AIAA Foundation Seeks Judges for International Student Conference Written 3 January 2018

In This Section

Onsite (Presentation) Judges at the AIAA SciTech Forum

This year’s AIAA Foundation International Student Conference is sponsored by
The Boeing Company.  Sessions will begin immediately following the Opening Plenary on Monday, 8 January 2018. Presentation judges are needed. The judges will review the students’ ability to present their paper to the audience. Students are judged on the following: Technical Content, Originality, Practical Application, Knowledge of Subject, and Delivery.

The schedule and room information for the sessions is below.

  • 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. – International Student Conference – Undergraduate Category – Osceola B room (ONE Additional Judge Needed)
  • 9:30 a.m.–11:30 p.m. – International Student Conference – Masters Category – St. George #104 room (TWO Judges Needed)
  • 9:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. – International Student Conference – Team Category – St. George #114 room (TWO Judges Needed)

If you are interested in being an onsite presentation judge, please contact Shelly Corbets, chair of the International Student Conference, with what session you may prefer, keeping in mind that you would need to judge the entire session.

Contact Shelly Corbets

Online (Technical) Judges

A second set of judges are needed to review papers online for their technical content. These judges do not need to attend the AIAA SciTech Forum as the scoring is done

To Become a Technical, On-Line Judge:

  1. Create an account at: .  It is an easy process!If you were a technical on-line judge for any of the region or international competitions in the past, just log in with your old credentials.
  2. Once your account is set up, select the Judging Application link almost all way down on the left hand side of the web page.  If you can answer “yes”; to all of the questions, you qualify to be a judge!
  3. Use the access code: 2018AIAAISC to sign up.  Then, wait just a few minutes for your application to complete.
  4. Once your application is complete, the bottom of  the left side menu bar will have two new labels “Scoring Standards” and “Review Papers”.

More Information About Judging

Scoring rubric is displayed when you click on “Scoring Standards.”

Under “Review Papers” you will see the titles and category of all the papers that have been advanced to the International Student Conference from the 2017 Regional Competitions.

The technical papers are listed by the competition category which includes “Masters” (5 papers), “Team” (6 papers), “Undergraduate” (8 papers).  Please try to read at least 3 papers in one category (Undergrad, Masters, Team), so that a variation in the grades you provide will affect the total scores within the same category evenly.

Your anonymous comments will be available to the on-site competition judges to assist in making a final decision when combining presentation and paper scores.  Your comments will also be available to the students after the conference to help them improve the content and writing style of their future papers.

You need NOT be a subject matter expert to review the papers – the students should be able to present their research in a way that you, as an aerospace professional, can read and comprehend.

Also, if you plan to be a presentation judge onsite at the conference, you should not judge papers as well.

Please complete judging of papers by 2359 hrs on Saturday, 6 January 2018.