Dr. Ping Lu Appointed as Editor-in-Chief of AIAA’s Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics Written 16 August 2013

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(AIAA Communications 2008–2017)
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August 16, 2013– Reston, Va. – Dr. Ping Lu has been appointed to replace Dr. George Schmidt as the editor-in-chief of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ (AIAA) Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics. Lu has served as an associate editor of the Journal since 1996. Lu, an AIAA Associate Fellow, is a professor of aerospace engineering at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.

“I am pleased to thank Dr. George Schmidt for his many years of service to the AIAA as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics and welcome Dr. Ping Lu as his successor in this capacity,” said Donald Fraser, founder of the JGCD. “As an associate editor of the Journal since 1996, Dr. Lu is very familiar with its current issues and execution and has offered an exciting plan for its continued success. I am confident that he will work tirelessly to assure the Journal maintains its applications focus—the most important issue at the time of the Journal’s creation and what has separated it from its competitors for over 30 years.”

“Lu’s aspiration to make the JGCD proverbially one of the most influential journals reflects the leadership quality we look for in an editor,” said AIAA Vice President – Publications Vigor Yang. “Dr. Lu’s energy, knowledge, and progressive thinking will continue to inspire our contributors and readers in their pursuits of excellence and accomplishment. I’d also like to thank Donald Fraser and Michael Bragg for leading the search committee, and the search committee as a whole for its work in the selection process.”

Lu’s areas of research include adaptive launch ascent guidance for space transportation systems, advanced planetary entry guidance, autonomous mission planning and guidance by convex optimization and nonlinear control with applications in aerospace systems. He has served as a principal investigator for numerous industry and government contracts and grants related to guidance and control systems. Lu is an active industry consultant, having served as a technical advisor on flight mechanics and entry guidance for Northrop Grumman Corporation, and additional projects for Barron Associates, Intelligent Automation and Schafer Corporation.

In addition to his work with the JGCD, Lu has served as an editorial board member for the Journal of Optimal Control Applications and Methods. Lu also served as a member of AIAA’s Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technical Committee from 1994 to 2001, and was treasurer of AIAA’s Iowa section from 1993 to 1998. His honors and awards include the 2008 AIAA Mechanics and Control of Flight award, as well as an AIAA Sustained Service Award.

AIAA’s JGCD is devoted to the advancement of the science and technology of guidance, control, and dynamics through the dissemination of original archival papers disclosing significant technical knowledge, exploratory developments, design criteria, and applications in aeronautics, astronautics, celestial mechanics and related fields. The Journal publishes qualified papers on dynamics, stability, guidance, control, navigation, optimization, electronics, avionics, and information processing related to aeronautical, astronautical, and marine systems.

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