AIAA Charters New Section in Melbourne, Australia Written 26 January 2023

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AIAA Charters New Section in Melbourne, Australia

AIAA Executive Director Dan Dumbacher visits with members of Melbourne, Australia’s new AIAA section at the 2023 AIAA SciTech Forum in National Harbor, MD, January 25, 2023. | Credit: AIAA–©


January 26, 2023 – National Harbor, Maryland – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is pleased to announce it has chartered a new section in Melbourne, Australia. The AIAA Council of Directors approved the addition at its meeting during the 2023 AIAA SciTech Forum in National Harbor, Maryland. The Melbourne Section is located in AIAA Region VII and includes AIAA members living in Victoria and Tasmania. This new section joins the Sydney and Adelaide Sections in Australia.

The addition of this new section brings the global total of AIAA sections to 57, in seven regions. Sections are led by AIAA members who volunteer to organize and offer technical programs, networking, educational opportunities, and other activities tailored to local aerospace professionals, students, and educators.

“We are thrilled to welcome the Melbourne Section to AIAA! Chartering a new AIAA section is an effort led by local AIAA members stepping up as leaders to create events and activities to serve their local membership and provide value to the aerospace community in their area. We look forward to seeing how this section continues shaping the future of aerospace,” said AIAA Executive Director Dan Dumbacher.

Media Contact: Rebecca B. Gray, [email protected], 804-397-5270 cell

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The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is the world’s largest aerospace technical society. With nearly 30,000 individual members from 91 countries, and 100 corporate members, AIAA brings together industry, academia, and government to advance engineering and science in aviation, space, and defense. For more information, visit, or follow AIAA on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.