2014 AIAA Congressional Visits Day Written 17 March 2014

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2014 AIAA Congressional Visits Day

Team Kansas in Hart Senate Office Building lobby. Click image for larger version

Members Advocate for Aerospace

The 17th annual Congressional Visits Day program took place on 12 March, drawing 119 AIAA members from 34 sections, representing 21 states and the District of Columbia, to Washington DC, to meet with their Congressional decision makers to discuss matters of vital importance to America’s aerospace community.

Team MidAtlantic with staff from Senator Mikulski’s office. Click image for larger version

“Congressional Visits Day 2014 was a huge success,” said AIAA Executive Director Sandra Magnus. “Over 100 members descended on Washington DC, scheduling 191 meetings with their representatives to discuss the importance of Aerospace for the country. CVD is just the first step in establishing relationships with policy makers. I look forward to hearing from everyone about the follow on activities that will be undertaken locally!”

Team Virginia with a staffer from Congressman Forbe’s office. Click image for larger version

Through 191 meetings, AIAA members highlighted the importance of aerospace to our nation’s economic prosperity and national security, reminding lawmakers that aerospace professionals contribute great things to the nation and to the communities they live in. Among some of the issues discussed where the need to address the growing threat of orbital debris; access for unmanned aerial vehicles in the national aerospace system; the development of a seamless national security policy; and assuring the viability of the U.S. aerospace and defense industrial base. Click here for a complete list of the 2014 AIAA Key Issues.

For more information about the AIAA Congressional Visits Day program, please contact Steve Sidorek at [email protected].