NASA Solicits Ideas for Artemis III Landing Experiments Written 29 June 2023
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The Orion pressure vessel for NASA’s Artemis III mission is moved into the high bay of the Neil A. Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. | Credit: NASA
SPACE reports that NASA is “soliciting the scientific community for ideas about instruments and experiments that could accompany Artemis 3 astronauts on their mission to the moon.” The agency specified “that it was looking for experiments that take advantage of the unique location of the Artemis 3 landing, which will be within 6 degrees latitude of the moon’s south pole.” Many of the proposed landing sites “around the lunar south pole are among the oldest sites on the moon, including occluded ‘shadow’ regions that the sun’s light hasn’t reached in billions of years.” With the potential for “ancient water ice and other accessible ‘volatiles’ in the craters around the south pole, NASA is especially keen on getting scientific experiments that seek to probe these useful materials.”
Full Story (SPACE)