Jim Albaugh to address “The Future of AIAA: Why Governance Matters to You” at AIAA SciTech 2016 Written 11 December 2015

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Jim Albaugh to address “The Future of AIAA: Why Governance Matters to You” at AIAA SciTech 2016

On Monday, 4 January, at 1730 hrs PST at AIAA SciTech 2016, Jim Albaugh will give a presentation and answer questions on the proposed changes to the Institute’s constitution recommended by the Governance Working Group and endorsed by the Board of Directors. If you are unable to attend AIAA SciTech 2016, the session will be livestreamed at http://new.livestream.com/AIAAVideo/SciTech2016. It also will be archived and the link will be sent to all members.

In March 2016, every AIAA member will be asked to vote “Yes” or “No” on the changes to the Institute’s constitution. We will need an overwhelming majority of our membership to vote “Yes” on the changes in order to propel the organization into the future. The changes will facilitate the new governance structure that is essential to position the Institute to be an adaptable, nimble, and proactive organization: shaping the future of aerospace for the next 50 years and beyond. This is an event no Institute member should miss, and we strongly encourage you to attend, or watch online, and learn why this is vital to your membership organization.

For more details and background on the governance changes, visit: aiaa.org/governance.