Rhiannan Price Director, Sustainable Development Practice Maxar Technologies
AIAA SciTech Forum 2020

Rhiannan Price leads the Sustainable Development Practice at Maxar Technologies and collaborates with public and private sector partners across the development and humanitarian spectrum. She focuses on accelerating use of our space-based technology in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Rhiannan also serves on the Applied Sciences Advisory Committee for NASA, The Chicago Council’s Global Task Force on Food Security, and the Technology Advisory Board for the Office of the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court. Prior to joining Maxar, Rhiannan worked at a small tech firm specializing in international agriculture and served in the Peace Corps. She has lived in Uganda, Tanzania, and Dominica and speaks four languages. Rhiannan has a Masters in International Human Rights from the Korbel School at University of Denver where she was a Boren Fellow.