Russel Cummings and Andreas Schuette Win AIAA 2015 International Cooperation Award Written 9 March 2015

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Russell Cummings and Andreas Schuette Win AIAA 2015 International Cooperation Award
Honored for Outstanding Leadership of an International Team Exploring Stability of Air and Sea Vehicles
March 9, 2015 – Reston, Va. – Dr. Russell Cummings, an AIAA Associate Fellow, and a professor of aeronautics at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Andreas Schuette, an AIAA Senior Member, and research engineer at the Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology at the Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR, German Aerospace Center), have won the 2015 AIAA International Cooperation Award.The award honors Cummings and Schuette’s “outstanding leadership of an international team focused on improvement of predictive capability for the stability and control of air and sea vehicles.”The research, done under the auspices of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Research and Technology Organization’s (RTO) Applied Vehicle Technology (ATV) Panel, entitled: “ATV-161 – Assessment of Stability and Control Prediction Methods for NATO Air & Sea Vehicles,” was the largest NATO research program of its kind, requiring Cummings and Schuette to lead a multinational team of 46 researchers from 14 NATO member states.

The purpose of the working group was to determine the state of the art in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for the prediction of both static and dynamic stability and control characteristics of military vehicles in the sea and air domain, especially critical to understanding aircraft moving at different speeds through the air and ships encountering unpredictable sea dynamics. By reviewing the state of the art in CFD practices, the group produced a comprehensive data set that will have a great impact on the future of vehicle design. ATV-161 was so successful that it created three other working groups to complete follow-on tasks to the initial study.

Cummings has also been particularly supportive of the development of opportunities for international students within the U.S. Air Force Academy. He has hosted at least ten students and 13 other researchers or post-doctoral students, including his co-recipient.

Cumming and Schuette also received the 2012 NATO RTO Scientific Achievement Award, which is the highest award that NATO gives for group research. Additionally, Cummings has won the 2009 Frank J. Seiler Research Award from the U.S. Air Force Academy, an AIAA 2004 Sustained Service Award, the 2002 U.S. Air Force Science and Engineering Award, and the 1994 AIAA National Faculty Advisor Award, among several other honors.

Established in 1988, the International Cooperation Award recognizes an individual/s that have made significant contributions to the initiation, organization, implementation and/or management of activities with significant U.S. involvement that includes extensive international cooperative activities in space, aeronautics, or both.

For more information about the AIAA International Cooperation Award, or the AIAA Honors and Awards program, please contact Carol Stewart at [email protected] or 703.264.7623.

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