RLA Lunch & Learn: Shaping the Workforce of Tomorrow 19 June 2019 1230 - 1400
We are living through a fundamental transformation in the way we work. Organizations achieve goals by working with interdisciplinary teams of individuals from diverse educational backgrounds, work cultures, skill sets, and attitudes. As the workforce becomes steadily more diverse, it presents employers with a myriad of both opportunities and challenges. Although diversity in the workforce has been shown to have tremendous value to organizations, a lack of inclusion poses a challenge. Further, higher levels of automation that are replacing human tasks are changing the skills that organizations are looking for in their people. These momentous changes raise huge organizational, talent and HR challenges. To discuss these challenges and the steps we need to shape the workforce of tomorrow, the AIAA YPs put together a panel of learning practitioners and industry experts.
Joseph Sikorski
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Nancy J. Currie-Gregg
Professor of Engineering Practice, Texas A&M University -
Holly Rollins
Principal Senior Director, Booz Allen Hamilton -
Brett Schmuki
Sr Manager, Skunk Works Mission Systems & Software, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics