Space Florida Will Continue to Enjoy Explosive Growth in Years to Come Written 17 January 2023

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Space Florida Will Continue to Enjoy Explosive Growth in Years to Come

A SpaceX Falcon Heavy at Launch Complex 39A, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.. | Credit: Jared Krahn; NASA

The Orlando (FL) Sentinel reported that Florida’s burgeoning aerospace industry “will grow at a juggernaut pace in the coming years, adding more jobs and other financial benefits to the state, according to the agency whose job it is to attract such enterprises.” Frank DiBello, President and CEO of Space Florida, which is Florida’s aerospace economic development agency, said in a quarterly call with reporters, “We expect in the next five years to be making an economic impact on average of over a billion dollars a year to the state’s economy.” About 6,000 jobs “across 15 companies were added to the economy in 2022, including at least some of announced workforce additions of 250 jobs by OneWeb Satellites, 1,800 from Northrop Grumman, 52 from SIMCOM Aviation and an undisclosed number of new employees at SpaceX and other companies.” With 150 projects “across an array of space-related industries in the works, DiBello said 2023 should see many more new jobs in the years ahead, noting that the state used to reach agreement on about six to eight projects, in general, a year.”
Full Story (Orlando Sentinel)