eVTOL Developer Lilium Powers on its First In-production Jet Written 2 October 2024

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eVTOL Developer Lilium Powers on its First In-production Jet

Lilium static demonstrator. | Credit: Matti Blume; Wikipedia; CC BY-SA

Aerotime reports, “In a significant milestone the electric vehicle takeoff and landing (eVTOL) developer Lilium has successfully powered on its first in-production Lilium Jet. The first Lilium Jet, MSN 1, will be used exclusively for ground testing to confirm safety for the first piloted flight scheduled for early 2025 with MSN 2, which itself is currently in final assembly. This power-on test “confirms that the aircraft is being built in accordance with Lilium’s platform design and the flight systems are functioning correctly,” the developer said on October 1, 2024.”
Full Story (Aerotime)