Fifteen AIAA Members Inducted Into NASA Langley Research Center’s “Hall of Honor” Written 17 August 2015

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By Duane Hyland, AIAA Communications (2008-2017)

NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, recently inducted 15 AIAA members, eight Honorary Fellows and seven Fellows, into its newly established “Hall of Honor.” Created by NASA Langley and its alumni, the Hall’s inaugural class had nineteen members and “recognizes the center’s trailblazers in air and space flight,” according to Clayton Turner, the center’s Deputy Director.

The inductees are:

Honorary Fellows

    • Maxime Faget
    • Robert Gilruth
    • John Houbolt
    • Robert Jones
    • Christopher Kraft
    • John Stack
    • Fred Weick
  • Richard Whitcomb

    • Ira Abbott
    • John Becker
    • Eastman Jacobs
    • Eugene Love
    • Max Munk
    • John Reeder
  • W. Hewitt Phillips

“The admittance of our eight Honorary Fellows and seven Fellows into NASA Langley Research Center’s ‘Hall of Honor,’ is a fitting tribute to their work and dedication to pursuing difficult goals and making them reality, ”said Sandy Magnus, AIAA Executive Director. “AIAA Honorary Fellows and Fellows represent the best and brightest in the aerospace community, and have done much to shape the future of aerospace. These 15 inductees bear witness to that legacy and represent the best that our community can offer the world.”

The Hall will induct members again in 2017, as part of the celebrations for NASA Langley’s 100th anniversary.