John P. Mayo Made Fellow of Tau Beta Pi Written 14 August 2014

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AIAA Communications

The national engineering honorary fraternity, Tau Beta Pi (TBΠ), recently installed AIAA Student Member John P. Mayo of College Station, Texas, as a Fife Fellow.

Mayo, graduated from Texas A&M University in May, and now attends the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where is pursuing a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering with an area of concentration in biomimetic robotics. According to his TBΠ biography, Mayo “plans to work for SpaceX upon graduation.” He believes that “continued innovation with space systems will progress technology and knowledge,” and that “robotic mobility is the ultimate goal for advancing space exploration through robotics.”

In addition to being a member of Texas A&M’s AIAA Student Branch, Mayo is a National Science Foundation graduate research fellow. While at Texas A&M he was active in the Society for Automotive Engineers, was the “recovery systems lead on the Texas A&M sounding rocket team, mentored middle school students in their robotics program, and co-authored an undergraduate thesis.”

The Tau Beta Pi-Fife Fellowship is honors James Fife, father of its sponsor, William Fife, California Alpha ’21. The fellowship is awarded to student members of TBΠ who demonstrate “high scholarship, strong faculty recommendations, definite extracurricular contributions, unusual promise of substantial achievement through a definite plan or purpose, and a program through which accomplishment will advance the interest of the engineering profession.”