Computational Aeroacoustics – Methods and Applications


This course examines the computational issues that are unique to aeroacoustics. Course materials consist of three parts: (a) Introduction; (b) CAA Methods; and (c) Applications. The purpose of the introduction is to provide a brief review of the field of aeroacoustics, including current issues and problem areas (10% of the course). CAA methods form the main component of the course (70%). A number of applications are discussed to illustrate how CAA methods are used in realistic and practical problems (20%). CAA problems are, by definition, time dependent and usually contain high frequency components. Because of the nature of sound one would like to be able to compute CAA problems with as few number of mesh points per wavelength as possible. These characteristics of CAA problems are very different from fluid flow problems. Thus specially developed CAA methods are needed. The students are introduced to these methods.

Key Topics:

  • Computational issues unique to aeroacoustics
  • Optimized dispersion-relation-preserving marching algorithms with minimal numerical dispersion and dissipation
  • Radiation, inflow, outflow and wall numerical boundary conditions
  • Artificial selective damping; choice of damping stencils and mesh Reynolds number
  • Nonlinear wave propagation, shock capturing and multi-scale aeroacoustics problems
  • Examples of applications to aircraft, automobile and flow noise problems
  • Click below for full outline

Who Should Attend:

Acoustic engineers, faculty members, and graduate students interested in aeroacoustics and computational methods should attend this course. This course would also be of great value to those with experience in CFD but who wish to do acoustics and flow noise problems.

Course Information:

Type of Course: Instructor-Led Short Course
Course Length: 2 days
AIAA CEU’s available: Yes


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