United Airlines Aiming to Fly Electric Planes by 2030 Written 7 October 2022

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United Airlines Aiming to Fly Electric Planes by 2030

Rendering of ES-19 aircraft in United Express livery. |  Credit: Heart Aerospace; Wikipedia; CC BY-SA 4.0

CNBC reports that as United Airlines aims for net zero by 2050, it looks to fly electric planes on regional routes by 2030. The battery-powered aircraft are under development by “Swedish start-up Heart Aerospace,” and United ordered 100 of them in 2021 as well as making an undisclosed investment in the company. United Airlines Ventures President Mike Leskinen said, “We cannot continue doing and operating our business the way we do; it is imperative that we change it, and the way we’re going to change it is through investing in technology. Existing technology is going to either cause us to fly less, which is an unacceptable alternative, or continue with a carbon footprint, which we believe is equally unacceptable.”
Full Story (CNBC)