FAA Will Add Powered-Lift Aircraft to Air Carrier Category Written 23 November 2022

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FAA Will Add Powered-Lift Aircraft to Air Carrier Category

Archer Aviation is among the electric aircraft companies developing aircraft that would fall under FAA’s powered-lift category. | Credit: Archer Aviation; Aerospace America–©

BBC News reports that the FAA said on Monday that “it was proposing to expand its definition of the machines it considered air carriers from airplanes and helicopters, adding ‘powered lift’ to the list.” This is a big step forward in the regulation clearance for commercial air taxis, but the rules “now face a period of public comment before they can go into effect.” The agency also “said it expected to publish proposed rules for operating such aircraft in summer 2023. Those rules will outline in more detail the criteria that firms will need to meet to license pilots and launch their operations.”
BBC News (BBC News)