Canadian Authorities Review Safety Case for Challenger Jet Written 29 September 2022

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Canadian Authorities Review Safety Case for Challenger Jet

A Challenger 604 aircraft. | Credit: Maarten Visser; Wikipedia; CC BY-SA 2.0

FlightGlobal reports that “Canadian authorities are reviewing the safety case for the Bombardier Challenger 600 business jet, after an uncommanded flap-extension incident highlighted a potential increase in the risk of a serious accident.” The incident happened aboard a Challenger 604, which experienced the uncommanded flap-extension deployment on August 10 departing Farnborough airport in the UK. “It was travelling at 296kt as the flaps extended to 20° – some 65kt above the maximum speed limit for the configuration – and, as the aircraft decelerated to 234kt, the flaps continued to extend to 45°, for which the speed limit was 189kt.” The flight crew were able to return to Farnborough and landed the aircraft safely. The flight-data recorder showed the flaps had been retracting at half the normal speed on each wing. Officials haven’t yet figured out the reason for the uncommanded flap extension.
Full Story (FlightGlobal – Subscription publication)