DARPA Announces 6 New Designs for Uncrewed VTOL Military Aircraft Written 12 June 2024

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DARPA Announces 6 New Designs for Uncrewed VTOL Military Aircraft

AdvaNced airCraft Infrastructure-Less Launch And RecoverY (ANCILLARY) | Credit: DARPAtv; YouTube Framegrab

SPACE reports, “The U.S. military could soon have new uncrewed aircraft that carry weapons and take off and land vertically. The vehicles could undergo test flights as early as 2026. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has announced it is moving into a new testing phase for proposed experimental aircraft in which designs will be assessed for risk and analyzed for efficiency.”
Full Story (SPACE)



DARPA’s AdvaNced airCraft Infrastructure-Less Launch And RecoverY X-Plane program
(DARPAtv; YouTube)