Schiphol Airport to Ban Private Jets, Small Business Aircraft Beginning in 2025 Written 7 April 2023
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Schiphol Tower | Credit: Ikreis; Wikipedia; CC BY-SA 4.0
Aviation International News reports that Amsterdam Schiphol Airport “intends to ban private jets and small business aircraft starting in 2025 as part of a wider strategy to introduce a system that focuses on the structural reduction of noise and carbon dioxide (COs) emissions in line with the Paris climate agreement.” A statement from the airport said that business aviation flights and private jets cause a “disproportionate amount of noise nuisance and CO2 emissions per passenger,” and added that the business flights produce approximately 20 times more carbon than commercial flights. The airports greener guidelines “also includes a ban on night flights and nixes a project for an additional runway,” with police and ambulance flights allowed.
Full Story (Aviation International News)