Forum 360: Achieving Sustainable Aviation 6 January 2020 0930 - 1130
Not that long ago, “Green Aviation” and minimizing the environmental impact of aviation was an aspirational goal, but today it is a goal for survival. The global aviation community has been proactively collaborating to set industry-wide goals and targets to reduce aircraft emissions, but will it be enough to sustain the industry as new entrants and worldwide demand drive exponential growth? Many think it is not enough and that the industry needs need to be much more aggressive. This panel will take a systems-thinking approach across the aircraft lifecycle to focus on compressing the design cycle, optimizing operations, maximizing energy savings, and accelerating the development and commercialization of new and promising technologies.
Graham Warwick
Executive Editor, Technology, Aviation Week
Jeanne Yu
Senior Technologist, Sky for All Chief Strategist, NASA Aeronautics -
Michael Winter
Senior Fellow, Advanced Technology, Pratt & Whitney -
Brian German
National Institute of Aerospace Langley Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology -
Thomas Zill
Head, Air Vehicle Concepts, Institute for System Architectures in Aeronautics -
James Hileman
VP and Chief Engineer for Sustainability & Future Mobility, The Boeing Company