In This Section
AIAA is the Leading Aerospace Publisher
AIAA has earned an international reputation as the preeminent publisher of cutting-edge aerospace journals and books, and as the leading source of aerospace industry archives, dating back to the early 1900s. Over the past nine decades, AIAA and its predecessor organizations have published over 300 books and almost 200,000 technical articles. AIAA’s current publications include eight technical journals, a magazine, three book series, national and international standards documents, a growing number of eBooks and other electronic products, and a full-service, interactive website. For the most authoritative technical publications, look to AIAA.
Books & eBooks
As the leading publisher in the aerospace industry, AIAA proudly offers the most comprehensive selection of aerospace titles in both print and eBook format with more than 300 titles available.
AIAA's journals are the best resource for students and professionals who want to stay current on the latest aerospace research and development. Reporting on the most important aerospace advances, AIAA‘s eight active technical journals feature original research papers spanning the spectrum of aerospace science and technology.
Meeting Papers
Every year, AIAA publishes approximately 5,000 papers from AIAA’s forums. Covering every aspect of aerospace, they represent the most important — and most complete — source of recent research results and innovative thinking in everything from engineering and science to policy and standards.
AIAA is accredited by the American National Standards Institute and manages a wide range of national aerospace standards publications and activities. Its dedication to managing industry standards allows AIAA to support the continued enhancement of aerospace industry-wide efficiency and productivity.
Video Library
Explore on-demand presentations presented by technical paper authors at AIAA events in the AIAA Video Library. These videos are an additional benefit to the event’s conference proceedings. The AIAA video library will also be the place to see archive videos from plenary and panel sessions held at upcoming AIAA events. New content will be added regularly. For more information, please contact us
Other AIAA Publications
Aerospace America
AIAA's magazine reaches nearly 25,000 aerospace professionals including every AIAA member and hundreds of engineering and aerospace libraries. It presents the latest information and analysis of industry issues and technologies.
My Daily Launch
One of the benefits of AIAA membership is access to a comprehensive aerospace industry newsletter each morning. My Daily Launch is an industry favorite delivered each weekday morning to all AIAA members. A free trial of this product is available through the AIAA e-Membership program.
Policy Papers
As the world’s largest aerospace professional society, AIAA has an important role in the national public policy debate. Toward that end, AIAA public policy papers are prepared to convey educational and informational material and may express opinions of and recommendations for action by the government (the U.S. Congress, executive branch departments/agencies, and state legislatures) to address issues of interest or concern to our members. They are a mechanism by which AIAA members contribute to crafting or influencing government solutions to problems. Policy papers are developed and approved for distribution to external audiences according to following the Policy Paper Guidelines agreed upon by the PPC.
Current Issue
The January issue of Aerospace America, is now live. Make sure to check out this month's cover story, "Can Kwaj Survive?" by Mike Gruss and Cat Hofacker. The highest point on the Kwajalein island chain, home to the Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site, is the cheekily named Mount Olympus. Rising 17.5 meters above the Pacific Ocean, it illustrates a big problem facing the U.S. defense establishment: Arguably its most vital missile, hypersonics and space surveillance venue is uniquely vulnerable to the rising seas of climate change. Is it feasible to keep Kwaj running? We spoke to two U.S. Army colonels whose mission is to make sure the answer is “yes.” Full Story
Don't miss this month's Editor's Notebook, “From Kwajalein to Mars in 40 pages,” by Aerospace America Editor-in-Chief Ben Iannotta, who writes: “I’ve never been to Kwajalein Atoll, but after reading our cover story, I feel like I have. The climate aspect of the story [page 22] made me recall that the U.S. Navy long ago realized that a new navigable sea is emerging in the Arctic. The services that rely on Kwajalein might be on the cusp of their own epiphany: that rising waters mean the outpost’s usefulness for military testing won’t be perpetual.” Full Story