All V-22 Ospreys Grounded After Investigation into Crash Finds Possible Materiel Failure Written 7 December 2023

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All V-22 Ospreys Grounded After Investigation into Crash Finds Possible Materiel Failure

A V-22 in a compact storage configuration. | Lt. Col. Kevin Gross, USMC; Wikipedia; Public Domain

ExecutiveGov reports that the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) “is working with the U.S. Marine Corps to improve the V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft’s survivability and establish its assault-support elements in high-threat situations, National Defense Magazine reported Wednesday.” Col. Matthew Kelly, head of the Department of Defense’s joint V-22 program, “noted that his office is also looking into implementing helmet-mounted visualization technologies for the MV-22 variant for missions in degraded environments.” According to Kelly, “the V-22 production line will accommodate additional orders through fiscal 2023. The governments of Indonesia and Israel are also looking to procure V-22s, he added.”
Full Story (ExecutiveGov)