AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum 2014 to be Held in Cleveland, Ohio Written 7 July 2014
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Future of Power and Energy Systems, Additive and Advanced Manufacturing, High Energy Systems
Among Discussion Topics
AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2014 will feature an array of expert speakers and industry thought leaders, including: James Free, director, NASA John H. Glenn Research Center;Christine Furstoss, technical director, manufacturing & materials technologies, GE Global Research; Jeff Haynes, program manager, advanced materials and processes, Aerojet Rocketdyne; John Henderson, Lockheed Martin Fellow, space propulsion, Lockheed Martin Corporation; Leslie J. Kovacs,director, Washington Operations, ULA; James R. Maughan, technical director, aero-thermal and mechanical systems, GE Global Research; Greg Morris,manager, additive strategy and business development, GE Aviation; Richard J. Parker, director, research and technology, Rolls-Royce Group; Alton Romig, vice president, engineering and advanced systems, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics; Gary Smyth, executive director, global research and development, General Motors Company; Rickey Shyne, director, Research and Engineering Directorate, NASA John H. Glenn Research Center; and Rick Stulen, vice president, Sandia National Laboratories (retired).
AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2014’s other notable speakers include: M. J. Benzakein, director, executive partnerships in aerospace, aviation and flight, Propulsion and Power Center, The Ohio State University; Lawrence Brown, executive director, American Lightweight Materials Manufacturing Innovation Institute; Thomas Irvine, deputy associate administrator, Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters; Keith Leverkuhn, vice president, Boeing Commercial Airplanes; Greg Pannone, president, Energy Division, CONTROLTEC; Christopher Singer, director, Engineering Directorate, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; and Lisa Teague, director, research & technology, Rolls-Royce Corporation.
AIAA’s new Forum 360º Program will offer Propulsion and Energy 2014 attendees a series of discussions taking a broad look at energy systems and technology in aerospace and beyond. Discussions on tap include: “A Future with Hybrid Electric Propulsion Systems—Opportunities and Challenges”; “Assuring Critical System Behavior in an Era of Increasing Complexity and Change”; “Educating the Next Generation of Propulsion Engineers—Are Changes Needed to Better Prepare the Future Workforce?”; and “Implementation and Utilization of Advanced Energy Concepts within the Department of Defense.”
A series of panels will also consider how manufacturing can evolve to meet the need of future propulsion and energy systems with discussions entitled: “Advanced Manufacturing Solutions for Propulsion & Energy Systems—The Art of the Possible”; “Advanced Manufacturing Solutions for P&E Systems—The View from Users”; and “Additive Manufacturing: A Holistic View from Education, Design, Research, and Production.”
AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2014 also will offer a series of special sessions for attendees. On July 28, a panel entitled “50th Anniversary Pioneers Session: Celebrating the Past, Influencing the Future” will celebrate 50 years of the AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference. On July 29, Alton Romig, vice president, engineering and advanced systems, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, will present the history of the Skunk Works® and its unique place in the history of aerospace. NASA Glenn Research Center will hold two panels on July 29 and 30, entitled “70 Years of Aero Propulsion Research at NASA Glenn Research Center” and “70 Years of Power and Space Propulsion at NASA Glenn Research Center,” which will celebrate the center’s history of contributions.
Another special panel, the AIAA Rising Leaders in Aerospace Forum, designed to meet the needs of young professionals in the aerospace community, will address the theme: “Where is MY Apollo Vision for the Future?” It will feature: Curtis Johnson, product group lead, Blue Origin; Michael Kynard, manager, Ares I Upper Stage Engine, Exploration Launch Projects Office, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; Robyn Ringuette, director, liquid propulsion, Virgin Galactic; Jeffery Thornburg, director of propulsion, SpaceX.
AIAA will present four awards recognizing excellence in the fields of propulsion and energy during a July 30 awards luncheon. The awards are: the Air Breathing Propulsion Award, to be presented to Ashwani Gupta, AIAA Fellow and distinguished university professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland; the Energy Systems Award, to be presented to William E. Lear, AIAA Associate Fellow and associate professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida; the Propellants and Combustion Award, to be presented to Frederick L. Dryer, AIAA Associate Fellow and professor emeritus, senior scholar, mechanical and aerospace engineering, Princeton University; and the Wyld Propulsion Award, to be presented to Roger M. Myers, AIAA Fellow and executive director, Advanced In-Space Programs, Aerojet Rocketdyne.
The executive sponsors of Propulsion and Energy 2014 are GE, NASA, and Lockheed Martin Corporation. Additional sponsors are Dunmore Corporation,IEEE, INCOSE, Jacbs,Ohio Aerospace Institute, Sierra Lobo, Southwest Research Institute, andUnited Launch Alliance. The media sponsor is SpaceNews.
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