AAM to Take on Bigger Role in Oshkosh Written 27 July 2023

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AAM to Take on Bigger Role in Oshkosh

A remote pilot on the ground flew Wisk’s Cora demonstrator on Tuesday at the EAA AirVenture airshow in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. There was no one aboard the aircraft. | Credit: Wisk; Aerospace America–©

Aerospace America reports that crowds at the Experimental Aircraft Association’s annual AirVenture show “sweltered in the heat and breathed in air hazy with smoke from Canadian wildfires on Tuesday, but for most it was worth it to glimpse what could be the future: an emissionless aircraft in flight.” A remote pilot for Wisk “flew the company’s bright yellow, all-electric Cora aircraft with no one on board.” It was the first public “flight of the electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, or eVTOL. For the Experimental Aircraft Association, the flight also marked the first flight by a remotely piloted aircraft designed for passengers in the show’s 70-year history (Cora can seat two passengers).” The presence of Wisk and several other eVTOL companies “prompted EAA CEO Jack Pelton to declare that advanced air mobility aircraft will have a growing presence at AirVenture.” Pelton said at a press conference, “I think this will be kind of a landmark year. We’re going to start moving in that [AAM] direction, as these companies get closer and closer to certification. A lot of them are saying 2024 or 2025 for when they will be certified.”
Full Story (Aerospace America)