Jeffrey Slotnick Technical Fellow, Flight Sciences Boeing Commercial Airplanes
AIAA SciTech Forum 2020

Jeffrey Slotnick is a Boeing Technical Fellow with over 30 years of experience in the areas of CFD and applied aerodynamics, with particular emphasis in the application of the OVERFLOW overset grid flow solver (and related tools) to complex aerospace air and space vehicle platforms. He has been a champion of internal CFD process development and automation, while leveraging long-term external collaborations with government, academic, and industry groups to infuse advanced CFD technology into Boeing. He is the lead author on the NASA-sponsored CFD Vision 2030 study report.
Over his career, Jeff has made significant contributions in CFD modeling of Space Shuttle launch vehicle ascent aerodynamics, commercial airplane (787-9, 747-8) low-speed (high-lift) numerical simulation, air-breathing propulsion effects, development of wake vortex simulation capability, and concept development and verification of transport aircraft formation flight.
Jeff is currently involved with efforts to optimize airplane flight testing for certification using modeling and simulation methods, and manages several research projects aimed at maturing key CFD technologies to predict aerodynamic characteristics at the edges of the flight envelope. To this end, he is heavily involved in the development and testing of several CFD validation experiments through collaborations with the academic and government partners to collect critical datasets to help assess and improve flow
physics modeling.
Jeff graduated with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1986.