamic/flight performance design, electrical/electromagnetic design, propulsion design, and aircraft/spacecraft design are welcome. Cutting-edge approaches employing computational intelligence/creativity, human-machine teaming concerns, AI/ML beyond surrogate modeling, model-based design, VR/AR, advanced digital technologies, etc. are strongly encouraged. For more information, please see Additional Details .
- Advanced manufacturing applied to aerospace component design, prototyping, and effectiveness
- AI/ML applications to design (e.g., Human/Machine Teaming, inverse design, generative design, etc.)
- Cloud computing, unique design environments, industrial Internet of Things (IoT)
- Composite structural analysis, design, testing, and manufacturing
- Computer aided design including intelligent master (parametric feature-based, etc.) modeling
- Design education – STEM in K-12, university curriculums, projects, and activities (joint TF/DE)
- Design methods, tools, and processes in support of aircraft/missile design (joint ACD/DE)
- Design methods, tools, and processes in support of spacecraft/satellite design
- Design tools and processes for mission/trajectory design, rapid prototyping, concept exploration
- Digital environments – provides digital twin context through entire life cycle (joint DGE/DE)
- Early design approaches for increased -ilities (reliability, availability, maintainability, etc.)
- Improved robust designs using Multi-disciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization (MDAO)
- Innovative & creative designs in aerospace, use of XR/VR/AR in aerospace design applications
- Knowledge-Based Engineering for retention/reuse of engineering knowledge and data (joint DGE/DE)
- Model-Based Design applied to complex systems, topology design, or systems of systems
- Model-Based Engineering – product and environment digital twin simulations (joint DGE/DE/MST)
- Optimization and product improvement in engineering design (joint MDO/DE)
- Role of virtual and global platforms in design (e.g., Omniverse)
Please direct questions to:
Olivia Pinon Fischer, Georgia Institute of Technology
John Matlik, Northrop Grumman Corporation
With emphasis being placed upon model-based engineering of aerospace systems, the concepts of the Digital System Model, the Digital Thread, and Digital Twin are emerging as a means to organize and control the data, models, and other information in the model-based engineering enterprise. The Digital Thread and Digital Twin, together with a Digital System Model, provide a means to digitally define, model, simulate, and manage a physical system and all its associated engineering models and data. The Digital Thread provides a framework for controlling data, information, and knowledge about a system. The Digital Twin is a multi-physics, multi-scale, probabilistic simulation of the physical system.
The DEIC will accelerate the integration of new and existing digital capabilities for improving National competitiveness, security and operational readiness. The DEIC is the ‘home’ for currently disparate digital activities (e.g. Digital Twin, Digital Thread, ICME, BIG DATA, etc.). The DEIC supports constitutent groups in AIAA for topics related to Digital Engineering. Through DEIC topics, AIAA members can employ in their home organizations methods to simplify maintenance and sustainment activities to reduce product costs, and help create environments to encourage the development of a digital culture.
- CAE/HPC/ML/AI – Advances in CAE, HPC, ML/AI, and HW, SW, applications, and integrations
- Cultural aspects of Digital Engineering infusion/implementation
- DevSecOps – connectivity between DevSecOps / Digital System Model / Digital Ecosystem / MBSE
- Digital Certification and Airworthiness (joint DGE/DE/ACD)
- Digital Ecosystem – environment and infrastructure for interconnectivity between digital artifacts
- Digital System Model – A digital representation of a system which define all aspects of the system
- Digital Thread – Framework of authoritative data, information, and knowledge to inform decisions.
- Digital Twins – Digital Twins in System-of-Systems Contexts
- Elements of Digital Engineering – Viewpoints about aggregation of elements
- Knowledge-Based Engineering applied to retention and reuse of engineering knowledge and data
- Model-Based Engineering – Product and environment digital twin simulations (Joint DGE/DE/MST)
- Non-engineering data integration and control
- Sensor Fusion – Cyber/physical relationship between simulation and reality
- Uncertainty Quantification and Management in Digital Engineering and Digital Twins (joint DGE/NDA)
- Value of Digital Engineering – ROI associated with enterprise level digital transformations
Please direct questions to:
James Childress, The Boeing Company
Or Dantsker, Indiana University
The Flight Testing Technical Committee invites papers focused on advances in the art and science of the flight testing of all aerospace vehicles (fixed-wing, rotorcraft, UAV, spacecraft, etc.). Successful abstracts shall cover the flight testing of these vehicles in their natural environment including but not limited to the research, development, and certification missions of said vehicles. Papers should cover one or more of the following topics: Applications of new flight test techniques or novel application of classical techniques; advances in instrumentation dealing with data capture and handling; approaches to flight testing education and training; flight testing of autonomous aircraft systems. Other areas of interest are new flight test methods used to validate and verify the performance of guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) algorithms; autonomous aircraft decision making; new certification standards; improved flying techniques for standard flight maneuvers; new methods of showing compliance with regulations.
- Advancements in eVTOL and Rotorcraft Flight Testing
- Advancements in Unmanned, Bio-Inspired, and Solar-Powered Flight Testing
- Aircraft and Autonomous Systems Testing (Joint with Flight Test and Transformational Flight Systems)
- Commercial Spaceflight Certification Testing
- Current State of Hypersonic and Supersonic Vehicle Design, Integration, and Flight Testing
- Electric Aerospace Vehicle Flight Test Preparations and Lessons Learned
- Flight Testing in the Educational Environment
- Flight Testing Results for both Manned and Unmanned Vehicles
- Flight Testing Techniques for Space Vehicles
- Flight Testing with Sustainable Aviation Fuel
- General Flight Test Lessons Learning from a Safety, Execution, and Certification Standpoint
- General Flight Testing Topics
- GNC Flight Testing in Normal and Abnormal Conditions
- Special Session: And now a word from the FAA Flight Test Office
- Special Session: Flight Test Updates from Passenger, to Business, to General Aviation Aircraft
- Special Session: Military and Commercial Lessons Learned in Flight Testing
- Techniques, Measurement Technologies, and Approaches to Acquire Crucial Flight Data in Flight Test
Please direct questions to:
Chi-An Yeh, North Carolina State University
Pedro Paredes, National Institute of Aerospace
Technical papers are solicited in the areas of computational, experimental, and theoretical fluid dynamics relevant to aerospace applications. Emphases should be on basic research and development, CFD algorithms and error analyses, and any other methodologies/approaches that rely heavily on (or expand) theoretical understanding. Applied research and advanced technology development topics will also be considered. Papers that present new insights into fluid flow physics, present new or analyses/evaluation of CFD algroithms, address emerging technical challenges, introduce innovative ideas and tools, promote interdisciplinary and synergistic research, or integrate experimental, computational, and/or theoretical approaches are strongly encouraged. Extended abstracts should consist of a comprehensive introduction, a description of the methodology, and preliminary results. Please click Additional Details for more information.
Students are encouraged to submit to the Fluid Dynamics Student Paper Competition.
All persons submitting an abstract to this technical discipline are also invited to participate in the Flow Visualization Showcase.
- Boundary Layer Transition Modeling and Applications
- CFD for Emerging HPC architectures
- CFD Methods for Applied Aerodynamics (joint with APA/MST)
- CFD methods for supersonic/hypersonic flows
- Convergence Acceleration in CFD
- Data-Driven Methods for CFD Modeling and Applications
- Exascale Computing Applications
- Flow Control Devices and Applications
- High-Order Methods: Spatial and Temporal Discretizations
- Hypersonic Aerodynamics (joint session APA)
- Industrial Applications
- Instrumentation and Diagnostic Techniques
- Low-Reynolds-Number and Bio-Inspired Flows
- Mesh Requirements for RANS/LES/Hybrid Methods (joint with MVCE)
- Meshing Strategies for CFD Applications
- Moving Meshes and Mesh Adaptation (joint with MVCE)
- Multidisciplinary Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization
- Multiphase Flows
- Multiphysics and Cross-Disciplinary Flows
- Novel CFD Algorithms and Analysis
- Reduced-order Modeling and Machine Learning for Fluid Dynamics and Aeroacoustics (joint with AA)
- Scale-resolving Simulation including DNS/LES/Hyrbid Methods
- Shock-Boundary Layer Interactions
- Shock-capturing/ Shock-fitting Methods
- Sonic Boom (joint with AA)
- Stability and Transition
- Supersonic/Hypersonic Flow Physics
- Theoretical Flow Physics
- Turbulence Modeling and Applications
- Turbulent Flows
- Unsteady Aerodynamics and Massively Separated Flows (joint with APA)
- Vortex Dynamics and Rotating Flows
- Wall-modeling for Turbulent Flows
Please direct questions to:
Mayank Bendarkar, Georgia Institute of Technology
Nicholas Borer, NASA
Technical papers and oral presentations are requested in the area of General Aviation, broadly defined as aviation for nonscheduled personal or business use. Topics of interest include aircraft design, technology integration, airspace design/usage, safety, passenger experience, and other challenges associated with this type of travel, as well as novel designs, operations, infrastructure, and approaches to enable Advanced Air Mobility and Regional Air Mobility. Given the broad scope of General Aviation topics, papers may be jointly sponsored with other Technical Disciplines within the conference.
- Advanced Air Mobility Integration within Multi-Modal Transportation Systems
- Advances in Propulsion, Power, and/or Energy Systems to Enhance Air Mobility
- Approaches to Increase Affordability, Utility, and/or Experience of General Aviation Operations
- Design, Requirements, or Performance of General Aviation Concepts
- General Aviation Sustainability
- Improved Certification and Safety Assurance Approaches for Existing or New Concepts
- Operations and Airspace Management for Existing and New Concepts
- Quantification/Improvement of General Aviation Safety through Analysis or New Technologies
- Simplified Operations/Autonomy for Existing and New Concepts
Please direct questions to:
Melissa Rivers, NASA Langley Research Center
Denise Choi, General Atomics
Submissions are solicited by the Ground Test Technical Committee on topics related to ground testing research, development, application, and administration. Topics may incorporate facility capabilities, test techniques, test instrumentation, and integration of computational fluid dynamics or flight test data. Submissions are welcome from all types of ground test facilities (aerodynamic, propulsion, space environments and systems, etc.) related to any and all speed regimes, Reynolds numbers, and physical scales. Topics on all aspects of test planning, execution, data review, and test and facility administration are encouraged. Specific topics include but are not limited to:
- Advancements in Test Techniques, Test Processes, and Facility Management
- Data Management and Model Based Engineering Integration in Ground Test Facilities
- Design, Development, and Performance of New/Modified Ground Test Facilities
- Development, Application, and Validation of Flow Diagnostics for Use in Ground Test Facilities
- Developments Resulting in Facility Operational Cost or Productivity Improvements
- Flow Quality, Data Quality, and Uncertainty Quantification
- Integration of Ground Testing with CFD and Flight Testing
- Joint Session APA/GT: Aerodynamic Testing: Ground, Wind-Tunnel, and Flight Testing
- Joint Special Session APA/GT: CRM-HL Ecosystem
- Real-Time Facility Control Systems, Data Acquisition, Processing and Presentation
- Test Article Design, Fabrication, and Utilization Improvements
- Unique or Innovative Uses of Existing Ground Test Facilities and Support Systems
- Use of Additive Manufacturing Techniques in Ground Test Facilities and Models
- Other Topics in Ground Testing
Please direct questions to:
Justin Kirik, Leidos
Ragini Acharya, University of Tennessee Space Institute
Technical papers are sought for fundamental research and applied development efforts that advance the state of the art in high-speed, air-breathing propulsion. Topics in numerical analysis, theoretical development, ground test, and flight test are desired. Papers should be relevant to the development, analysis, optimization, or integration of scramjets, ramjets, pressure-gain combustors for high-speed applications, and their components (e.g. inlets, isolators, combustors, injectors, and nozzles).
- Additive Manufacturing Techniques, Including Thermal-Mechanical Material Characterization
- Advanced Diagnostics for High-Speed, High-Enthalpy Flows
- Chemical Mechanisms or Thermal Models for New Fuels, Including Reduced Models
- Developments in Ground Test Facilities and Techniques
- Experiments and Simulations in Fuel Injection, Mixing, and Flameholding
- Flight Experiments, Including Mission Architectures and Measurement Techniques
- Flowpath and Component Optimization and Performance Prediction
- Inlets, Nozzles, and Propulsion System Integration for High-Speed Systems (Joint HSABP/INPSI/APA)
- Modeling and Simulation Development, Including Efforts in Model-Based Systems Engineering
- Pulse and Rotating Detonation Engines for High-Speed Applications (Joint HSABP/PGC)
- Solid-Fuel Ramjet Development
- Turbine- or Rocket-Based and Other Combined-Cycle Concepts
- Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation
Please direct questions to:
Michael Mackowski, Northrop Grumman (retired)
Timothy Takahashi, Arizona State University (retired)
Samuel Atchison, Air Force Institute of Technology
Aviation History encompasses all aspects of the aviation enterprise and community. Papers are solicited that trace the evolution of flight focusing on topics and subtopics within the Aeronautics domain, particularly if they offer new perspectives, case studies, and lessons learned. The desire is to preserve records and artifacts of major scientific and technological developments such that their political, economic, and social effects may be understood and evaluated.
- Case Studies and Summary Histories of Production and Prototype Aircraft
- Historical Perspectives on Advanced Manufacturing and Materials
- History of Aerospace Best Practices, and Advanced System Engineering Tools
- History of Aerospace Pioneers especially those neglected, unknown or unappreciated
- History of concern over Carbon Emissions and Sustainability (Clean Sky, Electric Aircraft)
- History of the influence of the academic community upon the evolution of aviation
- History of Autonomy/AI/Machine Learning
- Military History and its relationship with advances in aviation technology
- Social, cultural, and transnational impact of flight on nations and the global community
- Summary Histories on Aircraft Certification
Please direct questions to:
Eric Chancey, NASA
Terry Morris, NASA
Papers are sought that address theoretical, analytical, simulated, experimental, or implementation results related to aerospace applications for advances in human machine teaming where the paper can focus on one of three genernal elements: the human, the machine, and interactions and interdependencies between them. Concepts regarding human physiology, psychology, human factors, cognitive models, and human performance that support aspects of human machine teaming are of interest. Additionally, concepts regarding artificial intelligence, explainable AI (xAI), machine learning, modeling, feature engineering (e.g., biosignal processing), and human-machine interfaces, which support the mapping of the human to the machine, the interaction with the machine, elucidates trust, and other facets of the human machine system are all topic areas of focus.
- Cognitive Modeling
- Decision Support Analystics
- Human Autonomy Function Allocation
- Human Factors
- Human Machine Interaction (HMI)
- Human Performance
- Human Physiology and Medicine within Aerospace Applications
- Human Psycho-Physiology in Aerospace Applications
- Machine Learning and AI/xAI within HMT
- Non-traditional HMI interfaces
- Trust and Trustworthiness in Cyper Physical (Human) Systems
Please direct questions to:
Chetan Kulkarni, NASA
The scope of the Information Systems and Software topic broadly includes all aspects of architecture, design, development, operations and maintenance of information systems for aviation, including flight and ground hardware and software. Specifically, papers are solicited in the following areas:
- Computer Systems: Applications of computers and information processing techniques to aviation, including embedded and energy efficient (low power) computing systems; High-Performance Computing (HPC); parallel, GPU, and multicore processing; and fault-tolerant processor architectures.
- Information and Command and Control Systems: Integrated application of data acquisition, data assessment, and data dissemination functions required for timely and efficient command and control of air transportation systems.
- Sensor Systems and Information Fusion: Applications of sensor systems and distributed sensor networks to aviation, including detection, collection, fusion, processing, storage, retrieval, distribution, and reception of information at the local sensing node and at the distributed sensor network level.
- Software: Innovative software architectures and software engineering methodologies and tools for aviation, across the software engineering lifecycle, including requirements, design, code, test, verification and validation, evaluation, operation and maintenance.
- Computer Systems
- Information and Command and Control Systems
- Sensor Systems and Information Fusion
- Software
Please direct questions to:
John W. Slater, NASA John H. Glenn Research Center
Integration of advanced and innovative propulsion systems, especially inlets, nozzle and thrust reverser systems, has received renewed interest in recent years owing to increased integration requirements for airframe concepts, engine technologies, and system level requirements. More efficient propulsion system designs and technology are being investigated that allow gains in air-breathing aircraft performance and operability. In addition to inlets and exhausts, there is interest in secondary systems and thermal systems that enable new propulsive capabilities and increased system performance.
- Aerodynamics of Inlets and Nozzles (joint with APA and HSABP)
- Boundary Layer Ingesting Inlet Design, Integration, and Performance
- Inlet/Exhaust System Design, Integration, Performance, and/or Operability
- Inlets and Nozzles for High-Speed Systems (joint with HSAB)
- Integration of Secondary Power Systems and Impact on Performance
- Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul Technologies, Health Monitoring and Prognostics
- Optimization of Propulsion System Design and Integration
- Power/Thermal Management Systems Integration
- Propulsion System Integration for High-Speed Propulsion Applications (joint with HSAB)
- S-Duct Inlet Design and Fan Distortion Effects
- Supersonic Inlet Design, Integration, and Performance
- System Integration for Hybrid Electric Propulsion
- Technologies and Integration for Sustainable Aviation
- Unducted Fan and Propeller Design, Performance, and Analysis
- Other Topics in Inlets, Nozzles, and Propulsion Systems Integration
Please direct questions to:
Liang Sun, Baylor University
Chetan S. Kulkarni, NASA
Submissions are sought in all areas of application of Intelligent System (IS) technologies and methods to aerospace systems, the verification and validation of these systems, and the education of AIAA membership in the use of IS technologies in aerospace and other technical disciplines. Systems of interest include both military and commercial aerospace systems and those ground systems that are part of test, development, or operations of aerospace systems. Technologies that enable autonomy (i.e. safe and reliable operation with minimal or no human intervention) as well as collaborative human-machine teaming in complex aerospace systems/sub-systems are of interest. These include, but are not limited to: autonomous and expert systems; discrete planning/scheduling algorithms; intelligent data/image processing, learning, and adaptation techniques; data fusion and reasoning; and knowledge engineering. The application of such technologies to problems that highlight advanced air mobility, certification, carbon emissions/sustainability, space traffic management, and cislunar operations are of particular interest. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Students are encouraged to submit to the Intelligent Systems Paper Competition.
- Adaptive and Intelligent Outer Loop Control Systems
- Autonomous Systems
- Cybersecurity in Aerospace Systems (joint with Software)
- Formal Methods in Aerospace Engineering
- Guidance and Navigation in Intelligent Systems (joint with GNC)
- Human – Automation Interaction/Teaming
- Learning, Reasoning, and Data Driven Systems
- Probabilistic and Rule-Based Systems
- Sensor Fusion and Systems Health Management (SHM)
- Trusted Autonomy
Please direct questions to:
Chinmay Patel, LTA Research and Exploration
Kyle Crawford
Interest in the potential of lighter-than-air (LTA) systems to meet modern requirements continues to grow as the cost and limitations of conventional aircraft transportation infrastructures increase. Major advances are also being made in the development of key enabling technologies essential to the creation and operation of long endurance, unmanned LTA systems. Automation and Autonomous Systems have come to maturity that now makes autonomous LTA systems feasible.
Added incentive to airship and aerostat development comes from the worldwide concern over the negative environmental effects of jet aircraft on the global climate. LTA systems have become the subject of renewed interest due to their unique qualities of low energy (propulsion) needs and significant static lift which holds potential for both Government and commercial missions. New hybrid LTA systems which incorporate a substantial degree of dynamic lift also offer great promise for providing additional air transportation services and access to remote regions.
The LTA Technical Committee is soliciting papers that include, but are not limited to the following topic areas:
- Analytical Studies, Modeling, and Simulation of LTA Systems
- Automation and Autonomous Systems
- Current and Planned LTA Projects and Technologies
- Hybrid LTA Systems
- LTA Cargo Transport Concepts
- LTA Operations and Ground Support
- Manufacturing and Material for LTA Systems
- Markets and Market Analysis
- Missions and Concept of Operations (CONOPS) Analysis
- Stratospheric Airships
- Tethered Aerosat Developments
- Unmanned LTA Systems
Please direct questions to:
Nitin Bhagat, University of Dayton Research Institute
Lawton Shoemake, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
You are invited to present innovative as well as mature technologies, opportunities & challenges in the real-world problems of computational field modeling & simulation including all parts of the pre- & post-processing toolchains. Special consideration will be given to efforts that impact the domains of Aeronautics and R&D. Students are encouraged to submit to the MVCE Student Paper Competition. Joint sessions across multiple technical disciplines are being organized to facilitate collaborative interaction. The sessions will cover the following four broad areas of interests: [Geometry] Detection of imperfections in geometry models, generation of analysis-specific representations from a central repository, efficient representations for additive manufacturing, and geometry systems for HPC environments, [Meshing] Structured, unstructured, hybrid, and overset meshes, deforming & moving configurations, adaptive meshing techniques including error estimation & uncertainty quantification, high-order meshes, exa-scale meshes, and grid quality metrics, [Visualization] New graphical representations, automated feature detection & knowledge extraction, visualization of higher-order grids & solutions, and automated workflows & toolchains for exa-scale post-processing, and [Computational Environments] Automated workflows for analysis & design, and mesh storage & workflows for HPC.
All persons submitting an abstract to this technical discipline are also invited to participate in the Flow Visualization Showcase.
- Adaptive Meshing, Error Estimation, and Uncertainty Quantification
- Automated Workflows and Frameworks for Engineering Analysis and Design (Joint AD/MVCE)
- Geometry Modeling, Visualization Technologies, Feature Detection, and Knowledge Extraction
- High-Order Mesh Generation and Adaptation
- Mesh Generation Methods for Structured, Unstructured and Overset Meshes
- Mesh Requirements for RANS/LES/Hybrid Methods (Joint FD/MVCE)
- Meshing Strategies for Complex Aircraft Configurations
- Meshing, Geometry Modeling, and Visualization for Applied Aerodynamics (Joint APA/MVCE)
- Moving Meshes and Mesh Adaptation (joint FD/MVCE)
- Visualization and Knowledge Extraction of Large Data Sets
Please direct questions to:
Darshan Sarojini, Virginia Tech
Ian Fialho, The Boeing Company
The scope of the Modeling and Simulation Technologies (MST) discipline encompasses modeling and simulation (M&S) of aerospace vehicles in a system or system of systems context (e.g., flight simulators, airspace simulations, space operations simulations, systems analysis). A paper that solely covers M&S methods for a single engineering discipline like structures or propulsion should be submitted to that discipline. At each conference, members of the MST Technical Committee sit in the audience and judge all presentations as the first step of their selection of the best paper at the conference. The papers associated with the best presentations in each session will be evaluated further. The best overall paper will be awarded at the conference the following year and the winners receive a cash award. For more information, please see Additional Details .
- Advanced Air Mobility Integration within Multi-Modal Transportation Systems (joint GA/MST/TF)
- Advanced Modeling and Simulation Techniques
- CFD Methods for Aerodynamics Applications (joint session APA/FD/MST)
- Design, Development, Testing, and Validation of X-in-the-Loop Simulations
- Digital Twins for Aerospace Systems
- Modeling and Simulation for Aerospace Cybersecurity
- Modeling and Simulation for Multi-Modal Transportation Systems
- Modeling and Simulation of Air and Space Vehicle Dynamics, Systems, and Environments
- Operation and Certification Using Modeling and Simulation
- Simulator Hardware and Facilities
- Other Modeling and Simulation Topics
Please direct questions to:
John Hwang, University of California San Diego
Laura Mainini, Imperial College
For decades, the Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) Technical Committee has been bringing together industry professionals, government experts, and academics to present and discuss the latest advances in multidisciplinary design, analysis, and optimization. The MDO Technical Committee invites technical papers demonstrating theoretical advancements or novel applications in design optimization for aerospace vehicles or their components. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, uncertainty quantification, multi-fidelity analysis methods, and machine learning approaches within both multidisciplinary and single-discipline design optimization.
Students are encouraged to submit to the Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Student Paper Competition.
- Aerodynamic Design: Methods and Techniques (joint session APA/MDO)
- Aeroelastic and Aerostructural Optimization
- Aircraft Design Optimization
- Control Co-design Optimization
- Emerging Methods, Algorithms, and Software Development in MDO
- Industry MDO Applications: Barriers, Gaps, and Solutions
- Machine Learning and AI-driven Approaches in MDO
- MDO for Advanced Air Mobility Systems
- MDO for Sustainable Aviation
- Metamodeling, Reduced-Order Modeling, and Approximation Methods for MDO
- Multi-fidelity Methods for MDO
- Non-deterministic Design Methods and Applications
- Topology Optimization for Aerospace Structures
Please direct questions to:
Andrey Starikovskiy, Princeton University
Ciprian Dumitrache, Colorado State University
The Plasmadynamics and Lasers section invites submissions of original research articles, review papers, and short communications describing experimental, computational, and/or theoretical research and development in the areas of plasmadynamics and lasers with a focus on applications to aerospace systems. The PDL section is particularly interested in receiving papers that present novel ideas, new computational approaches, and innovative diagnostics in the aerospace sciences. Additionally, the PDL encourages submissions that address complex interdisciplinary problems related to the applications of plasma and laser technologies in aerospace systems. The PDL also welcomes comprehensive reviews on the current state of the art and historical perspectives in this field.
All persons submitting an abstract to this technical discipline are also invited to participate in the Flow Visualization Showcase
- Astronautical and Space Plasmas (Rarefied Plasma Flow, Space Plasmas, Dusty Plasmas, etc.)
- Computational Methods (Plasma-Flow Coupling Simulation, Particle Simulation, etc.)
- Diagnostics & Experimental Techniques (Plasma & Flow Characterization, New Facilities, etc.)
- Plasma & Laser Physics (Basic Processes, Plasma Kinetics/Dynamics, MHD, etc.) BD, Laser Plasmas
- Plasma Aerodynamic Flow Control (DBD-Based Flow Actuation, Active Flow/Shock Wave Control, etc.)
- Plasma and Laser Propulsion (Thrusters, Beamed Energy, Spacecraft Interactions)
- Plasma/Laser Devices and Technologies in Aerospace (Engineering, Material Processing, Dual-Use)
- Plasma-Assisted Ignition and Combustion
Please direct questions to:
Wes Ryan, NASA
Papers are solicited that relate to all aspects of solid rocket propulsion systems, including component and system-level design, material development/selection, manufacturing/inspection, testing, ballistic prediction methodologies, performance evaluation, and state-of-the art technology advancements. Additional areas of interest include overviews of historical solid propulsion systems, lessons learned from development, testing and flight experience, and current status of upcoming solid rocket motor systems/programs. Discussions focused on STEM initiatives, university capabilities, and shifting or emerging trends in government and industry are also welcome.
- Acoustic Characterization and Combustion Stability
- Advanced Manufacturing Techniques, Including Automation and Additive Manufacturing
- Analytical Uncertainty Quantification and Risk Assessment
- Case, Nozzle, and Ignition System Design Innovations
- Current Solid Propulsion System Development Efforts and Program Status
- Future Solid Propulsion Technologies
- Historic Solid Propulsion Systems and Lessons Learned
- Modeling and Simulation Advancements
- Motor Design and System Optimization
- Non-Destructive Inspection/Evaluation (NDI/NDE) Methods
- Propellant Chemistry, Synthesis, and Characterization
- Propellant Geometry and Motor Ballistics
- University-Based Solid Rocket Motor Programs
Please direct questions to:
Darcy Allison, Raytheon
David Lazzara, The Boeing Company
Juliet A. Page, Blue Ridge Research
Gerald Carrier, ONERA
The Supersonics Integration & Outreach Committee (IOC) invites the submission of papers and presentations on technical and policy advances related to civil supersonic aircraft. Other topics include, but are not limited to, general experimental and test results, supersonic aircraft system design, subsystem design, community noise, low-speed operations, air traffic management/integration of supersonic vehicles, sonic boom, low-boom design, engine integration, environmental impact (including high altitude emissions), policy, structures, ground/flight testing, manufacturing, economics, operational forecasting, materials, and aeroelasticity.
- Aerodynamic Performance
- Aeroelasticity
- Air-Traffic Management/Integration of Supersonic Vehicles
- Community Noise
- Economics
- Engine Design and Integration for Supersonic Aircraft
- Environmental Impact, Including High Altitude Emissions
- Fleet Design
- Ground/Flight Testing
- Low-Boom Design
- Low-Speed Operations
- Manufacturing
- Materials
- Modeling and Simulation
- Operational Forcasting
- Policy
- Sonic Boom
- Structures
- Subsystem Design
- System Design
- Uncertainty Quantification for Supersonic Vehicles
- Other Topics in Supersonics
Please direct questions to:
Tarek Abdel-Salam, East Carolina University
Bhupendra Khandelwal, University of Alabama
Technical papers are sought that address research, technology development, and the implementation of fuels and fuel power and propulsion systems for both aerospace and terrestrial applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Students are encouraged to submit to the Terrestrial Eneregy Systems Student Paper Competition.
- Advances in Renewable Energy
- Alternative Fuels, Novel Pathways, and Novel Combustion Concepts
- Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning in Energy Systems
- Carbon Capture, sequestration, Storage, Utilization and Sustianability
- Certification of Fuels
- Clean Fuels, Energy, and Value Added Products from Multi-Sources (Biomass, Waste, Solar, Wind etc.)
- Combined Heat and Power with Ultra-Low Emissions of Pollutants
- Combustors, Micro-Combustors, Turbines, Advanced Cycles & Designs
- Energy Management and Green Infrastructure
- Fire, Super-Critical Combustion
- Hybrid Power/Propulsion Concepts, Modeling and Systems
- Hydrogen, Ammonia, and other Hydrogen Carrier Fuels and the Powered Systems
- Policy, Environmental, and Historical Perspectives of Fossil/Renewable-Fuel Power Technologies
- Pollution and Chemical Kinetics, CO2 Use for Fuels and Value Added Products
- Other Topics in Terrestrial Energy
Please direct questions to:
Savio Poovathingal, University of Kentucky
James Scoggins, NASA Langley Research Center
The AIAA Thermophysics Technical Committee is soliciting papers on topics related to all aspects of thermal energy and heat transfer along with their related aerospace applications for aviation and space flight. Contributions based on analytical, numerical, and/or experimental studies are welcomed as are timely survey and review articles. Please contact on of the two Technical Chairs listed above if you would like to help organize a special session.
All persons submitting an abstract to this technical discipline are also invited to participate in the Flow Visualization Showcase.
- Ablation: Modeling, Experiments, and Applications
- Advanced Thermal Management Technology Development and Validation
- Aerothermodynamics and Thermal Protection Systems
- Air Quality and Comfort in Stationary and Mobile Confined Spaces
- Application of Local or Global Optimization Techniques in Modeling of Heat Transfer Applications
- CFD of Nonequilibrium Flow Physics (joint TP/CFD)
- Computational Modeling of Heat Pipes
- Cryogenics and Extreme Environments
- Emerging Thermal Technologies: 3D Printing, Oscillating Heat Pipes, Thermionics, and Other Areas
- Fundamentals of Ice Formation and De-Icing
- Heat and Mass Transfer for Natural and Stationary or Mobile Built Environments
- Heat Transfer Enhancement and Energy Harvesting
- Heat Transfer in Chemically Reacting, Explosive, UV and Corrosive Medium, Multicomponent Plasma
- Heat Transfer in Cooling, Heating, and Power Generation Systems
- Inverse Analysis Methods in Computational Heat Transfer
- Methods and Effects of the Urban Heat Island
- Mini-, Micro-, Nano-, and Multi-Scale Heat Transfer
- Multiphase, Droplets, Jets, Sprays, Heat Pipes, and Two-Phase Heat Transfer
- Nonequilibrium Flow Physics (joint TP/FD)
- Novel Computational Methods for Inverse Analysis and Optimization in Computational Heat Transfer
- Optimization for high-speed vehicles (join TP/MDO) session
- Spacecraft Thermal Control and Thermophysics in Spacecraft Applications
- Special Session: Agency perspective on thermophysics (by invitation only)
- Special Session: Flight tests (By invitation only)
- Special Session: HORIS 1 (by invitation only)
- Special Session: HORIS 2 (by invitation only)
- Special Session: ML/UQ in hypersonics (by invitation only)
- Theoretical and Computational Heat Transfer: Conduction, Convection, Radiation, and Phase Change
- Thermal Analysis of Industrial Equipment and Systems Operating under Extreme Process Conditions
- Thermal Management and Thermal Control: Applications, Best Practices, and Lessons Learned
- Transport Properties and Thermophysical Properties
- Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification (joint TP/CFD)
Please direct questions to:
Cedric Justin, Georgia Institute of Technology
Siddhartha Krishnamurthy, NASA Langley Research Center
Transformational Flight seeks technical papers addressing new research about crewed and uncrewed aircraft concepts; market, operations and airspace integration considerations for these concepts; and enabling technologies. Domains of application include low altitude mobility (LAM), urban air mobility (UAM) and regional air mobility (RAM) , collectively known as Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) , as well as civil supersonic and hypersonic operations. Topics of interest include: Airspace integration and routing (AAM, supersonics) – Vehicle and powertrain configuration and analysis (design requirement, architecture, performance,…) – SSTOL, STOL, and VTOL aircraft systems – Electric, hybrid-electric, and hydrogen propulsion integration (components, systems, architecture) – Autonomous systems and contributing technologies – Market studies and concepts of operations (AAM, supersonics) – Transformational operation considerations (AAM, supersonics) – Ground-support infrastructure (vertiport, STOLport, electric and hydrogen ecosystem) – Multi-modal integration with other modes (road, rail, maritime, other existing air transportation systems) – Environmental and sustainability considerations (AAM, supersonics) – Societal impacts (public good, human response,…) – Other challenges related to the operations of transformational vehicles may be submitted.
- Advanced Air Mobility Concept of Operations and Market Studies (UAM, RAM, LAM, cargo)
- Advanced Air Mobility Aircraft Design, Concepts, Testing, and Contributing Tech (joint AD)
- Advanced Air Mobility Integration within Multi-Modal Transportation Systems (joint GA/MST)
- Advanced Air Mobility Noise and Sustainability Considerations (noise, emission,…) (Joint AA)
- Advanced Air Mobility Operations (LAM, UAM, RAM, Cargo) and Airspace Management (joint ATM/GA/ATS)
- Advances in Propulsion, Power, and Energy Systems to Enhance Advanced Air Mobility (joint GA/TF/EAT)
- Ground Support Infrastructure for Electrified AAM (electric grid, hydrogen, vertiport, STOLport)
- Improved Certification and Safety Assurance Approaches for Existing or New Concepts (joint GA)
- Integration of Supersonic Operations within the Airspace (routing, noise,…) (joint SSPN)
- Simplified Operations and Autonomy for Advanced Air Mobility (joint ATM/GA/UAS)
- Small/Medium Uncrewed, Bio-Inspired, and Solar Powered Aircraft Systems Concepts (joint UAS/APA)
- Supersonic and Hypersonic Vehicle Design, Concept of Operations, and Market Studies (joint SPSN)
- Transformative and Autonomous Systems Testing (joint FT)
- Transformative Propulsions Systems to Reduce CO2 Emissions (joint INPSI)
- VTOL and STOL Vehicle Design, Analysis, and CONOPS for Advanced Air Mobility (joint AD/VSTOL)
Please direct questions to:
Devin Jack, Adaptive Aerospace Group
Omar Ariff, University of Salford
Sricharan Ayyalasomayajula, Blue Halo
Integration of technical and operational areas enabling uncrewed and autonomous systems domain. Areas include autonomous, automated, and intelligent systems, and remote operations. Composing domains include design (SW/HW/Data), machine intelligence, CONOPs (e.g. UAM), operational aspects, certification, and regulation. The focus of the submissions must be on systems optimization and integration, simulation, flight testing, and implementation of technologies for the advancement of the unmanned systems.
Students are encouraged to submit to the Uncrewed and Autonomous Systems Student Paper Competition.
- Autonomous Mission Management Concepts & Technologies
- Autonomous Systems and Capabilities for Uncrewed, Deep Space Missions
- Autonomous Task and System Integration
- Autonomy for Advanced Air Mobility Systems (+ joint Air Trans. Sys, GA, Transformational Flight)
- Certification Concepts for Increasingly Autonomous Systems
- Machine Intelligence and software defined hardware
- Systems Design and Optimization for Uncrewed/Autonomous Systems
- Uncrewed Air/Ground/Aquatic/Space Systems – Optimizing the Human Crew-Machine Relationship
Please direct questions to:
Patrick Donovan, Schneider Electric
Nick Orenstein, HStar Space Transport
Technical papers are requested in the area of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). Topics of interest include how to detect, characterize, and evaluate UAP; UAP reporting system design, implementation, and analysis; design and application of data analytics and AI models for UAP detection/evaluation; aerospace industry and governmental policy recommendations related to UAP; and collaborative approaches to address challenges of UAP. Note, all abstracts will be evaluated by qualified individuals from industry, academia, and/or government.
- Detection, Characterization, and Evaluation (Hardware Factors)
- Reporting and Occupational Health Frameworks (Human Factors)
- Policy Recommendations and Collaborative Strategies
- Other Topics in Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena
Please direct questions to:
Bernardo Pacini, University of Michigan
Phuriwat Anusonti-Inthra, U.S. Army CCDC
Craig Reimann, RTX
Geoffrey Jeram, U.S. Army CCDC
The Vertical / Short Takeoff and Landing Technical Committee (V/STOL TC) invites authors from industry, academia, and government to present technical papers covering advances in science, technology, and operation of V/STOL aircraft and their requirements, applications, business, and governance. The V/STOL TC will accept abstracts with a length between 750 and 2500 words, submitted in PDF format. Abstracts of the intended paper should convey the background and status of their endeavor, research or project, including figures, illustrations, and a summary of important conclusions. The TC will evaluate the abstracts by their significance, originality, technical quality, and prospect of successful completion & presentation.
The V/STOL TC prioritizes the following sub-topics and promotes their selection:
- Advances in Sea-based or multimodal vertiport and launch platforms
- Advances in V/STOL flight control laws, handling qualities, and Pilot/User-Vehicle Interfaces
- Breaking developments in V/STOL-enabling Sciences and Technologies
- Current & historical V/STOL Technology Overviews, Program updates, and business case studies
- Essential features of a V/STOL-enabling industrial base
- Heavy through Ultra-Heavy V/STOL lift solutions (>20,000 kg payload)
- V/STOL in modern airspace management and airworthiness certification
- V/STOL Vehicle Design, Analysis, and CONOPS for Advanced Air Mobility Applications (joint with TF)
Dates to Remember
Abstract Submission Begins:
24 September 2024
Abstract Deadline:
21 November 2024, 8 p.m. ET, USA
Author Notification:
10 March 2025
Manuscript Deadline:
16 June 2025, 8 p.m. ET, USA
Early Bird Registration Deadline
23 June 2025
*Dates are subject to change.