US Capitol building


An Advocate for Aerospace

AIAA leads the way on issue advocacy that impacts the Aerospace sector. The Institute delivers extensive technical expertise and policy guidance to decision makers at the federal and state levels, serving as a reliable resource on a full spectrum of aerospace issues including:

  • Cybersecurity threats
  • FAA Certification
  • Hypersonic vehicle technologies
  • Investments in R&D
  • Satellite launch systems and technology
  • Space Traffic Management
  • STEM education and workforce enhancement
  • Strategic missile defense programs

A Resource for Elected Officials

Since 1972, AIAA has contributed extensive technical expertise and policy guidance to Congress, the Executive Branch, and state houses around the country. AIAA can provide:

  • One-on-one meetings between technical experts and lawmakers to provide background on key aerospace issues
  • Informational seminars on key issues for groups
  • Expert testimony before lawmakers
  • White papers on specific aerospace topics

For assistance in finding subject matter experts on aerospace-related issues, contact: 

AIAA Customer Service 

Capitol Hill, 2017