Charles McClinton Former Hypersonic Technology Manager (ret.) NASA


Mr. McClinton has been an independent aerospace Consultant from 2007 to today. During this time he supported several DOD, DARPA, USAF, NASA and NATO hypersonic airbreathing programs/activities. The most active current contract is with PERIKIN Technologies in support of High Speed Systems Test (HSST) and Hypersonic T&E Investment Program (HyTIP) at Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC).

Charles (Chuck) McClinton retired from NASA in July, 2005 after 38 years service. His last position (1996-2005) was a NASA HQ’s assignment as Hypersonic Technology Manager for the Hyper-X Program, responsible for the Hyper-X (X-43) vehicle definition, wind tunnel testing, and all hypersonic technology development. From 1983 - 1994 Mr. McClinton performed many functions in the NASP program, including formation and management of a CFD application team for the NASP Program Office. Mr. McClinton was also the technical lead for NASP engine contractor down select. From 1967 to 1983 Mr. McClinton performed experimental and analytical scramjet combustor research for the Hypersonic Propulsion Branch at NASA LaRC.

Chuck authored numerous publications addressing all areas of hypersonic propulsion, propulsion airframe integration, and hypersonic vehicle synthesis. Chuck was the Chairman of the Joint Army, NASA, Navy and Air Force (JANNAF) Air breathing Propulsion Subcommittee from 1996-2002. His awards including the NASP Gene Zara Award (1989), NASA Medal for Exceptional Engineering Achievement (1993), NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal (2000), the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 2000 Air Breathing Propulsion Medal, and the 2006 AIAA Dryden Lectureship in Research.

Chuck is also an aviation enthusiast, active in Church, a proud Grandfather of 9, and a professional musician. He is an aircraft owner, Elder and Property Chair for his Church for last 9 years, manages two bands (Memory Makers Big Band and the Riverboat Jazz Band) and performs with and helps manage several others musical groups.